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Wednesday, August 03, 2005


Le Gas

I filled up at Esso, hopefully this is the gas place Carly wanted me to go to. I could only remember that she wasn't keen on me getting PetroCan. It's not that I don't listen anymore, its just I don't have to remember anything anymore. I go about life forgeting one day after the next. Its kinda nice, not having to think. I fully look forward to letting my mind sink down into a pit of medicority. I've gazed out from the Zenith of Intellect long enough, its time to slum with the unwashed masses.

Oh and Carly, I got a recipt and I recorded my trip time. I thik it was 32.112 litres for 371.2 Km, give or take. I dont have the numbers with me, but I promise to keep a dilligent log.

Last night was the big 10 month, how exciting yes? Carol made me a Chicken "Quesadilla". I enquired how it was different from a Wrap, she said "its nothing like a wrap, its flat". (paraphrasing). So basically I figure Quesadilla means flat in spanish. In an effort to make things easier to spell, I will now call Quesadillas Flats. It was a good flat she made, with just the right amount of seasoning. I'm glad I have her in my life, and I feel lucky to have been the guy to get her heart amongst all other contenders.

I'm actually at work right now, working really hard I might add. Yup its busy here...atleast...two people come in this morning alone. Mondays and Fridays are usually busiest here. Everyone is out to save the world on a monday, and Fridays are people scrambling to get things before the weekend. The other three days are much more relaxed. So relaxed my boss went to golf. Thats right for the rest of the day its just three goon's in a suit (i.e 2LTs, Hopf,Harris, and Me). I love my job, hell I got 3 hours off in the morning to do Admin. I actually did do admin for two of those hours, so really I was only being 33% lazy, which is slimming.

After taking two weeks off from working out I worked out last night and on Monday. I am sore...all over. The problem with taking time off from weight training is that you pretty much have to start at the beginning again, highly annoying. With Car now purchased, and apartment aquired (104 and 125 st, I have a hedge...or have I mentioned that already...its weird to have a hedge...isnt it?) I will gleefully settle down into a nice routine. Its the military in me that loves the status quo. When you young'ins get back to school it'l be even easier, what with all that learnin' you have to do. I ain'ts gotsta learn no mo letters and mesa gowin be very 'appy 'bout that I reckon. So while you are working up a mental sweat, hopefully I will be working up an actual sweat. Isn't it funny how the universe balances these things out?

Well I better get back to work...not that I have anything to do...nope sure don't.

hopefully you will check this, and we can go shopping tonite. i should be doing more productive things, but i honestly haven't been shopping since b4 mexico, and that's a long time for me!
Merde! I did not look before hand, sorry!

You work tonight too, poo. Hope your shopping went well.
WHAUGH!!! Shell! Shell! You need LOW SULPHUR! AUGH! Alright, I'm better.
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