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Wednesday, June 01, 2005


On product retooling

Confucius followers have noticed they are not getting as many new members as they used to. So they decided to change their brand image, make their religion more accessible.

So now, instead of it being called Confucius, it will now be know as: I Can't believe Its Not Buddha.

I don't know why, but I find that ever so humourous at the moment. I no doubt read it online somewhere, but I am giving it to you, in hopes of causing a chuckle.

Getting Closer to my time of flying and I must admit, I am getting a little excited. Not "so-excited-I-just-peed" excited, but excited none the less. After talking with Carol last night, she has alloted herself Friday, so that leave Thursday for Badminton. I don't know if this is good for anyone else, but I would love to do Badminton on the 9th. Since its my convocation, if you don't like it, go to Russia! (I love Homer). Oh, and speaking of TV, yesterdays Final Jeopardy was a beatles question, and I got it right! I'm sure Carol is so proud.

I avoided this subject with Carol last night, but I figure I'll give you guys an update. My dad has been out of the hospital since about the 10th (11th?) of May, he's still not better though. While they have, correctly, diagnosed him with Celiacs, I fear there may be a bigger problem. He's still sick all the time, something is causing him to be emetic. Since he was little (a boy on a farm) he has had to work hard to make ends meet. Working is all he knows, and without work he doesn't feel whole. So his sitting around makes him depressed, and when he tries to work, him gets more sick. There is no sign of him getting better, and I fear there won't be. He's putting on a brave face, but I know pain when I hear it. I could be over-reacting, I don't know, but the more I think about it the more worried I become. That's why I try not to think about it, if that makes me a bad son, I'm not sure. He is turning 59 this September, and after 40+ years of working 12 hour days, I fear his body couldn't take the strain. As well, without work, or putting in enough hours, he can't make any money. Without money he again, doesn't feel useful. I'm worried about him. He knows he's worth a lot of money dead (he has an excellent life insurance policy, after he fell two stories onto a sidewalk he made sure mom and I would be provided for if he died) and I fear he might draw the conclusion that he'd be more useful dead than alive.

What I'm doing about it? Calling him alot and telling I love him and telling him to get better, I don't know what else to do.

That's all you can do for your dad. He seems too tough to me to give up hope, he's strong just like you, he'll be okay. .... talk to you later.
Maybe he should look into some volunteer work he could be doing, or a part time job. I know a lot of people who have retired that just weren't happy doing nothing. It shouldn't be anything too strenuous but enough to force him to wake up in the morning and give him something to do.
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