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Sunday, May 29, 2005


Where have all the bloggers gone?

I havn't posted for almost 2 days and no one has blogged? I feel CHEATED. How else am I to stay current on all the latest gossip if, my dearest friends, do not tell me?

As much as I would like to have an extensive spy camera network set up, I just don't have the funds to create such an endevour. The cost of the closed cirquit T.V's alone would be astronomical!

I've been under the weather lately and have no been able to go to the gym since Thursday! I had gotten so used to going, that I am in withdrawl. I'm starting to think I get addicted to anything I take even a remote interest in. So for future reference, do not let me snort any coke, or shoot any heroin, unless told otherwise. I have all this extra engery and I can't spend it, I want to go running, but I cough when I go faster than a walk.

Just when I got Protected against all the colds and sniffles of Edmonton, Winnipeg hits me with its own special blend of viral and bacterial infections.

I was talking to Carol about this, how good it feels after a run. You just get this tingly sensation, and euphoria. your legs feel like jelly sometimes, but you grin while you wobble. A floormate of mine, one Ryan Lawerance, has ran a marathon, and whats do it again in August sometime. I would never been foolish enough to think I could run a marathon by august, but you enter in half marathons or just 10 or 5k's. I've never been in a footrace before, and it might be interesting to try.

I was thinking about my rampant paranoia about a certain Girlfrien of mine's Father whom I am Terrified of, and I wondered if that was why I like CSI so much. Perhaps I just create these crazy senerios in my head involving plots against my life, and CSI is a breeding ground for my morbid imagination.

I saw a later episode CSI and apparently Sarah Sidal (sui-cidal, her name is too punny if you ask me) and Gil have some romantic interlude...I am quite curious to see those episodes, as I've often thought of Lead CSI man as more an Asexual creature.

Speaking of sex, I realized how dirty I truly am the other day. They find a body, with whip marks down her back, some old some fresh. They speculate that its from "being tortured before death" where as I immediately thought " Oh I bet she's just kinky". Sure enough, the victim was a Domme in a Fetish Club establishment. It was a fun episode.

I'm starting to realize that my humour is entirely out of place among my fellow officers. Everytime I make a half lewd comment, they look at me with disdain. For example, there's a bar in Winnipeg called "Tia-wana-s"[sic], and it has a rep for letting in underage girls.
So when I asked "whats a good bar to go to",
they said, "don't go to 'tia-wana-s', unless you want to date a 16 year old"
To which I immediately replied "Why not, get'em young enough and you can train them",
The girl sitting across form me says "I can't believe you just said that, you're single arn't you".

I said something about "it just being a joke", but they remained unconvinced. Stating "you still said it". I thought it was funny, and they immediately thought I was a pedophile or something.
I half wanted to mention that I dated a teenager just this winter or teenagers make the best dates. You know, live down to their expectations, but I fear they wouldn't find that funny either.

you guys spoiled me into thinking that my pervie thoughts were not only acceptable but funny as well. It will be tough going to censor myself. Maybe I can bring them around? Have some sort of an Intervention or something?

Any ideas on how I can corrupt my peers? Corrupting one person is hard enough, but over a dozen? It is a daunting task indeed.

I have no doubts that you can corrupt your fellow officers. You managed to corrupt me just fine, and I'm not even in the military! Sorry haven't blogged lately - moving today and such. I promise to write a nice long one describing the new apartment in detail as soon as we get the internet hooked up in there.
Yes but I've only taken one "padawan" learner on at a time. Where I am firmly entrenched in my religion of perversion, how am I to lead my fellow officers to the "promised land" of ribaldry?

I have yet to see Episode III, I fear too.
I'm sure if they spend enough time around you they're just naturally become corrupted. And don't worry, your sense of humour is funny, they just must not get it; we sure do.

And see Episode 3--it's good! I saw it on the second day it opened.
Yes, we are, um, plotting against you.

Oh, and na na na boo boo, you are hooked on your own endorphins, it's nature's way of suckering people into thinking exercise is fun.

And Star Wars is fairly entertaining, it even has a living torso.
I have no idea how to corrupt so many people all at once. But is anyone can do it, you can. Go Jay! Also once you corrupt them, youre nasty, perverted sense of humor will become funny once again. I'll always think that it is funny, but thats because I'm a nasty little pervert too. We're special that way... Youre way more special then I could ever hope to be but what can you do?

Anyways, I also was moving on sunday. (Thanks Kim for stealing the guys! Grr! Meh, we were basically done anywho.) I now just have to call shaw and get them to transfer my cable over to the new digs. Yay! Y'all must come and visit me!
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