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Sunday, June 11, 2006



To start this story, I am glad a few things happened. I also wish that a few things had not to have happened.

Firstly, no camping trip, and thats okay. It rained like crazy, and instead Carol and I have lunch at Lamont.

During the week, my father was very ill. He started getting a little sick on friday night, with wednesday cumminating to me driving him to the hospital. He stayed until Friday afternoon, where he is at home, doing much better.

Its a good thing I had leave, because my mom could not have taken time off work to help my dad, nor did she have the biological background to understand what they were doing to him.

My father's body was doing two very foolish things, it was building up too much clotting factors (after having far too LITTLE clotting factors, having done the 180 in about 16 hours) and it was also bleeding. To my knowledge the doctors do not know how or where my father was bleeding, only that he has stopped (for the mean time). If my father had continued to bleed, they would not have been able to treat the clotting issues (blood thinner + bleeding internally = death/very very unhappy) and he would/could have developed an embolus and perhaps died, or lost an organ. Thankfully his bleeding stopped and they put him on heperin (blood thinners) straight away.

I donated blood just on friday, and my father and I share blood types, I've never wanted to give blood again so much in my entire life. They gave him 3 units over the course of two days, I have only donated 13 times in my life. Stark realizations when a family member gets ill, so much fun.

He was admitted to the hospital just last month, where before it was every 6. I leave in less than 2 months. How in the hell can I help my parents if Im stuck in moose jaw doing the hardest course in my entire life.

I have to tell them if my immediate family is sick, and I may have the option to not go on this course. It may also mean I wouldnt be flying for another...3 months? 6 months? Talk about conflicted, I don't know what I'm going to do yet, I will ensure my dad is taken care of though, somehow.

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