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Monday, August 01, 2005


Civic Nation

Well I have my car, and its a monday. I'm driving my dad to the airport (at 6:25 mind you), BUT I will see how my little baby handles on the highway. I've already scared my mom and carol, that's in chronological order.

oh and FYI, they are changing all the parking signs around Campus to say "resident parking pass only". My guess is that we will have to create a subversive underground group that illegimately creates said passes. We could have an acronym like name, and perhaps serve coffee and cake on wednesdays. Just a thought, I'm just an honest guy looking for ways to scam the system. The next person who likes Campus parking services will be the first one.

What else, I've been booting around emonton, visiting my friends who live all the way on the north end. actually three times...and once more with parents truck, but that doesn't count. I've driven over 160k at this point and I am enjoying it, and I've been honked at twice already, for the same incident though.

Also went to see Yuk Yuk's, Edward Derek (Yes Carol this name drop was for you to be able to remember ;) ) was on and I was crying by the end. literally crying from laughter. Two weeks from now there will be Mike McDonald, he's just about the funniest stand-up comic on the cirquit right now, so I want to go see him. Tickets were 17 dollars for about 2 hours of fun fun fun. Some of you may not be able to afford an entire 17 dollars for fun and laughter, and I'm sorry to hear that. I'm sure you could afford that much money to see me though, right? The returning serviceman from the distant land of Winnipeg?



Okay, but please give me a call at 903-7433, if you are interested. If you are interesting to talk to, please call as well.

Also finally made it to New City, and I enjoyed myself. The music was fun, the people were gothy, and the atmosphere was "I just don't give a fuck what anyone thinks", and that's a nice feeling. We danced till two, and got one of the shyest (shiest? Most Shy? Shyii?) so ask not one, but three girls to dance and/or numbers. Funny thing was though, the first girl was married, he wasn't impressed with me. He informs me that he will "kill me with his bare hands", but thanked me for making his night fun in the same breathe. Shy people are interesting, and according to Carol, I am shy. I guess that means I'm interesting. You should call me, interesting people, and we could have a lovely chat.

Going on a picnic today, not sure where, but I intend to enjoy myself with my honey. That's Carol for all those not keeping track. Further,I deny all knowledge of this "Claire" person and no, I was not see with her at a seedy tarvern last week and no I do not have her name tattoo'd accross my posterior. I hope this "clarifies" the situation. (Oh I do love my puns).

Well, I must be off, food stuffs await.

I have yet to see you since you've been back, we have to rectify that. Give me a call and we'll do something.

PS-congrats about your new car, what colour is it?
My Car colour is Dark Blue.

My milkshake also brings all the boys to the yard, damn right, it's better than yours.

I could teach you, but I'd have to charge.
Parking nazis must be stopped. Glad you're having fun with the car. Heard about the new place with Mikey.

If the shy guy you got to ask girls to dance was Chris, I hope one of them turns out to be a serial stalker.

Who the heck is Claire???
Claire's his Winterpeg girlfriend. She leaves messages on his phone...

Im with you on the parking Nazis. I'll be either riding my bike or taking the bus but Im still with you. They must be stopped.

Also, if you are shy J, what the hell does that make me? I must be the most interesting person in the world... God I hope not. Its entirely too much to live up to. Heres to being shy!
Civic nation has you... bwa ha ha ha.

Apparently 'we' are all going to the bar on Saturday and I'm allowed to pick so that I actually show, any suggestions? I'm considering Suburbs simply because the reason I hate bars is because of creepy grinding guys, help(?).
hehehe, I think you would do well at Suburbs. Its a very interesting place. Be warned, theres more skin than a normal bar. Then again, there is less too...you'll see when you get there.

The full suit of Japanese style armour was nice. The drinks arn't too expensive, and the music rocks. Very danacable. I would like to go again this Saturday though it might take some wheedling to get Carol to go again. She might go home this weekend, so I don't know.

Regardless, I would love to go. I know my friend, Robert, would love to go as well. He and his brothers are the sole reason I didn't get beat up everyday in Junior High.

Update, I've drive 300km since I got my civic. This seems like a lot. The ease in which you can get to places is amazing. I love it. Infact, I adore it. Rush hour doesn't bother me much yet, so you know I'm giddy about driving.

I figure I should be driving maybe 400 a week, so I should no doubt slow down a little. I don't see it happening in the foreseeable future.

And Yes, I do have a new place. It's 1600 sq ft, and the bathroom is twice as big as before. Life is good, but Im very broke till next pay cheque.
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