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Tuesday, May 10, 2005


Its 2a.m. to do you know where your Jumbo Jet is?

Did you know things sound louder at night? Did you also know that planes land in Winnipeg around the clock. I do now.

Its another really really cold day, and I have yet to aquire my Jacket. The boys and CMTT (think FedEx only in Green)tell me around Friday, I suspect I shan't need a jacket by then.

My hovel, as Kim so eloquently put it, is 128 dollars a month. That's fine, anyone could afford that. I think I pay about 2 dollars a square foot, not bad at all really. My food bill a month: $447. My jaw nearly hit the floor. After having eaten twice at the O mess, I can MOST assuredly tell you that food is not worth 447 a month.

My last blog got cut off, but I can't remember what all I put in there, so if I repeat myself, try to give me some slack. I have a NEW boss! Yesterday's boss was merely a transient boss, this new one is a keeper. His name is Major Atkins, guess what his first name is? That's right: Mike. So not only is my new boss have a higher rank, his name is the same as half the people I know back home. Funny enough, its the not the same half of people who like Capt'n Jack, but I think you already knew that. Anyway, I am to work in SAR, that means Search and Air Rescue. Sadly this means that I will be doing paperwork with SAR related things, I will never EVER leave the confines of 1 CAD (Canadian Air Division, aka Glass Palace). I suspect that when my promotion to 2lt goes through (the paperwork is currently lost somewhere between Borden and Edmonton, appoximately 2000 miles) that my responsibilities will also increase. I think I will no longer be OIC Xerox, but shall from henceforth be known as OIC gopher. You see the Glass palace isn't actually a palace but a warren. There are 100's of cubicles (none at right angles, as the buildding is more a V then a square) and as such to get anywhere you must already know where you are going. Think milwood for a beuracratic instituation. At the centre of this warren lay the Generals, or the Queen bees if you will, and as you radiate outwards, you achieve lower and lower ranks. because my boss's boss is a Lcol, we are pretty close to the centre. Its all very exciting.

Every other base, except Winnipeg mind you, has a general store. There is no general store here. There isn't a general store within a mile of this location either. I have to take a bus to get to what the lady called "a biggish mall", what that means in Manitoban has yet to be determined. Along the same lines, you Can Not use a dispoble razor twice. I have about 10 little cuts to prove this theory. I will have to take the bus to this mall, it was pouring rain yesterday and as such didn't go. Today is it cold and windy ( A marked improvement) so I shall, as they say, Sally Forth.

I have met, but not as yet talked to really, the other officer cadets/2lts on base, it was at the breakfast table. They are all fluent in french, upon finding that I was an english speaker, they switched to french immediately. I'm not really in the mood to make many friends right now anyway, I've just left a boat load of you back home. I'm still upset I had to go. I miss you all dearly, especially you.

My new boss, Mike, says that my going to convocation shouldnt be a problem. As he wasn't expecting me for a month anyway (the RMC folk are still marching about till the end of the month). So as long as I put in my leave form and aquire the funds to travel to and from Edmonton, weit should be right as rain. I'm sure you are all cheering for your "victorious" "hero" to return to from "the front", I know I am as well.

My pay is offically going to be 3012, but I suspect about 1/6 of that will be taken off because the gov't likes to tax its own money to it can have more. That means I should be getting about 2500 (though Capt'n Jack said I may be getting "a little bit more", he did not tell me if he was talking about money or the run around). This is good news, that would solve all my money problems. My paperwork is lost though, this is not good news. My credit card, I suspect, will be taking the brunt of my Traveling expendiatures, which I don't mind in the slightest. I know I will be getting the money (retroactive from the 2 may 05) so I don't have to hold my breathe till my face turns blue. On a side note, if you do passout, you won't die, you will continue breathing normally. No wait...I must spread disinformation...um...if you passout from holding your own breathe you will,um, no longer be able to perform your martial actions with anyone ever again, yes thats it.

As you may or may not know, my father is in the hospital. He went in for one thing, but he is staying in because of what happened Easter Sunday, happened on Mother's day. His heart likes to start beating at 190+ beats a minute, fun. I have not talked to my mom since sunday night, but I plan on calling when I get to "the biggish mall". He was doing fine when I left on Sunday, so I will assume it is Status Quo till otherwise informed.

