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Friday, October 21, 2005


Wow do I not miss school.

So my week long course is over. After hours and hours of powerpoint and intermediate study on the commercail breats of BRAND NEW CSI (who am I kidding, I also watched the re-runs as well. Canned CSI is still good for you, is just a little less satisfying. Nothing beats CSI fresh out of the oven) I managed to pass AeroMedical Training(AMT).

It was such a hard exam as well, hell the boys who didn't make it back to barracks till AFTER 4am this morning ONLY got 80%.

I was up late watching TV as well. I enjoyed being able to sleepin half way through morning (7:25, which is actually more than half way through morning), so I celebrated by staying up late. Like 1am late. What was I watching, I will give you a hint: Showcase. I was watching "the L word", it may stand for Love, it may even stand for Lust, but it more than likely stands for Lesbians.

That's right, a show dedicated to gay women and how they survive in L.As rough and tumble environment. I never get to watch it as I'm either never home or have to get up too friggin early (6:30), so I indulged. It's a hard hitting drama, very high brow...and girls likely totally make-out and stuff.

Moving on. What has AMT taught me. That my study skills have atrophed after little less than 6 months. I could not will myself to study more than an hour without the TV on. I still got 2nd highest in the class (96%) but thats still unacceptable. I've decided I will have to maintain my Study Habits through military correspondence courses. Some of you...actually probably none of you...anyway...remember that I was to go on a 2 month OPME (officer....something (professional?) management (?) Education (I think?)) in Glorious St. Jean. That fell through so I will have to send a request in to get them via "da mail". I believe you can also do them online or something...I'm not sure. I'll have to figure that out once I get back to work (the entire week and a bit I have before jet setting back to Winnipeg for another course, these are Your tax dollars at work people. I'm rather enjoying the free cookies and pop the airline provides).

That being said I will have this Awful thing called "homework" that some of you may be familar with. I believe we had "homework" when I was in school, I'm repressing that unfortunate period in my life (totalling no less than 18 years), so I'm not entirely sure. Just in case I provide a brief example. Instead of going to class and doing your ork, the teacher "assigns" this work and you trundle off and do it at home. Hence the name "homework". Funny thing, I will actually be doing these essays and reports AT work...so really it will be "work work". Maddening bussiness, I assure you. Of course I would imagine today's university student is too busy with pedicures and going to the country club for a round of golf to be bothered with this strange concept of ""homework", or in my case "workwork". I only bring it up because over the next few months I will be complaining about my "workwork", I wanted to make sure you were up to speed on this wretched concept.

Otherwise, I will be home tomorrow and my phone is quite dead. The recharger in at the Office so I will be incommunicato all weekend. I may just SHOW UP at your house and pester you for hours only to leave as abruptly as I entered.

You have been warned

You don't miss school.... yeah... (so very bitter!!!) It's nice that you learned how to circle animals instead of people and how to see purple things... I'm sure the most useful thing you learned will be that bit on lesbians. You may think it'll never happen, but someday I'm sure you'll be glad you had that training. ;)

ooh! come visit me at RH!!! I won't get to see you till after work if you don't!!!
Glad to hear you'll be coming back to the land of the living soon. I got a quick question for yah--is it ok if I invite a friend to your halloween party and if they bring a friend? Just wondering.

The mandate is to have fun.

Puke buckets will be available.
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