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Monday, October 03, 2005



The following post is going to be mushy. Very mushy, we are talking sappy sappy.

It was Carol and mine's First Anniversary. I say first because I want there to be more, many more.

It just so happens that I love her. No really, like Love love. Not kinda, not sorta, but LOVE.

Seriously, the girl is swell, awesome, fantastic, and other things I shall refrain from mentioning (Kids show and all that). I havn't had a 12 month stretch that went so well before. Carol was the best thing for me, she was sappiest strong willed and independent girl out there. I needed that, I needed romance and passion without clinginess and suffication. She totally hones my chi. She is everything I wanted in a girl, mentally and emotionally. Lets face it, shes a hottie too...mm mm mm. She's an excellent cook and she loves my quirky ways, how could I not be totally devoted to her. I love you sweet heart, I hope you know that.

Work got busy, so I can not go on and on about her (which I love doing, SWOON), but I will finish with this.

Thank you Sweet Pea, heres to many more.


Awwww, mushiness reins supreme. Congrats to you both. I'm glad you found someone to put up with you for so long :D


(sound of vomitting followed by the sound of Tiff's band's name
You love it!

Admit it, you want to be in a super sappy relationship...no wait...you don't...

Well I do, I enjoy it, soo ptttbbb.
I hate you all! I hate you!

I lied... I cant hate you. Im just bitter is all...
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