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Tuesday, October 25, 2005


Good News!

I worked a saturday the day before I left for AMT and now I get Two half days off!
That measn I get to sleep in TWICE during the work week. Its sad how excited this makes me...but I am. The monday and the wednesday after I get back from Land Survival (SERE), so I will have some time to recoup all the lack of sleep I will be getting.

Its what the army is all about, being cold and tired. That's why I like being carol so much, she's always cold. I'm sure I'm going to pay for that.

So the big day is a coming and I have yet to find my priest outfit. I am going to get a white collar, which I know I can get from Shirly potters and I'm gonna see If I can baptise a black shirt of mine and make it holy (not holey). I'm aquiring an offical black leather bound red paged bible, but I'll have to make sure it doesn't burn my hands when I touch it. I was thinking I'd give people holy water all night, wouldn't that be fitting?

Hope everyone is having a spooky week!

Holy Water? Oh fuck. Good thing I'm planning on drinking cause I'll defintely be out if your serving those. After the week I've had I need it.
Mmmm, holy water. Please be sure that all of my body parts remain inside my clothing if those start being served. Incidentally, as I am dressing up as a vampire, keep your priesty crosses and such away from me!
Is that a Euphamism?

don't worry, I won't be what you would call a "holy": priest.
Hey, aren't you back from Winter freeze your nuts off training? Update your blog, tell us about Winterpeg, etc, etc.
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