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Friday, August 05, 2005


Sweet Zombie Jesus

It's Friday. So far the office has been quiet, which is exactly what I need. I went to a movie yesterday, Stealth. Its horrible, but the good kind of horrible. One of those campy, silly, predict the ending before it happens, goofy movie. As long as you can make snide comments throughout, its a fun time. Its not $14 dollars fun, but fun none the less. Mike, Steve, Caroline and I all went down to SEC, with Mike and Caroline differing on where I should turn. Considering I'm never that far south (unless Im driving to the airport and I take 91st, like the other sane people) I had to make a choice. As Mike drives more, I defaulted to his version of the truth. I'm not saying he was wrong, and I'm not saying he was right, but we did make it there. My parking skills still need work, but I'm stubborn enough to keep trying. They asked me if I had tested out my governor, I said I hadn't. A very good friend of mine, who will be teaching me how to clean my car, told me not to for the first little bit. Or was that something about Gas Milage...hmmm...oh goodness I've gotten myself confused again.

Its Summer time folks! Enjoy it! walk around, get out, work out, hangout. Do stuff! Have BBQs and what not. The next get together is the 16th right? its not a secert anymore, incase anyone is wondering. He already knows, heck he knew before I did. Mike and I are moving in at the start of the month, maybe we could have a little house warming party? A little alcohol, a little music, a little dancing, might be fun. I havn't discussed this with roomie yet, as he no doubt just assumed. there will be lots of room to walk around and mingle. Hell we might even have enough room to establish a Twister area. I'm not saying the house is big, but I'm not saying it isn't either. Anyway, an End of Summer party should occur regardless of where. Did I mention we have enough space for 4 vehicles? well we do, and that's not including the front street (though thats a residents only pass area...so park there at own risk)

The less I talk about tick contraceptives the better. My only question is, how do they make the pill so small for the tick to eat it? Does it come in different flavours? like Dog and Cat hair? I enjoy your lingo "Tara of the Gallins", its sounds like her homeland. I am Jayson of the Recruiters! too funny.

I can't take today off anyway, as I must stay in the office to watch the fort. So far, as stated above, its been quiet. Hopefully everyone who has time off will sleep and not come join the army. Well I wouldn't mind talking to a highly motivated individual, but 3 times out of 4 its usually just some stoned guy looking for a place to trip out in. I'm guessing its the fact our building is Big and Pink, I bet it attracts the stoners like moths to a flame.

"Dude...is that building is pink, or am I totally high?"
"Sweet, that was awesome stuff, it's pink for me too"
"Dude we have to go there...we have to go there and explore it"
"most definately, after you hit me again, and we get some munchies"
"holy shit that building is pink!"

Don't test it for the first 1000km. And you won't hit your rev limiter, but instead the govenor at 195km/h. Not that I've tried.
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