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Tuesday, July 05, 2005


Happy Tidings

Good news all round.
A) It isn't raining, though much of manitoba remains underwater
B) I found my licence, thus making purchasing AND driving said civic infinately easier.
C) Erin is coming to visit, and I get to watch a horse show. You might recall I ly fear riding horses, WATCHING horses is fine though. I anticipate much double plus good fun to come from the "heart of the continent horse show". I'm sure if I bring Erin on base she will attract a lot of attention, which will promote the city of winnipeg.

Its too bad my other friends, all of whom are attractive, from Edmonton arn't visiting me, or else everyone would want to live in Edmonton. With such a gathering they would be all be requesting transfers to the beauty laden land of the west. Sadly only one is coming, sniff sniff

My group of keen officer cadets have, with the aid of recently graduated Mechanical Engineer, constructed a four-man beer funnel. That's right, this is your tax dollars at work, producing methods with which to consume alcohol faster. You should write a thank-you letter to your ridings' MP.

Since I'm in such a good mood, I am going to run a bit and try and hurt my body, I like to reward myself.

Take Care.

Well Im glad that my taz dollars are hard at work. Its good to see them ut to good use. Its not every day that happens. As for visiting... there isnt really any point. oyur coming back the weekend after I was planning on visiting. I can wait a week long, the question is can you? I mean, Im innocent without you now. (Yay! Benefits of a year of celebacy.) You on the other hand can never be innocent without me. Its impossible. I mean youre just too un-innocent. While Im only mildly innocent. Im sure that my innocence wont last for too long. But you never know, I msy just have jinx myself with that and will now and forever after be remaining innocent and getting more and more innocent with each passing year.
I'm in the same boat as Bobbie, I was planning on visiting you only days before you're coming back so what's the point? I'll visit you later sometime. Glad to hear it isn't raining there. It was around 28* here today, sweltering heat. It was great. Wish you were here.
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