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Thursday, May 12, 2005


If I'm on Base where's the Acid?

I know
I'm a big geek, I do however have a PO box!

You can mail me at

Gordy JW
Suite 91

I have The razors and what not, so no need to send me that. At my work they have coffee...lots and lots of Coffee. Im a base filled with Coffee Junkies, staff Officers who will struggle and writhe whilst they type away on their useless (and endless reports). If I ever get stationed for a Staff job in Winnipeg...well hopefully I will be OLD OLD by then (say like 39 or something) as opposed to just OLD like I am now.

What I need now is something to do. I am currently Reading a TOME. Its the Manual on SAR...its a big manual...wait have I already talked about this? No I don't think so, I didn't blog yesterday.

Anyway, there's this HUGE book. My Boss Major Mike says for me to read it. I implore if there's any particular section he would like for me to read. His reply, "all of it." Im on Chapter 6 of ten after about 14 hours of reading. I skipped half of Chapter 3, but he said I wouldn't be quized, thank goodness. thankfully the book is starting to repeat itself, so it doesn't read like Martian as often anymore. If you guys ever drown though, SAR will only help you if the Feds say it's okay. Now you know.

Moving on, I've actually met a few faces I recognise. A nice gentlemen who isn't a pilot and is currently doing ACTUAL work, instead of reading a mindless paperpusher wetdream epic. He tells me he even fixes thing, that would be fun, I am no good at fixing things but at this point I would do anything instead of Reading that God Forsaken book.

They tell me, perhaps to keep my morale up, that I can go places. Not just like Across town or anything but ACTUAL places. That Germany, London, Or Eureka. Eureka is actually the safest bet, and don't worry I would go in August (its daylight all day and all night) there would even be grass and living things about, I hear its nice. As well I can also go on SAR exercises, which means I could be a casuality or some other untrained position (like Ballast, a fancy word for weight in the aircraft).

I miss you all dearly, I want to go home. Winnipeg isn't home and it never will be. Had I left at the end of Third year, I wouldn't have been hurting as much. I REALLY enjoyed my 4th year though, I almost wanted to stay in school. Almost. Like I said my convocation should be a sure thing and if not I do have Major Mike's phonenumber so I can use Kim as a weapon, if need be.

In Case of Emergency, Break Glass and remove Kim.

I'm becoming addicted to CSI, it gobbles up two hours of my life every day. I love it, I love how spike has it on back to back. I also enjoy the discontinuity from the two episodes. One episode, Full Beard, and next CLEAN SHAVEN.

Its amazing. Do you have ANY idea how awesome it is to do nothing. Sure I read a mindless manual but in the long run.
No essays
No tests
and Two hours of CSI. Naturally, I could have been doing this at Edmonton, then my life would have been perfect. Good friend and an easy job. Word on the street says the DCO of 408 (the helicopter squadron in edmonton) didn't want any Untrained Pilots polluting his "pure" squadron, that we would only "dilute" the "strength" of his morally superior pilots.

I'm trying to connect the DCO to being Hitler. I'm doing this because I'm bitter. I wanna be home.

oh yes, the mall. I went to Polo Park. It was actually a Biggish mall after all. A Bay, Sears, and a Zellers. It even had one of them fancy water massuase thingers. Im not sure why they called it Polo Park, I doubt anyone in Winnipeg plays polo, and it certainly wasn't a park.

Oh and as a point of funniness, had I gone West instead of East on Sunday night, I would have been home within minutes. Turns out theres a max 2 blocks west of the base, oh how I feel foolish. Naturally though, whenever I am faced between A left and a right, I choose Left. I choose left because I am an unrescued mutant phenotype, and by God I am proud of it.

Oh and since I get up at 6:30 every morning and my boss doesnt care if I get in a bit late (as in after 8:00) I have been reading the paper. What an interesting set of events out on parilment hill. Ofcourse I have no offical comment, but I think Mr. Martin knows where he can go and exactly how to get there. Sadly though IF an election were to be called, I'm not sure it would go the way I unoffically want it to.

I have to be too vague on this subject, not that there's anychance the Gov't will ever read this...blah for following the rules like a good puppy.

On a different note I had the most interesting dream, no wait, you don't want to hear that either.

Hmmm seems I've written myself into a corner, try the veal, it's breathe taking.

Boo! Worst Chemistry Joke EVER!! Acid base jokes, I mean really!!! :)
Joke? what joke?

I'm SURE I don't know what you are talking about.
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