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Saturday, January 28, 2006


Another Saturday at the Track

and by Track I mean, Dispatch.

No one likes the saturdays and I can see why.

I'm leaving in August. Carly complains I say important stuff at the end. Well this is at the start.

I'm leaving for Moose Jaw August 8th. This is fact, not tentative, a simple and true fact.

I'm scared. I'm always scared, ask Kim how bad I got before I went off to Ontario for Pilot Selection.

for those of you not in the know. Moose jaw is another pass or fail course. Pass and I go on. Fail and I will never be a pilot.

Do not pass go, Do not collect 200dollars. There is no other type in pilot training. We expect the best and we get it. Stress is there are an informative guide on the pilot. If you can't handle stress in a perfectly safe environment, soft bed, and three meals a day, how in the hell can you fight a war with no sleep and little food?

that's the theory. I think its a good one. The more you sweat in training the less you bleed in overseas. Yes I will be going overseas, and yes, the places will be dangerous. I won't be scared when I go overseas.

Mostly because they get all the fear out of you during training. You run drill time and time again until its second nature.

So this is why Im scared before but never after training. This is the job I've wanted to do all my life, and it makes up who I am. Anything less than this will be disappointment, however small.

So here I sit, Happy Sad to be leaving, Scared elated to be continuing.

I've wanted this for so long, I would feel odd to not have the fear in my belly. Fear is an excellent motivator, and luckily I don't panic freeze too often.

I want to go to Vegas sometime in early may, who would want to come?

Thursday, January 19, 2006


So you Can Be Free, Baby.

So I havn't blogged in a bit...a long bit, not the female bit, those are silly.

What was I talking about again?

So I got back from a working vaction up in Kanasaskis(spelling?) Which means, half days of working and all night drinking. Apparently I got a little tipsy, and was seen in the bar till 2am, talking about...well I don't remember. I do remember my alarm going off a few hours later for lectures.

I love the miltary, everytime I go drinking with them I get drunk. Which is fun for me, because these days I hardly ever drink. As much fun as never drinking is, I go also like getting my drink on. Not to say I have a drinking problem, I have a drinking solution: do it more often.

I also had a chance to go snowboarding, and I made it down the hill exactly once. I don't know how to switch edges, so I was on one edge the whole way down, and quickly tired myself. I want to go back to skiing but Im not quiter! I wanted to go snowboarding, but things keep coming up, like broncitis.

I loathe how inept my immune system is. With my genetical type knowledge, I know how close we are to dying at any given point over some random mutution in the bum, but dammit, can't we figure out little Viruses? Their DNA is what 5Kb at most?
Imin kids should get their asses in gear and start solving diseases.

Cancer is way harder and we got some of that shit already sorted out. Mind you most of the test subjects are dying these days, but isn't death a cure for cancer? Atleast Gene therapy gets results!

Go Cancer!

So to all you MMI and Imin kids out there, figure out diseases already, you're killing me...or rather you're making my life annoying.

Went to the peelers and saw "Miss Nude 2005", she was very athletic, but it begs the question. How does one figure out they are good at pole dancing? Do you wake up one day and aspire to it? Do you like 10 years of gymnastics and figure, hey, I could make WAY more money if I take me clothes off!

Regardless, it was cheapish and I fit 4 people the back seat of my little civic, much fun for me. That's one of the few perks of being the driver, you always have elbow room.

So kiddies give me a call sometime and we can get together and make with the merry. I obviously don't have a problem drinking of work nights anymore, go Alcoholism!

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