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Tuesday, October 25, 2005


Good News!

I worked a saturday the day before I left for AMT and now I get Two half days off!
That measn I get to sleep in TWICE during the work week. Its sad how excited this makes me...but I am. The monday and the wednesday after I get back from Land Survival (SERE), so I will have some time to recoup all the lack of sleep I will be getting.

Its what the army is all about, being cold and tired. That's why I like being carol so much, she's always cold. I'm sure I'm going to pay for that.

So the big day is a coming and I have yet to find my priest outfit. I am going to get a white collar, which I know I can get from Shirly potters and I'm gonna see If I can baptise a black shirt of mine and make it holy (not holey). I'm aquiring an offical black leather bound red paged bible, but I'll have to make sure it doesn't burn my hands when I touch it. I was thinking I'd give people holy water all night, wouldn't that be fitting?

Hope everyone is having a spooky week!

Saturday, October 22, 2005



Party at my place.

Bring stuff. Party games, but like pin the tail on the donkey or something.

If you would like to stay over thats fine but youll have to bring your own stuff, as I only have so much.

its the 29th, if you got lost last time, 125st and 104 ave. come in on 104ave not on Jasper

If you turn onto Jasper and you get lost, too bad, I won't be sad for you

moving on. halloween theme, so dress up. If you don't dress up the hosts will be sad.

Very sad, so sad we'll torture you all night.

I havn't got a good torture in...well forever.

Any fighting or name calling, other than good naturedly, will cause SHIFT JUSTICE. I'll let you figure out what that means.

And for the Love of God, please don't get sick on my floor. Lord know my roomate wouldn't know how to mop properly if his pee-pee depended on it, so I 'll get stuck with it. From what local humInt is telling me is that I am Loved by all, so I'm sure noone would want me to do that...right?

Thanks, and hope to see you there. I havn't done any drinking in a while, and I plan to dip into the house warming stocks

confidential to "She who bought me my Civi": Hang in there, I will always love you, please come to my party. If you can't make it, we have to hang out, maybe at Kims Bps? whenever you have time or whatever, no rush, Im here all year :) I promise to keep the conversation light and soley on things I have no clue about (ex: cars, driving, transmissions, squeege [sic?], etc). I miss that most about you, you never treated me like the proper idiot that I am. Whenever youd like I can drive somewhere and the civis can chat whilst we chat :)

Friday, October 21, 2005


Wow do I not miss school.

So my week long course is over. After hours and hours of powerpoint and intermediate study on the commercail breats of BRAND NEW CSI (who am I kidding, I also watched the re-runs as well. Canned CSI is still good for you, is just a little less satisfying. Nothing beats CSI fresh out of the oven) I managed to pass AeroMedical Training(AMT).

It was such a hard exam as well, hell the boys who didn't make it back to barracks till AFTER 4am this morning ONLY got 80%.

I was up late watching TV as well. I enjoyed being able to sleepin half way through morning (7:25, which is actually more than half way through morning), so I celebrated by staying up late. Like 1am late. What was I watching, I will give you a hint: Showcase. I was watching "the L word", it may stand for Love, it may even stand for Lust, but it more than likely stands for Lesbians.

That's right, a show dedicated to gay women and how they survive in L.As rough and tumble environment. I never get to watch it as I'm either never home or have to get up too friggin early (6:30), so I indulged. It's a hard hitting drama, very high brow...and girls likely totally make-out and stuff.

Moving on. What has AMT taught me. That my study skills have atrophed after little less than 6 months. I could not will myself to study more than an hour without the TV on. I still got 2nd highest in the class (96%) but thats still unacceptable. I've decided I will have to maintain my Study Habits through military correspondence courses. Some of you...actually probably none of you...anyway...remember that I was to go on a 2 month OPME (officer....something (professional?) management (?) Education (I think?)) in Glorious St. Jean. That fell through so I will have to send a request in to get them via "da mail". I believe you can also do them online or something...I'm not sure. I'll have to figure that out once I get back to work (the entire week and a bit I have before jet setting back to Winnipeg for another course, these are Your tax dollars at work people. I'm rather enjoying the free cookies and pop the airline provides).

That being said I will have this Awful thing called "homework" that some of you may be familar with. I believe we had "homework" when I was in school, I'm repressing that unfortunate period in my life (totalling no less than 18 years), so I'm not entirely sure. Just in case I provide a brief example. Instead of going to class and doing your ork, the teacher "assigns" this work and you trundle off and do it at home. Hence the name "homework". Funny thing, I will actually be doing these essays and reports AT work...so really it will be "work work". Maddening bussiness, I assure you. Of course I would imagine today's university student is too busy with pedicures and going to the country club for a round of golf to be bothered with this strange concept of ""homework", or in my case "workwork". I only bring it up because over the next few months I will be complaining about my "workwork", I wanted to make sure you were up to speed on this wretched concept.

