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Monday, May 09, 2005



For the third time I am in this lovely province, when I arrive, it rains.

I do not know why it must rain (and be generally crappy out, no summer rain for this flyboy) but atleast I have a home. This home is building 63 room 335, oh yes its a quaint little apartment. I'm not sure it meets all the rules set out by the geneva convention, but Im sure it meets most of them.

I even have a lamp, its nice. To be fair they gave me towels, and the communal showers have concrete dividers, no soap on a rope for in this man's army. No sir. I'm not sure what I'm paying for my little piece of paradise, but I stayed in the "nice" place last night, it had its own bathroom (heretofore known as: The goode Olde Day)and it was significantly more expensive. I am still, nominally, an Officer Cadet, and as such, am poor. When I get promoted I may stay in my little mouse hole to save on money, I don't need much space, and I don't plan on staying at my dresser in the makeshift-closest place often.

When I woke up this morning, I didn't have any clue what to do, or where to go. I know a little more than what I knew then, I even have a meal card. They tell me that if the computer likes me alot I will get to eat supper. I feel empowered.

I work under one Captian Jacques. He has a french last name, but I enjoy calling him Captian Jack as much as anyone who enjoys Johnny Depp (as Im sure half of my readers do, thus my Boss will always been refered to as Capt Jack). Hes a friendly man, he gave me the afternoon off. That's military code for they havn't a clue what I could do. He mumbled something about a project, I see scissors and paste in my future.

I only wish I were joking.

It turns out my place of "work" is right next to the airport, infact I walk under the flightpath of the major runway that is the thriving metroplis of Weatherpeg, its nice. I walk to work and get to see 1000's of tonnes of steal hurtle towards me, no this is not sarcasm, I enjoy things that defy gravity. Extend that axiom as far as you like, I want you to.

Infact all of the base is cuddled around the airport, that means we all get to HEAR the planes landing all the time (even at nigh

Sniff. Sniff. I miss you! No J for this Bp's girl. I shall remember that I must call and ask for a Captain Jacques if they try to keep you from convocation. He must watch his every step, for I shall have spies everywhere!!

I'm glad you have a little hovel to call your own. And that your lovely girlfriend will not have far to walk from the airplane to the bedroom. I still miss you. I'll ttyl soon. I seriously hope your project is the paper on what you learned in university. I know you were joking, but it would have been friggin' funny to see!
Wow, you used 'axiom' in the same blog that you talked about scissors and paste. That's great. Oh, and are you actually expected to put everything you learned from University in a paper? That's like trying to fit a sumo wrestler into a speedo. Good luck.
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