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Saturday, February 04, 2006


New Week, New Dispatching

So ya, Dispatching again. With the lovely Carol beside me, looking radiant.

Our unit went for a run in the river valley. So we run down the hill and then up the hill, it took 20 minutes, not a long run, but my bum hurts.

I'd never make a good navy man.

Oh FYI 3 months at Kinsmen is like 108 dollars which is less than 2 dollars a day! Which is rather cheap, or I think it is.

I can't find my Cell phone charger, if you've been trying to get a hold of me, thats why, I'm not screening my calls. If you need to get a hold of me and my cell phone is off, try gorge,sam, or carol. I should be around one of them usually.

I just love people!

I am sorry that I was unable to make the festivities tonight. I'm kinda glad i couldnt get out of this dispatch shift, as I was invited to two get togethers, and I would have felt bad if I went to one and not the other.

Plus who wants a white boy who can't dance...wait that's redundant, white man can't dance!

ooh racism, so sexy.

Have you seen the new Avril, shes totally cleaned up, have I mentioned this before on this? I don't remember, but she looks good.

More girls should wear business suits. I was going skirt shopping, not for myself ( I was just along for the adventure) and it was suprizing how conservative it was (we were at Kingsway, maybe its still whorey at WEM).

Is this a trend, classy instead of just assy? It would be interesting to see girls starting to cover up a bit. Just a bit mind you, Im not amish.

I'm gonna try that new brushless car wash tomorrow, should be exciting. Chastity is a dirty dirty girl right now, and in desperate need of a bath. I'm also offically using my own money whilst pay for gas, not fun. who knew gas was so expensive. Interesting little fact, the gas light goes on when you have 20% of a tank left, how foolish.

I never have any breathetaking new insight on the world like Carlene does. I overcome this by posting more garbage. Like Kim says: If you can't dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bullshit".

Mission Accomplished.

Im Baffled, truely baffled. Congrats you've accomplished your mission. Yay Jay!
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