I will be here for a year, that's right, I am stuck in Limbo for a year before Moose Jaw. At first I heard Moose Jaw was backed up, this is not the case. The courses AFTER moose jaw are backed up, and as such, moose jaw is taking about half as many people as it normally does. So I will be OIC Gopher for some time. This gives me time to reflect and enjoy Winnipeg, with my lack of car or funds to get said car. I could pace to and fro, or if I feel adventerous fro and to. I have already finished one book I brought, and am plowing through the second. I have one book after that and then I can watch TV! I have many channels, no remote, but many channels. I watched Jeopardy last night, I hate TV.

My project it would seem, will not be talking about my degree. When I tell them I have a degree in Molecular Genetics, they blink twice. It's rather amusing. True my degree has nothing to do with the field of Piloting, but then again Neither does Aeronautical Engineering. I would understand WHY I can fly, but I figure it wouldn't help me ACTUALLY fly the plane. I still maintain "magical wing faeries" is a perfectly acceptable reason for why aircraft can fly.

My new boss wishes I had a Computing Degree though, he wants me to do Data Entry, which I guess requires more training than a Mol Genet degree gives you.

That's enough for now, tomorrow, I get a Security Tag, with Picture ID and everything. I will be a happy and productive cog soon.

Yes, I am aware things sound louder at nite. Like when I have insomnia, my hearing is suddenly 15-fold better. You're in Winterpeg - you'll need your jacket for the next 12 months. Sue CMTT for making you freeze for a week. Most food is not worth $447 a month. Except my cooking. Bren moves in with me, and for roughly that amount, he gets to eat my cooking - when I'm home to cook it. Too bad he doesn't like mushrooms....

Major Mike. I can't even make fun of it, cuz it does that itself. If I get lost in Manitoba, will you be able to find me? Is that the general idea? I mean really, no offense to the SAR boys, but I'm thinking you'd be the best equipped to find me - just look for a small mass of pink moving in the general direction of the nearest Timmy Ho's. Off topic, I have decided that coffee (and the mandatory accompanying donut) do not count against my diet. They're just one of the necessities of life.

Send me an address, and I shall send you a care package of many packages of disposible razors. A Manitobian mall can only mean one thing - a Piggly Wiggly, and a SAAN store. I may even find a coffee pot and coffee for you. I can only imagine how you are suffering from withdrawl. Maybe I'll get Tiff to sign it....

Tell the other cadets if they continue to be rude, that they are all "tete du merde"s. Shitheads, in other words. I hate rude people. I had a rude customer yesterday - such a whore. Oh, but then I had this really nice couple who gave me their card and said to call them up if I'm ever in Mannville. That's in Sask. On the way to Winterpeg....

If Major Mikey changes his tune and starts giving you trouble, just give me a phone number. I've been practicing. He'll let you go just to save his own eardrums.

I'm sorry your dad is still in the hospital - poor guy just can't seem to get well. I'm sure he'll be OK, but I'll cross my fingers anyway.

I'm sure you can get a car with $2500 a month. Sure, it may not be a Nice car, but a car is better than no car at all. And insurance in Winterpeg should be cheapy.

Obviously Major Mikey never did human linkage, or he'd know you're pro at data entry.

Anyway, I almost feel like I got to have a conversation with you....
Now I'm off to shower and go get cookie dough. And maybe if I feel ambitious, I'll bake cookies for tonite.

Miss you oodles.
I beg to differ, you can use disposable razor more than once, however I do have ridiculously fine hair so I might not be a good candidate for that argument... Oh well. I cant believe that you dont have a general store! Thats crazy... Mind you everything in the general store on base at wainwright was highly over priced... Jerks. What were they thinking? Bah! Oh well. But you are officially invited to Cinder's BBQ whether she knows you or not, Im still not sure when it is but I will let you know as soon as I find out. It will probably be some weekend in August... I just hope its not the last weekend or I might have to hurt Cinders seeing as how I would not be able to go b/c of SWAT training and thus not see you or her. Poop. Who said you guys could graduate anywho? ta ta any much love, me.
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