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Monday, April 25, 2005


I got a case of the monday's

You would think I would get my ass kicked for saying something like that.
Ofcourse that's a Office Space quote, therefore a pop-culture reference therefore I am infinitely more cool. Ofcourse I didn't use a penis or fart joke so the gateway would give me a bad review. Somehow given a bad review by the gateway makes me feel better about myself.

Studied it up old school!

having more landlady problem she wanted to get cheques, cheques for july and august. Sadly, I will not be here for August and July. She called me yesterday (sunday) and said she was going to pick up these cheques on monday morning. Funny thing, I havn't been home today, morning or otherwise. So she left a message this morning, saying "I hope you got the message".

So she probably woke up my Roomate, which I bet he was happy about. Mike is a lot of things, but patient (especially in the morning) is not one of them. He was still sore about her calling 5 times at 6:30 (three times on my phone and twice on his cell) I hope he tore her a strip.

Lets review the facts
1- I never signed a lease (sub lease or otherwise) and therefore am not legally bound to do...well anything.
2- I'm leaving in may and am still paying for june, by any law in Canada if Im breaking a lease (which I never signed) you give a months rent
3- I gave 30+ days notice that I was moving out at the begining of May (now leaving sunday night on the 8th, yay!)

So to sum up, she's up shit creek sans paddle.

But its fun watching her struggle to get these rent cheques out of me. She said she'd "cehck the kitchen counter" for these "cheques", sadly all she will find is Mike's half eaten bowls of alhpaghetti.

She also wants to do a "moving out" thing, but I never did a "moving in" thing, therefore again, she can't do shit.

Luckily though, shes so stupid I doubt she'll do much but complain.

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