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Friday, September 09, 2005


Vaction Over

I am back from the dead. That is, my week of leave. It was a lovely week of leave as well. With moving and IKEAing and sheperding pukey drunk people about my house, truly awe inspiring.

School has started up, and I am not required to partake. I want to though, for as long as I can really remember, I was going to school (18 years). 4 years is a long time, and I have many memories of Uni and its frolic.

It makes sense to continue school, especially when money isn't a issue (as in it was Free when I attended). I suppose I enjoy being Challenged, and surviving Genet 408 can definately be considered challenging (staying awake during the class being at the forefront).

My job right now, is not challenging. I do work, contrary to popular belief, but I do not have timings or deadlines. I do work when or how I want. As long as its all done by the end of the week, no one cares. Not that I mind being bored, lord knows being bored it has yet to lose its appeal. I'm an inherently Lazy Individual.

Erin had a good idea and I think I will sign up for a Martial Art. Its physically and mentally challenging, and I can learn how to fight off bullies and retain my lunch money. As well, I was thinking of retaking Bronze Cross, and then aquiring my NLS. Will I ever use this? No, but I like knowing I can, and who doesn't want to be a lifegaurd?

My Gyming has been failing lately, its hard to motivate yourself to go just by yourself. Having a Gym Partner is best, going alone isn't half as fun. So if anyone wants to go to the gym 6 times a week, let me know.

So I hope everyone is excited about going back to school. Oh and to that certain someone who isn't actually in school but wants to be, maybe you should get on that.
Nag Nag Nag.

Its a 4 day workout cycle, so really you are only working out one group of muscles every 4 or 5 days, that doesn't sound so bad does it?
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