Otherwise, I will be home tomorrow and my phone is quite dead. The recharger in at the Office so I will be incommunicato all weekend. I may just SHOW UP at your house and pester you for hours only to leave as abruptly as I entered.

You have been warned

Saturday, October 15, 2005


You could be my squeeze toy! (apply within)

90's pop, I can't get enough of it

boomtang boys and ace of base, dispatching can be so much fun sometimes.

so I've been up since 630 this morning and we're going into 15th of being awake and semi conscious, only 4ish left to go. Doesn't seem like a lot, but I was le tired when I started.

I will try to write in this thing as much as possible

I love you all

especially you, yes you know who you are. *winks*

Tuesday, October 11, 2005


Going To Winnipeg...again

Everyone, by now, should know that I am heading to Winnipeg for a Week this coming Sunday. I am not really looking forward to it, but it will be fun in the sense that learning my trade should always be fun.

What I just found out, I'm going to Winnipeg for a second reason. BSERE (Basic Survival Evasion Resistance Escape) heretoforknown as "Freeze your ass off" course.
I will be attending from the first of November to the 9th. I will be cold.

Thankfully, I didn't get the January course...which would have REALLY been cold. so instead of losing a few toes, I'll only be Carol Chilled the entire time. I guess I'll learn how the other half lives, oy vey.

So pray for my extremities, lord knows I will.

Halloween party is still a go, and a quick costume update: Carol has purchased a blouse (which she can not button up the top three buttons) and a skirt...a very short one. No updates thus far on my costume but I plan on making a trip sometime on friday or saturday.

End of English Text.

Saturday, October 08, 2005


the 29th!

Halloween party is on, infact, the 29th!

I was confused, SO confused. The 28th is the howler, which our little Gorge is attending.

So the Halloween BASH is on the 29th!

I wonder if anyone will get this in time...

Thursday, October 06, 2005


I've always wanted to Join the Clergy

For Halloween, I've decided, I'm going to be a Catholic Priest. The name of the shirt I will be purchasing is called a "Tab Collar Short-sleeved Clergy Shirt", kind of like the every day wear for priests.

Shouldn't be too hard to find at a costume place, I hope, and I will be purchasing costumes wear (hopefully) on the 14th (yay payday). Anyone wanting to attend the costume hunting is more than welcome. We're going to wested on a friday night, so expect a crowd gongshow.

The only catch, so far, is getting Carol to go along with what she wanted to be for Halloween. She thinks a Catholic school girl outfit gets too whorish. I don't think so at all. So try to instill in her the idea that my costume loses some of its potency without her companion costume. So next time you see her, encourage her to get that plaid skirt we all know she'd look fabulous in.

the party is offically at my place. I know some folk like to decorate for halloween, and by all means come by and do so. Orange and Black streams, bowls of halloween candy, freaky stuffed crows, whatever.

I say have at it, don't worry about gorge either, he doesn't get a vote. I have ALOT of alcohol from the house warming party, so please come thirsty.

Been a pretty slow week work wise, that should change come late october when we start getting the word out to Highschools about ROTP and all the wonders the military can give you.

Quick question: would anyone be interested in Cutesy party games for Halloween? bobbing for apples and all that stuff. We can always spike the apple water if we need too.

Monday, October 03, 2005



The following post is going to be mushy. Very mushy, we are talking sappy sappy.

It was Carol and mine's First Anniversary. I say first because I want there to be more, many more.

It just so happens that I love her. No really, like Love love. Not kinda, not sorta, but LOVE.

Seriously, the girl is swell, awesome, fantastic, and other things I shall refrain from mentioning (Kids show and all that). I havn't had a 12 month stretch that went so well before. Carol was the best thing for me, she was sappiest strong willed and independent girl out there. I needed that, I needed romance and passion without clinginess and suffication. She totally hones my chi. She is everything I wanted in a girl, mentally and emotionally. Lets face it, shes a hottie too...mm mm mm. She's an excellent cook and she loves my quirky ways, how could I not be totally devoted to her. I love you sweet heart, I hope you know that.

Work got busy, so I can not go on and on about her (which I love doing, SWOON), but I will finish with this.

Thank you Sweet Pea, heres to many more.


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