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Monday, April 18, 2005


Mundane Morning Adventure

So there I was...in the jungle (that is my room). I hear a sound, a loud sound, a siren!

INCOMING! No wait, it was just my alarm, its O-dark-thirty and I have a trip to the base.

I stagger awake and realize I need to shave, after trying to make Mike's work (after cleaning it, he hadnt emptied it out in what seemed like years) I decide to shave the ole' fashion way.

The blood bath the ensued was not suitable for children. Anyway I stagger out the door and I MAKE It, and ride the bus all the way to the base.

GUESS WHAT, the clerks are doing PT, you get to wait an hour! yay!

When they arrive, they ask you a few questions, and then tell you can go. WHAT?
I can go? Why the fuck am I here then, I didn't sign anything, give you anything, WHY THE FUCK DIDN'T I SLEEP IN TODAY.

You know IRP? Apparently I don't need them, I have an email specifically stating otherwise.

I wasted how many hours getting everything ready, scaring my land lady, FOR NOTHING.

Needless to say Im glad the ordeal is over, but Im annoyed I had to get up.
p.s. whine whine bitch bitch.

Whining, bitching, and moaning are all allowed when stupid people do stupid things that cause smart people like us to lose precious hours of sleep and studying. For example - some guy was looking for a guy named Ian, at 1:30am on Saturday. He's practically leaning on my apartment buzzer, so, caring person that I am, I think that someone is in trouble, needs 911 called or something. Nope, just some drunk guy looking for Ian. And when I pointed out that No, Ian doesn't live in an apartment full of women, he rudely says "Oh, sorrrrrry". My question is "what is he sorry for? Waking me up at 1:30am when I've been insomniatic for 2 weeks? Giving me a heart attack thinking something horrible has happened to good people? Or thinking I sound like the kind of girl Ian would have over at 1:30am?" I hung up on him and went back to bed. Jerk.

Anyway, I feel your pain. There should be a season for hunting stupid people.
This has nothing to do with your blog but... do you know how much pre-midterm 1 and midterm 2 stuff is on the 380 final? (specifically Jay and Kim help me out on this one, although if anyone else wants to try... um, okay?)
Well we had a different teacher, but the stuff looks pretty much the same.

its mostly post 2nd midterm, but you will have the odd question of H-w-equlibrium(I havnt had to write that out full in 4 years!)

So its mostly the math they carried over from the previous midterms, not much on theory. With 302 however, you should have most of the theory anyway and 304 (if you can remember it). they'll prolly have a sequencing question because people always fuck up where to start and how to read it.

Then again, I got a B in the course, so take whatever I say with a grain of salt.
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