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Tuesday, May 31, 2005


More Wisdom from the Airforce

We have a saying here: If you've got nothing to do, for God sakes don't do it here.

That was today's dismissal, it was quite humourous. Carly, I replied to your comment in my previous blog on what my proper appellation is.

On corruption and the common good. It seems I can no longer corrupt anyone, Carol is my crowning achievement. Well if I had to have a crowning achievement, I'm glad it was such a pretty one. (Side note:looking fwd to the skirt).

Last night was an interesting one, I started running again. I'm not entirely over my cold though, so the run left me feeling very weak and out of sorts. I decided to go to bed early (yes I Jayson Gordy went to bed early), after taking some Nyquil for my cough.

Dead Asleep, I dream of a ringing, I wake up to realize that it is infact my phone rining. Reaching my phone, which was all the way at the end of the bed, felt like swimming through water. Everything seemed heavy and out of sorts. After picking up the phone, I orignally thought it was an angel (Mushy Alert). I wondered for a moment if I had died, I hadn't remembered dying, so I discounted it quickly. My mind cleared enough for me to realize it was, infact, Carol on the phone. When she asked me if she woke me I wanted to say "Nah, I had to get the phone, someone was calling me", but being very tired I think I mumbled yes.

The reason why I mentioned this is for the first time in as far as I can remember I went to bed early, and Carol stayed up. That never happens, it seems we are bad influences on eachother. Of course there was an hour difference between her and I, hmmm.

Episode III was buggery, he should have had someone else write the script, my word. He can be executive producer or something, but he just can not write.

For all those involved in the plot, ensure that you don't schedule me for a Saturday event (unless later in the evening, say 9:30-10:00, as I will be at my parents). I've been trying to contact as many people as possible, but if you think of someone I havn't told I'm coming for a visit, please do.

Well no mushy comments this time... it seems I induce vomiting in others...
Thus far, J.. it seems you have tuesday and sunday evenings reserved for "friend gatherings"... talked to your mom and Saturday night is family time, I call either thursday or friday night as girlfriend time... nothing else planned yet.
I'm heading out of town Thurs night (return Sun night), I'm free during the day on Wed, if you don't have anything planned we should do something. Perhaps lunch at BP's?
Oh I don't have anything planned on Wednesday, just my convocation.
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