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Sunday, May 15, 2005


On Being Cold.

Let us set the record straight. I will never ever know how it is Carol is cold ALL THE TIME.

I am talking about 6 degree weather with a big wind, sometimes there is also rain (which actually makes it warmer...believe it or not).

Regardless, 5 minutes inside a building and I am fine again. Its a good thing. I can only imagine carol falling over, half way, literally frozen solid. We could put her in a musuem and sell tickets. We wouldn't even have keep the temperture down, shes cold even at 20 degrees.

Okay, Im done poking fun.

Off to other things that are not weather. I've started running again, and golly gee am I sore. I can hardly walk. Marathon runned around the world will tell you that if you can walk though...you can run! So I will keep trying to get myself in shape even though it feels like my legs are on fire. This happens everytime I start getting back in shape though, my mind remembers being able to run far, and thus will try to go far. Damn atrophy, damn it to hell!

What else, oh! CSI, like 4 hours on fridays, it was awesome. I am so addicted to this show, it's insane. On a similar note, I caught Grisham (spelling?) in a mistake! I felt like such a proud nerd. Apparently he is supposed to be an entamologist, a study of Insects. Something near and dear to my heart (why everyone HATES flies now-a-days I will never know, but I digress). This punk kid has this "spider bite" and he shows Mr CSI himself and do you know what Grimsham says?
"Son that is no insect bite"-I was SHOCKED, surely even a pimply faced grad student knows that Spiders ARE NOT insects. Insects have 6 legs where spiders have 8, my word can you imagine my suprize.

Im starting to think CSI isn't as real as they'd like to make us believe. Next they will tell me there wasn't a civil war a long time ago and in a Galaxy far far away. My reality is crumbling about my ears.

Hmm so running and CSI, I kid you not that is currently my Entire Life. Its glorious, I sit around all day and sometimes I decide to hurt myself by running.

My neighbour down the hall is getting married in July, he met his Honey at Basic 2 and they've been dating ever since. Its a sweet deal when you marry inside the military. I could go into details but needless to say; CHA-CHING. Its a wonder we have money to buy any toys, I'm sure it cost a fortune to payroll all these extra costs. Look at me they have to spend 14,000 (soon to be 30,000+) just so I can hang around, look pretty. Models make a lot more to look pretty, true, but they are also naturally a lot prettier than I. Its a sliding scale.

Saw a Harvard II (the next airframe I am going to fly) parked on the Apron (kinda like an Airplane parking lot) and I breathed a heavy sigh. I reminded myself that I would get to fly her, eventually. I waved to her and told her it would be okay, I would be there in a bit and that I would make everything better. You gotta smooth talk your aircraft, you gotta look after her. If you look after your airframe, she will look after you. I curses my truck everyday, but I would never EVER speak an ill word to my A/c.

Like on Southpark when Chef is explaining how to play football.

I'm at a Chapters, which means the internet place on base is closed the entire weekend. Just like clothing stores is closed at 1pm on a Friday, that's right boys and girls, I still do not have my jacket. Its becoming a bit of a run on joke, with yours truly as the ever-present punchline.

Hmm my little "time remaining" thingy stopped running, how unfortunate for the nameless corporation wishing to seperate me from my money. I am now a Time Pirate, traveling about the 'Net in search of Ill-gotten booty.


I am not ALWAYS cold. I was too warm today, in fact. I even had to take off my jacket. so pthhhhh!!
First: I am never cold... I just had to say something relavent.

Second: If youre really nice to me I will make you Death by Chocolate triple the alcohol content.
Carol, sweetie, it says you don't have a blog, just a name.

I don't why you have so much trouble with this thing, but you do.
What the hell? I have a blog! It's http://carolabrown1985.blogspot.com
so someone come post something on my god damn blog cause right now I'm just talking to myself!!!
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