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Monday, May 16, 2005


Pretty Please With Alcoholic Cherries On Top?

PLEEEEASE? I'll totally let you leer at all pilots wondering about. there's 100's of em here I would imagine. Kiwis and Aussies too, and who doesn't like an Accent?
Come on, I wanna get drunk off Cake. Really, who can say they got smammered off of pastry?

Moving on. I have NO idea that men's underclothes cost so much. Whem Kim and co take me underwear shopping, its always like 3 for 15. I didn't even got ONE for 15. I guess I should wait for the deals to happen, that or start shopping at La Senza.

I picture Carol now putting her head in her hands and wondering where she went wrong. It's okay sweetie, I'm not gay, honest.

So I couldn't find at CSI last night so I was forced to watch CSI: Miami. I liken it to being addicted to smoking. When you are addicted you develop a love for a particular brand. If you, however, run out of your favorite source of nicotine, you invariably go elsewhere. Sure the other tobacca tastes like Bull dukey but you still smoke it because you have a habit.

this is why I watched CSI: Miami all the way through. What a HORRIBLE show, its over-acted and the plot is extra thin. I don't know why I like Original so much better but I think That Horatio guy is the start to it. Its like 35 degrees outside and he's in a black suit, I don't think so, especially since he's a red head. it was a cheap fix but atleast today I get my two CSI episodes back to back, I'll be tweaking it up OLD SCHOOL.

I'm starting to wonder if I have a highly addictable personality, if only I could get addicted to winning the lottery, that would be keen.

So I've met a few people from my 2nd summer in St Jean. Only I havn't really talked to them, mostly because I was Fucking Insane that 2nd summer. They see me as I acted, a real nut job. I lashed out at the French teacher, brooded, yelled at everyone, didn't talk for over 24 hours (even when the teachers asked me a direct question). I did all sorts of crazy things. Now that I'm better, I guess Im a little hesitant to start talking to them again. The only thing I hate more than when people judge me, its when they have a good reason to judge me. There are quite a few people who think Im a friggin' loon in this here airforce, and maybe they're right, I don't know.

the one girl Miss Whitney Camm, her Daddy's a major, Im not sure where, but he had to be influential(Sic). That girl got special privledges all the time. You ever see "the General's Daughter"? If you havn't, the Daughter in question a total slut. I'm not saying Miss little angel herself would drop at the site of a motorbike, but let's just say she has scrapes on her knees shall we?

I'm judging, I guess its a two-way street.

I'll prolly strike up a conversation with her tomorrow at lunch, see who she's been up to.

Didn't get out of the office (hehehe, the office who the hell am I kidding?) till after 3:00, so still no jacket. Good news, its actually not too bad out. No where near what you would call warm, but its getting better. Operation: Find the Sun, has met with some success.

lerring at pilots? what do you think I am? Really? We dont have pilots at wainwright... Well thats not true, however, we dont get pilots in the kitchens. And thats where I worked. Please. All I saw was infantry, more infantry and finaly infantry. Ooo and one year the marines were there! How exciting... Bah! We did have some airforce boys pretending that they could cook but thats about it... They were hot, but they couldnt cook.

Anyways, since I will have a) nothing better to do or b) b/c I havent seen you in like almost two months... I will make you death by chocolate triple the alcohol content as requested. Dont think that you can get abway with this all the time. Im not that nice.
Hey now, I want death by chocolate. I like chocolate. And alcohol. When are you making him death by chocolate? When he's home for grad? Cuz that'd be nice. Cuz I bet he'd share.
When else would I make him death by chocolate? its not like I can mail it out to him... I should try it. Send it by canada post. Im sure that if I put enough alcohol in it, it would stay good. And if he doesnt share I may just have to become evil raging bitch Bobbi... Oooo! Run away in terror! Ha! Riiight! I couldnt be scary if I wore a scary mask... Except when I wake up really early in the morning and showered the night before. Wow! Talk about some crazy hair... And I cant even call it sex hair. *tear*

Side note: Do you want strawberrys, or not. Or maybe even some other fruit that goes well with chocolate and alcohol? Yumm... I plan on yukaflux styling it if I have enough time so let me know.
Oh, and not cherries... I dont like cherries so I veto that right away.
Ofcourse I would share, ofcourse I want strawberries.
Cherries have other uses.

Put in my leave request, so the ball is in clerks court now.
Dirty Dirty Boy...
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