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Saturday, April 09, 2005


In the Land of the Morning People.

I love my girlfriend, and I really like my roomate, but they're morning people.

nothing wrong with being a morning person, I'm sure it had selective advantage over the other people snoozing and they were better able to hunt.

something about a worm and a bird, I forget, regardless I am not one of these people. My ancestors obviously knew the benefits of sleepin' in a bit, letting everything warm up and then when everyone is tired from they're already full day, we could club them and take all they're hard woked roots and small animals. I'm sure it was a good life, preying on the work of others, a good life indeed.

Now, we are civilized, and it is no long acceptable to bonk people on the head to fetch more ill-gotten goods, but the wanting...no...need...no Biological Imparative that I sleep-in remains.

the irony that I'm in the military and sometimes have to get up at ungodly hours is not lost on me, but I digress.

So here I am in the land of the early risers. things like "lets get a jump on the day" is an interesting saying. Why don't we lull the day into a false sense of security and get it when it isn't looking, perhaps when the day is having a spot of tea. Naturally morning people have no use for logic, just the burning desire to wake me up and say "good morning sunshine, get up and get ready to go!"

I do believe there is only thing more fun than a morning person, and thats a Chiper Morning Person. In the end though, I suppose its best, to let the morning folk wake you up, its far more effective than my alarm clock. I've long since mastered switching it off, or sleeping in 9 minute interverals to wake up exactly right and hit the snooze again. A morning person will take pity on you, and wake you up, you see a late sleeper obviously is sad. We obviously have a problem, what with needing to sleep in so late, we must be sad, we need cheering up. You can't very well cheer someone up if they're sleeping can you? That blissful look on contentment whilst they sleep is obviously just a clever ruse. It is the duty nay the Privledge, of all morning people to Help the poor poor late sleepers out of their self-destructive cycle of getting the required amount of sleep their bodies so desperately require.

Im glad for morning people, they're trying to help me.

Author's side note: this may sound a little bitter, but I had to get up for a reason this morning and it was a good one. I was more than happy to do it, but that doesn't mean I can't grouse about it. Its the right of all to bitch and moan about every little thing.

Heck if we couldn't bitch and moan what would the internet be used for? Well, besides porn.

Hate to be the one who reveals this to you, but in about twenty years, you'll wake up at 5:00am every morning, have supper around 3:00pm, and be in bed by 6:00pm (don't want to get upset about the evening news.) Oh, and you'll drink prune juice and lots of it... yes, morning people simply mature faster then the rest of us, but you'll reach that stage... bwa ha ha ha
Oh, how I also know the horror of morning people. When I visit my parents, they have no consideration at all to the fact that I went to bed at 3am, and banging around at 8am is rude. As well, my roommates are well known for waking me up long before I am ready to be awake. Just because they didn't work until 5am, doesn't mean that I didn't. One would think that as university students they should be well versed in sleeping until the clocks have the little PM dot. But nooooooo, they get up early and blast their music.

Anyway, I feel your pain.
In 20 years I may be getting up at 5, but that will be because we have 0-group at 7:45.

I'll be in that morning to teach all the little boys and girls how to fly their really expensive toys. I'll yell and cuss, and pass them anyway, marginally.

When I get home it'l be before my kids will be, as the day ended at 3:00 for me. I'll play with the wife a little and then sit down and read the paper while watching re-runs of shows that havn't been made yet.

I'll damn well will watch the evening news and call the damn politicers a bunch of crooks and wax poetic about days gone by.

It'l be a good life a simple life, a life of fear and terror for my kids. I can see it now.
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