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Thursday, March 24, 2005


Blink 182

I'm on my own and there's something wrong, and I know its very late and its yesterday.

guess what!? I'm dispatching Again, ACTUALLY, its hours before my next shift, but I live on Campus.

My Own Bed?Computer?

I Need them not! I will be home this weekend, hopefully! I have LOTS of homework to get a boogy on. I printed off the wrong article to read (thank god I only read about 6 pages out of 22 of it) but now I have the right one and all is right with the world :)

thanks for reading my Blog, I know you care! We are SO on for the 6th, its gonna be GREAT, gonna study a bunch and read and eat...um...doughnuts? Coffee?

Do we eat coffee? no we drink it, thats right.

Quick Questions, for my Creative Essay in 418. How long till a home pregnancy test can be taken to show positive results? is it 2 weeks along? a month? I want to keep the facts straight for the AWESOME power that will be my Essay. Does anyone know anything about docctors without borders? Like how do you get in, and how long do the "shifts" last, oh and do they happen in the Congo?

I'm sure I'll have more questions as I go along!


Actually a good idea would be to post updates to my story as I go along, that way you all can be a part of the creative process, well you won't see the heavy bribing involved but I assure you I will keep you up to date as much as possible.

got my Essay back for history, I did really well on it, so I finally did well on an Arts Essay. Its the first time in university, and let me tell you, it cost a BUNDLE. Seriously though, apparently I can write acedemia papers now. I thought Genet408 was a blip that the teacher marked me easy or something...maybe I can write? Maybe I'm a real boy after all!

well enough blogging for now.

Would you hate me forever if I changed the study day? I really hate work right now.
Hating you is like Hating GoldFish, it simply Can't be done!

I'm talking about the actual Fish, not the dehydrogenated Cheese-like substance pressed into the likeness of a goldfish.

Sorry I havn't updated my story unto this thingy yet, but its all on paper.

I had an unproductive weekend, but I got take my dad to hospital on sunday morning, that was fun.

I shall blog about it currently.
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