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Friday, May 13, 2005


Hi Ho Its Half day off again I go

That's right ladies and Ghents, I got the afternoon off again. Ah tis a sweet thing to have a completely usefull function waiting for something ENTIRELY useful to do.

I like being a pilot, I hate not flying. Same way with a bird I guess, you clip its wings and it gets very sad. Well Im not sad, just annoyed. If they didn't want me to fly why in GODs name did they take me on? It wasn't my paperwork abilities, or my penmenship.

Maybe they just like torturing the new guys, makin'em sweat a bit before letting them go on FUN FUN So Stressful you wish you'd become a baker courses!

I can't wait. GOOD NEWS THOUGH, they might have to put me on a french course. That means I would get instruction here OR theyd ship me to ST JEAN Quebec and I stay there for a year.
If you've never been to St Jean, imagine a hell, imagine a hell with nothing but people who speak french. I shudder to think about going back there, I don't wanna.
I sure as hell don't want to move MORE east, I'm east enough as it is. Sure the winter's suck here, but that's okay. Major Mike told me I should look into my options, cause they could send me on the French course AFTER I pass moosejaw. That's kinda like being shot by the Queen after she gave you the Victoria Cross. St Jean is not a Reward! St Jean is where you tell your kid you'll send him to if he isn't good. So annoyed, but there is HOPE. I can stay here and do French training classes...there seem to be Dozens of french speaking officers here...I have no idea. Here is hoping.

Hmmm what else. Father mine is good and doing better and wants to buy me a cellphone, which is nice. I don't know how he can afford it, but its nice. He figures he can get a deal or something, I doubt it, but lord knows I've been wrong before (Can anyone say reproductive colon?).

Today hopefully I will get my jacket from CMTT, that or I can get something from supply...or something. Its never nice here, its always windy, or wet, or cold. Sometimes all of the above. Everyone I talk to tells me they would take a pay cut to leave this place. It makes me happy I got stationed here...yup that's exactly the word for it, happy.

Carol told me I rant a lot on here, and maybe I do. I will therefore cut this one short. Have a good weekend, I don't know if this place is open on weekends, so you might hear from me and you might not.


yes you do rant, but I enjoy reading your rants so I cant really complain about them.
I didn't mean that you should stop ranting, I like reading about your daily encounters. I rant too, but unfortunately mine aren't as funny as yours.
I'm also hoping you're not sent farther east. Just when you think things are bad the big man always reminds you there could be much worse. Typical. Hope you get a coat soon... but it's kinda amusing because now you know what it feels like to be ME!! ;)
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