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Tuesday, April 12, 2005


Blind leading the Blind

Hey all guess what, I missed a memo!

that's right an all new round of running about like a chicken fetching this and that.

Last week I had no idea what or who IRP was. Now I hate them.

This untop of exams, I have to make a trip up to the base, when its convienent for them ofcourse. I have to contact seperate agencies of the military (who sit TWENTY FEET APART) and have them reach eachother through Trenton, ONTARIO. that's right, only in the military could you have long distance charges within the same room.

the info I need to get isn't really that hard: lease, void cheque, pay stub, posting message, vehicle registration, letter of lease termination, plus some particulars about me and how socially adjusted I was in 4th grade (last one in triplicate).

this doesnt take long and I'm happy to do it, but everyone is talking to me LIKE I'm RETARDED.

"Why havn't you contacted us before now" (I didnt know you existed)
"Oh thats only a month thats not much time" (over three weeks to book me a flight? wow I had no idea)
"did you fax us your posting message?" ( I DIDNT KNOW YOU FUCKING EXISTED)
"Oh now you have to fax these people your posting message as you failed to contact us after 5 days you recieved your posting message" ( I re read my posting message, there is NO mention of these IRP people, just some web-site Im supposed to look at, it doesnt work nor does the IRP website- I had to listen to her voice mail, its 10 minutes long...5 minutes in each offical language)
"well you can come in twice a day and check for updates" (I'm going to unversity you dumb cow, I don't have the time to visit you for tea twice a FREAKING day)
-after hearing Im going to unversity and that I DONT live on base her voice takes on an air of pity-
"oh...well you better contact your orderly and see if they will help" (as if Im doomed and that phoning people will give me something to do before the apocalypse finally descends upon my poor ignorant body)

GAH! so now I'm in the process of calling the orderly, and its been fun fun fun, she's not in.

Needless to say, I'm going to be playing phone tag for quite some time. WEEEE, convocating is fun.

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