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Saturday, April 23, 2005



Two more! Just Two more finals and Je suis finis. That means I'm drunk, which also works, while I am finished I am gonna get "finished" shortly there after. I don't think we could expect less from the language we stole "double-entendre" from...er...bastardized into our own...whatever.

so now that I have my pre-requiste passive aggressive burn against the french, I can continue on with my day. My day will be filled with physiology, and what fun it shall be. I will hopefully be able to warn future generations against taking this course, a cumulative final for a year long course is crappy crap crap. Anyway, off I go.

Hey, for those of us who want to party from the 28th to the 32nd of April, where do you live? I know, I think I even drove you home once... yup, but can I get your exact street and ave to be sure? Thanks! Good luck with crappy exams!
11126 73ave

fun fun.

The 32 second we will serve punch.
improbable punch. On saturday there is something called a "hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy"

Grumpy bear (she knows who she is, she loves the hot topic and so do I) informed me of its impending release on the wild silver screen.

But thursday and friday are the principle drinking days whilst saturday and sunday are the activity days. I basically am trying to cram more fun into a 4 day weekend then that one time I drove to vegas and let it ride.

If ya know what I mean. So come one come all, and for the love of god, have fun. That's seriously an order, Im an officer now and I get to boss you all around, WEEE.


or else no cake for you!
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Sorry, all is well, for some strange reason that line just blended into the date/time posted. So close... the problem with the last exam... I stopped caring about three days ago.
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