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Sunday, May 22, 2005


I now have a cell phone

you wanna know my number? It would be super if you guys called, I have it set to vibrate.

204-996-2352. There, now you know.

so if you are ever in Winnipeg and find yourself at the Front gates and you are desperately asking for "J, you know, the pilot, the one who flies" you can instead, just phone me.

I could mee you somewhere, so...polo park, I know where that is. I am vaguely aware that I'm next to the Winnipeg airport, I could no doubt find a map as well.

Hmmm so I have watch approximately 23+3 CSI epsisodes in that last two weeks. I has been Glorious, I have much enjoyed it. The three are 2 miami and 1 New York, both of which are quite sucky.

They have some pretty weird plots I will tell you, they had a mom kill her own daughter last night. why you might ask? because "that little slut" was trying to steal her boyfriend...can you imagine. The funny part was, I almost believed it could happen, there are so big ol' loons out there, and I am one of them. I find myself at the Chapters again and I like it. I enjoy being in a place filled with books. I love being able to read again, its fanatastic. I'm not reading classics or anything purely pulp sci fi, but its GOOD pulp and that's what counts.

Oh that reminds me, its really cheesy how often Grissom quotes Shakespere. One of the characters is named Worrick (spelling?) so one episode Grissom goes

"alas poor worrick" A play on words from Hamlet, the skull scene. I guess they try to give Gil a sense of being educated and smart, I just think its Cheesy. Its good cheese though, and that makes all the difference.

hmmm after my first meeting with the large gentlemen with arms the size of my head, I have no seen him again. Perhaps I just imagined him? Perhaps he is in the bussiness of hunting down small children now for his supper? I can only speculate. But today is Sunday, and it is my day of rest, and it is good. I enjoy having a day to just sit around and do nothing...it differs only slightly from every other day, subtle but there is a difference, I swear.
"If you're already doing nothing, how do you know you're taking a break?" I love the Kit kat commercials. I wish I could be that zen, but I'm pretty sure getting there involves a few substances that havn't been decrimilized yet.

So I will have to achieve Zen in other ways, how I'm not sure, but there must be other ways. I could start "ohmmmmmm"ing, but I fear it might annoy my fellow Barrack block residents into a muderous rage to which they would drag me, bodily, from my room and beat me to death with the wet end of my own arms.

Perhaps I have been watching CSI too much? Or maybe not enough?
time will tell.

Now that I have my phone I have named it Bruce. Why I have named it bruce could only make sense to my friend who read too many comics, I will let you speculate.

and and bobbi, I don't know the anagram for Axl Rose. I guess sex RoAl

OH J, you are so close... But not quite there.
Tee hee I know the answer but I'm not telling!
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