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Wednesday, May 18, 2005


The Tome

So I finished off that Damned SAR manual this morning. I felt good. Sadly though, Lcol Goodman (he's a good man not like Good, Good's bad) gave me a stack of papers and folders two feet high.

I am tasked to "figure out what's there", about as vague as you can get. I can pile them in any way that makes sense and ask Major Mike about anything I don't understand. Naturally Mike had left for a Doctor's appointment. You see my quandry. In 2 hours I got through about 40% of the stack. There was an unopened letter addressed to one Mr Smith in there. I didn't open it, as you know, its a federal offense.

Wouldn't want to upset the feds.

The base is crawling in Foreigners we have a contingent of Kiwis (New Zealanders)and Aussies (Asutrialians). They hate eachother, but no Mess Brawls yet. Apparently the Kiwis say the Aussies are the Yank's (americans) Lap dog, so the Kiwi airforce doesn't play with the Aussie one as much anyone.

Why do you care? You don't, I just think female readers would like to know that there are over a 12 single Aussie and Kiwis, who are just waiting to be oogled due to their "Sexy accent". Nice fellows too, all of them are Navigators (Winnipeg is the Nav school for Canada and apparently the commonwealth), but I wouldn't hold it against'em.

Hopefully this is more incentive for you guys to come down and take a gander at the local wildlife (that's a military term for attractive members of your perfered gender, arn't we clever?)

Bah I have to go, not that I have much more to say, but I hate feeling rushed, it disrupts good digestion (mental or physcial). I keep getting asked what on earth a Genetics Degree will give me, I tell them "nothing, its a degree, you do a little reading and they give you a degree".

Those who have taken my Degree know, just how much "a little is".

Congrats on getting thru the SAR manual. You are now fully equipped to locate me as I trek thru the wilderness of Many tubas.

Ooooooh, accents. Pardon me while I wipe away my drool. Yummy.

I shall endeavor to come visit, however you know how hard it is to get time off when your boss wants you to work all the time cuz you're competent. Unlike so many that I work with. Sigh.

A little reading my ASS!! Altho if you ask dear old Andrew I didn't do nearly enuf. But he's a twerp, and I will admit I did far less reading than you. Mind you, I didn't take a paper-reading course. I'm not that silly!!
Ha, accents. Yes, people of the feminine species do enjoy accents. But I'm sure if I came to Winterpeg I wouldn't care about the "wildlife". ... I don't know if I'd see any of the wildlife.... I'm sure I'd be otherwise occupied. (Somewhere from the depths of me a strangely girlish giggle is emitted.) Anywhoo... congrats on getting throught he manual, once again you deserve hero cookie or gold star. (I'm not being sarcastic, I will seriously buy you gold stars!) Or maybe I can reward you with sexual favours, as I do with all your friends. (Is she joking???) Hee hee... I'm so evil.
Love you,
If sexual favours are how I repay all my debts, why shouldn't you as well? *returns fire*

I want Gold Stars, I love'm. Strangely though, I only get'm from those who have a crush on me. Perhaps those who are enamoured with me wish to give me gold stars. But why?

I was foolish enough to take a paper reading course. My term paper for Dave was over whelming amounts of reading. Sad thing is, I didn't read half of the ones I wanted to. I had to pick and choose the ones that looked promising after the abstracts. Having a research job would be a daunting task.

Alex is going to be a T.A...can you imagine his comments? My word those kids will either hate him or love him to death. Easy money says his comments will equal in length the actual size of the paper he's marking (if not more!)

To be fair you did take a lab course with double weight. That was silly. Ofcourse I took a med-fac course worth doublt weight, that also was silly.

It all seemed like a good idea at the time.

For any of my male readers there are single Kiwi and Aussies running amuck as well. So its fun for the whole family.

I will be sure to construct a list of the most pneumatic ones (did I just say that? you know I did), and point them out to you.
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