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Tuesday, May 24, 2005


Home James, er...J?

Yes that's right, I'm coming back to Edmonton, you should all be cheering.

here is my itinerary

Tue 07Jun05 flt 773 WINNIPEG 4:30pm EDMONTON 5:30pm

Mon 13Jun05 flt 696 EDMONTON 6:30am WINNIPEG 9:18am

Thats right, I am staying till Monday, even though Im technically not really allowed to. I asked Captain Tom (no, he's not a major, though it would be funny), and he said it was okay for me to show up late on monday.

Weee, it wasn't too expensive either, 388 so Im happy. WEEEE. Im coming home.

On the CSI front, just watched an episode with Catherine kissing Eddie. My only comment: Tisk Tisk.

On the Work out front, I ran 3 miles, weee. First week, I ran one, 2nd I ran 2, now Im at three. It may not seem like a lot, but for a tubby post-undergrad student like myself, it was quite the achievement. I weighed myself, even though I didn't want to, I'm 80kgs (or just shy of 80), that means Im over 175 pounds. I knew I was overweight, I had no idea I was THAT overweight. Oh well, running will continue till tummy disappears.

On the Home front, Im coming home, any who would like to pick me up at the airport at 5:30 On tuesday would be my bestestest friend, atleast for the car ride home. I could regail with my non-adventure and the exciting adventures of sifting through SARSUMs to correct mistakes made by officers 3 or 4 pay grades above me! (yay!)

On the Misc Front: I still have a phone, I have even been called on said phone, how exciting. Some kid got lit on fire here in Winnipeg, apparently this is a rough city, a boring and rough city, I had no idea the two could go together. Apparentl "We's all be ghetto and shit yo", atleast I think thats what the old lady was saying, I was too busy running away from her as she was waving around a "milli9".
(beginning=true, End=false, for all those paying attention)

I saw Miss Camm yesterday, and I looked her in the eye, she looked displeased, but she was with a guy, Im sure she was cheered up in short order.

um... I love lamp, and I will see you all on tuesday 7th.

J, wish I could come to pick you up at the airport but alas I work until 530... Boo... So youll have to come visit me after Im done work!
Jaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay! You're coming home!! You can see my new apartment (once I've moved in) and we can go shopping and I probably can't monopolize all your time. Well, others can have you at nite while I'm working.

I would come pick you up at the airport also, but alas, I have no car. Bit of a problem, really. Yay, my Jay is coming home! So much to talk about.
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