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Sunday, August 27, 2006


AOIs: The Untold Story

Before I get into what an AOI is, and the evil that it is, I shall talk to you about Sunday. Its a good day, it also happens to be this day.

While I don't worship RA, Apollo, or Captial G God, I still think Sundays are special. Sunday is laundry day. While others get up early to cleanse their soul, I get up early to cleanse my flightsuit. If you're gonna be a heathen, might as well smell mountain fresh doing it. Blasphemy in a dryger. I may be damned, but I got to exercise my option for the Super Cycle.

Sunday means a new week, a slew of courses, and being closer to the flightline. Sunday usually is the day most PiTs(Pilot in Trainin) have fully recovered from Friday Night.( The night is capitalized simply because this night is Epic. Imagine having 52 holidays, and looking forward to each and every one. Ravenous for 1600, safe in the knowledge that Friday Night would soon be ours.) I say most because some PiTs are sore for a few days afterwards.

You remember the Flight Welcoming Party I am to have? Well one of the flights (Bandit) had their 0607 welcoming party. The 4 PiTs from our Course were there. One of them finished the night with 4 stichs in his face. They tell me it was an accident, but really, 4 PiTs and 4 Stichs? Its too concidental to be happenstance. The 4 Bandits in question were blindfolded at the time, so they have NO idea what happened. I've heard a few rumors that will no doubt stay that way. The Pretty Pained but Patched-up PiT would be wise to keep his mouth closed. Rumors are more fun and, more importantly, not punishable under Summamary Trial (should it come to that).

We shall see on Monday.

Which brings me back to AOIs (Aircraft Operating Instructions). I have the second test tomorrow. Second of Three, the third being on Friday. Three exams on the same subject in less than 2 weeks, not bad realy. I know how the Airconditioning system works, down to the valves,inlets and heat exchangers. This is how intimately I have to know the Harvard. Lovers have known eachother's bodies less than I must know this Aircraft.

Perhaps that's hyperbole, but I'm just not entirely sure how much anymore.

Im settling into the pace of the course though. Studying is becoming less laborious, perhaps the flightline draws me forward. Three Mondays from today, I will fly. 15 days. Terrible Excitement fills my heart. Visions of high G turns, and dive runs, dancing through my head.

Yes Virginia there is an Inverted Spin, with intentional entry strictly forbidden.

Sunday draws to a close, but atleast the laundry is done.

It sounds like this "Harvard" is demanding a lot of your time. She sounds very high maintenance... I'm sure she'll do amazing things for you if you treat her right, though. (tee hee) Do you get to name your plane? Or give it a nickname? And how come machines are always girls? Is it so you can make silly inuendo jokes? (like the pathetic one I made above). Please explain, am curious.
I would ver much like to see just how far little Miss harvard with go. She's not all body though, shes got a mind too. A sweet little package is you ask me. Today I got to be inside her. I must admit, I fumbled around a little, felt like it was my first time all over again. I'm sure we'll get used to eachother, and she'll learn who's boss.

That's why a ship is a she don't you know, because only a man can make her do what needs doing.
Unless she's a lesbian.
Haha! Well Harvard sounds a little classier than "Cassandra" at least. I recall many an odd night wondering why you were 'oiling up cassandra' ???
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