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Saturday, March 11, 2006


Training Dispatcher

So I passed the test. My first DIT? Carol! I figure she wasn't quite up to snuff so I will have to talk to her later...


Otherwise, work sucks, you know, you left me roses by the stairs...moving on.

What happened the Month of Feburary, I went on the ski trip. That was weeks ago now, but it was fun. Fun off the hill atleast, Golden is not for beginners. No one bothered to tell me, they told me to give them money. Bastards.

I wanted to snowboard more, but its too expensive for how useful it is to me. Which is not at all. So instead of snowboarding I will Fly planes. I got a 4000 dollar loan, which sits in my wallet as we speak. Flying is REALLY REALLY expensive. You could buy a season lift pass and a brand new board in what I could blow on flying in a WEEKEND. Hookers cost less, but carry more diseases.

Its the eternal trade off I guess.

I will prolly start flying in April, when I can take a few days off here and there to get trained up properly. I also want to start gliding again. Start acting like a pilot and not just say Im one. It'l be new!

Chinese food, its good. You always feel way too full afterwards, but it still tastes so good. After steak I never feel this full, is it a the MSG,I don't know.

Got my first Oil Change, that was exciting, not really. I'm just glad it was free, april is going to be an annoying month for car. New Driver's licence and new plates, BLAH.

Good news? Going to the OLP Concert, can you see how my life is in karmic balance? I'm completely Feng shi'd, you have no idea. If you moved a new couch into my life, I would be screwed. The beautiful women in my life got me my OLP tickets. There will be seven of us going, so much fun. I've never been to a concert at Rexall...or any of its other names. Should be good, that is, unless its not at rexall and Im thinking of some other concert there. I am going to the OLP one, regardless.

So march is going to be a weighting/waiting month with April being a happy fun time for me. Why you might ask? Well I won't have to write finals for the second time in a row, I'm thinking of even pushing it to three and I can't forsee that changing on the 4th. Being a convocated student leaves me further in Balance. Im not stressed out about school or anything foolish like that anymore. I can be the helping hand for anyone who needs it in these trying months, goodness knows I won't have to study.

I know, Im a bastard.

Turning 24 next month, Im not sure how I feel about that.

thinking of losing some money tomorrow, at poker. Its starts earlier now, so I dont stay up as late, and its still 20 dollars. Steve took me out last time, my two pair couldnt hold up to his three of a kind. Most annoying. You can't keep calling all in and expect to stay in, last time it took me three times to get kicked out.

given a shout out to battlestar Gallatica, its so good. If you havn't seen it/heart about it, PBBTTT.

Infact I might just watch BSG with carol on sunday night, it would save me 20 dollars. I could spend that 20 dollars on anything, even purple hair dye.

Wouldn't that tickle my superiors? I bet they'd love me with purple hair.

It a coin flip.

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