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Thursday, May 26, 2005


Another Day another Blog

Less than two weeks now and I'm gonna be home!

I have to tell you another funny military story. This is a story about A little Officer Cadet's promotion.

One day Officer Cadet(Ocdt) found out that he was graduating, and would be promoted when he graduated. Officer Cadet(Ocdt) was very happy. So Ocdt graduated and moved off to a far and distant land, for simplicity sake, we'll call it Winnipeg. All of Ocdt's paperwork, however, stayed in Edmonton (the names have been changed to protect the not so innocent). Ocdt wasn't upset he believed in the system, so he waited, and waited, and waited. Two weeks pass. He checked and documents had arrived! YAY, he could get promoted now.

But no, Ocdt COULDN'T get promoted. His paperwork was being shipped all across the base, back and forth, he could not find it. First he checked with 17 wing Orderly Room (17 wg OR) and said they had sent it to 1 CAD OR, so he went there. then he checked with 1 CAD OR and they said they didn't have it, A1 training had it, so he went there. At A1 trg, they said Yes they did have it. YAAAY, finally he had found his Documents and he could be promoted. They added quickly, they had the documents "unoffically". Ocdt was confused, but listened and tried to understand. Ocdt, while recently graduated from a good university, wasn't quite smart enough to understand military paperwork.

But no, Ocdt still Couldn't be promoted. A1 trg was going to send Ocdt's documents BACK to 17 wg OR (where he started) and then 17 wg OR would stamp the documents and send it back to A1 trg. THEN after it was stamped and sent back to A1 trg and then Ocdt could get a "FAN number" and THEN, ONLY THEN, could Ocdt be promoted. Ocdt wondered why 17 wg didn't stamp the documents when they had them the first time, or why A1 trg couldn't just stamp it themselves? Ocdt knew, instinctively, that these questions were not only foolish, but probably bordered on herecy.

So Ocdt, being a good and productive Cog, went back to work. He was sad he could not be promoted, but A1 trg told him it wouldn't be long now. Ocdt feared asking if "not too long" was in days, months, or years, he figured he was better off not asking.

I hope you enjoyed the story, Did I mention that 17 wg OR is in ANOTHER building, on the other side of the base? That's what makes this story fun, the walking in the rain for no damned reason. Didn't I mention it was raining? hmm, I guess I just figured you'd assume it was raining, as its ALWAYS raining here or cloudy or windy or hailing. We got hail today, thankfully I was inside at the time.

I got my CMTT stuff develired to my Barrack building, I have a jacket now. Murphey's law dictates that it will be sunny now, thank goodness. I didn't find my Gloves though, they are important because when you go flying, even its 40 degrees outside, you have to wear your gloves. Oh well, when I get promoted, which I figure will happen sometime in coming months, I will be able to afford a new pair of issued gloves.

I got another fun task today, this was the task
He gave me a copy of a document that was also on word. He told me they weren't the same. He said that I had to "meld" them together and make them the same. Like some manner of Super document, better than either of the documents were originally. Nietzschean overtones (or should I say Ubertones?) aside, it was a daunting prospect. Turns out one document had Annex's that were just "examples of what an annex would look like", Things were added as just "filler until it was figured out what should go there". While I am a happy cog, eager to help the cause for greater good, when it comes to SAR mission planning you know as much as I do. I had no way of figuring out which was the good stuff and which was the bad stuff. In the end I highlighted everything I changed and prayed that knowing how to pilot straight and level didn't have anything to do with Rescue planning (it didn't).

When I signed up, I wanted to fly a plane, now I fly a desk.

Oh and Erin has informed me she can pick me up at 5:30 on Tuesday the 7th. She also invited anyone who would like to come along and welcome the returning hero.

If I'm promoted by then (unlikely but you never know) I will be a 2nd lieutenant, or you can call me a "too-Elle-Tee" or just "Left-tenant".

You can also call me "Sir", which I enjoy most of all.

Yay! You have a ride... Now I feel better, but that also means I have to stay at work. Thus you HAVE to come visit me! I mey not be first on your list of people to visit but I better be well up there! Cant wait to see you.
I don't see why not. We can be sure to come visit. We could go and have icecream, it would be keen.

I havn't really planned out my trip to edmonton yet, but I'm sure I will think of something.
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