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Tuesday, May 17, 2005


Miami: The Suck

After watching my CSI for two hours, I watched an episode of Miami.
After discussing with Erin certain lacking atributes to the case, I have reached the conclusion that Horatio is a faery.

Not a poofter mind you, but a god damned faery. He flits about with seemingly omniscient knowledge, he is no grissom.
Not even by a long shot, I bet Gil has like 40 pounds on that guy.

I also worked out at the gym last night, as the insects are descending upon the "metropolis" of Winnipeg. The only problem is, theres a 6'6" (atleast) 400 pound behemoth there. His arms are bigger than my head. He scares me, I can only imagine how much that guy can curl...its daunting. He didn't snicker when I chose my barbell weight, though he might not have been able to see me, what being so far away (the weights are aligned on the wall, small weights one end, larger weights on the other end).
With him being so tall, I could not even run away if he did decide to eat me. My only hope? Him Choking on one of my longer bones, say my femur. That would show him.

I'm starting to do spreadsheet work, AKA bitch work Major Mike is tasked to do by his superiors that he gives to me. One time Lcol Goodman was in the process of handing him an email and he just handed it to me. "this is yours". I didn't feel it was a good idea to tell him it was Clearly address to one Maj M.C Atkins, so I went to my desk and did it up. I created an excel program and finished in 5 minutes, I was quite proud of myself. Until Major mike thought Central was -6 instead of -5, he didn't(couldnt?) believe I had done it right, and would only take Capt Mulholland's words as good.

Maj mike is okay though, he's actually really awesome, he teaches me everything nice and so and has yet to even remotely raise his voice with me.

Ofcourse this scares the beejeebees out of me, for when I do get him upset, it will be astronomical. Officers are like that, fear the quiet ones more than the loud ones.

OhThe conservatives are down one MP and liberals are up One, my area was literally ABUZZ. Its kinda neat since we all come from different areas of the country we all have different opinions.

None of this states said opinions, so I'm still okay.

It's getting to be 1630 so I have to go, ta ta

>With him being so tall, I could not even run away if he did decide to eat me.

Haha, too funny! I've often had the same thought about the giant behemoths at my gym.

If the big scary gym guy eats you, I will TOTALLY fly to Winnipeg and give him a thorough tongue lashing. I may even kick him in the bean bags... yes, yes I would. You're worth that, even if it got me killed too.
Luv ya!
I would come with Carol for said tongue lashing. However I can guarantee there would be less tongue lashing and more nail lashing, ball kicking, and eye gouging. Then I'd curl up in the fetal position and scream like a little girl if he tried to hurt me.
I'm not even sure this man was human. I'm just glad hes on my side and not the others guys side. I doubt a C-7 could stop this guy. Truly scary.

I am continuing my work out regime and last night, afterwards, I could hardly life up my arms (its a good feeling though).

Since its only been a few days, the tummy remains, but over the next coupla weeks I should lose some weight.

I'm even eating well, Vegatables (cucumbers, corn,carrots, tomatos (fresh not sauce), peas, etc), two pieces of fruit a day with small portions of meat and potatoes. I even cut Bacon out of my diet, I love bacon, not Kevin mind you, but every other kind. This is how serious I am about getting into shape.

who is AMG? Are my rants getting on some randomness thing? So confused.
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