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Monday, May 30, 2005


I done been promoted!

Sweet Crack-pipe jesus, I have seen the light!

I have a thick bar instead of a thin bar, I am infinately awesome. I feel relieved, happy, giddy, excited, and most of all GREEDY. That's right ladies and ghents, BLING BLING. the money truck is a backin' up a thisa way and I couldn't be more happy to guide it in.

How you may ask? how on earth Did our little Happy Cog get promoted? Well I shall tell you! He enlisted the aid of a Major, more Specifically Maj Mike. In the morning, whilst I was purchasing coffee and he was purchasing a doughnut(glazed I believe), he non-chalantly asks me "hey Gordy, you been promoted yet?". To which I replied "no sir, they have to send it back to 17 wing, why do you ask?". He seemed pensive foir a moment and quickly disappeared. About 10 minutes later, I get a paged to go up to A1 trg (you might remember them from our previous story). There was Mike, commanding the peons to tremble before his might, and in the process promote me. So, clearly terrified, they scurried about, printing and faxing and calling. They begged forgiveness with their fear-stricken eyes, and got me my documentation. He then drove me to 17 wing OR, and got them to fill my paperwork and thus promote me. We went to supply and he got some 2Lt slip-ons and we went back home.

I was promoted in the atrium by a Colonel Thuen(One rank below a general), and was welcomed to the 1 CAD family. I am a Double Plus Happy Cog now, and feel very special. It is sunny out for the first time I have been here, the day has simply gone smashingly.

On another front, the RMC folk are here! YAY, more people. Thankfully I know some of them, and that's nice. I went to PFT with one, and he's from Winnipeg, so I know have (what we in the military call) the "hook up".

I would attempt to flash a gang sign, but apparently this city is filled with gangs, wouldn't want to be showing the wrong colours dawg.

As well, I have seen the Episode three. I went, by myself, to watch the last of the Starwars movies (by Lucas at least, or so he says). I wasn't disappointed, in that I had NO expectations coming into this movie. I had no hype, and I feared it would be wall to wall gugans, figuratively and literally speaking (spelling). Thankfully there was only one. He should have died, even so. The love story was TOO sappy, and Anakin's character was contrived and infinatile. There were two scenes, when all the Jedi were killed, that was a well thought out plot device. Lucas showed some of his old stuff when he wrote this in, I enjoyed it. Also the line "so this is how liberty dies, with thunderous applause". The line, however, is SO good its no doubt a quote. If its not a quote, point Lucas. The rest of the movie? The Victory Star Destroyers weren't bad, and the battle scenes weren't awful, but the rest was pretty shitty. And that is all I have to say about that.

Did I mention I was promoted, in case I didn't, I was promoted! WEEEE, I won't see any of my back pay till mid-june at the earliest BUT it's only a matter of time.

Oh and apparently I'm, being plotted against, which is always fun.
Be sure to involve Carol in your plans, she has an agenda as well, be sure they don't conflict. I'm a lot of things, but I am not two people. I will be a delightfully easy-going victim, I look forward to it.

On corrupting the Innocent Masses. more and more people I went to Basic with are showing up, I think we are up to 4 now. And just because they know me, will not mean they enjoy my presence. I will work tirelessly to worm my way into their inner circle as I did with Safewalk. In a few months I was easily the Slave of Safewalk, and conversely Safewalk was my staunchest Ally! So will it be with CFB Winnipeg...hmm...probably not, but I will make an attempt.

If only I had an Alter Ego, it would make this so much easier.

oh and Bobbi, you are wonderful just the way you are, don't worry yourself over who is more special than whom.

YAAAYYY!!! I'm so proud of you! You make such a happy little cog it seems, which is good.

On Star Wars, I agree with the quote being awesome and the jedi being killed off being a good scene (though really sad!!!) which we've already talked about, but I still say the movie was pretty good. I'm sure we'll have many more discussions about this as we are giant nerds.

On corruption, I believe you can only truly corrupt one person in your life, and I'm you're one person. That's right, I admit it, I have been corrupted. But it's way more fun this way....

Love you.
I think I just threw up in my mouth a little bit...

Oh, and on the topic of promotions, what do we call you now? Sorry, I'm not up to date on the whole army lingo.
Congrats You are now cool. Yay!
I still have no internet and am still writing from le office but I get internet tomorrow and I will blog like Ive never blogged before... Maybe. Cant wait to see ya!
I mentioned in a previous post on how you can address me.
I realize I have been...more prolific in my blogging of late so I shall recap.

I am a 2nd leiutenent(Second Left-Ten-Ant), which is can be verbally abbreviated 2LT (Too-Elle-Tee). It is also alright to call me Leiutenent, dropping the 2nd, but it is not alright to call me LT(Elle-Tee).

As I am a comissioned officer now, you can call me "Sir" as well. Since you are a civilian,calling me Jayson would be okay too.
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