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Tuesday, April 19, 2005


Vague and Unclear.

that's the verdict. I explained to her each and every one of my points, backed it up with direct quotes from my essay, and she stll felt my entire essay was "vague and unclear".

I didn't introduce the difference between matt and mark, until the 2nd page, or she didnt have a handle on it till then.
The ending was "aburpt and vague" when clearly I even underlined the important parts to take home.

Oh well, Im offically pissed. Its a 15% essay, and I shouldn't care, I really and truly shouldn't. I left her office defeated.

Atleast I know for sure that I'm a hack now. Foolish Jayson thinks he could write, formulate a story, and convey it on paper.

Oh well,

cya later kiddies, chem 102 awaits.

She probably doesn't get why stories have more then two characters, or why there is a plot. Must be too complicated. Sorry, Jay. Don't get too hung up over it, you'll do worse on exams. Just stop caring... now. Nnnnnow!
Well, you beat me on the midterm, every single assignment, and you'll beat me soundly on the final. Allow me this one victory. Pretty please....
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