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Thursday, August 17, 2006


Q: When is a Feather not fun?

When its your Propeller doing it.
Feathering (v). 1. When the blades on a prop turn 90 degree to the plane of rotation to stop windmilling, to aid in a successful power-off landing. 2. The process where your prop blades become giant canoe paddles causeing yaw and roll movements so hard you end up upside down.

Apparently an "Uncommanded Prop Feather" has never happened, but doesn't it sound like fun? When the engine is off, feathering good. Engine on: Feathering very bad. I learn all kinds of fun things in ground school.

Tomorrow is my first exam (Im studying so very hard for it too, yawn) and my course's(0607) "welcome party". Aparently its more like pledging for a frat without all those silly rules and Human Rights thingys. Seriously though, we're to show up in some form of issued dress, so a bunch of us are coming in issued long underwear (bright white waffle pattern, it'l be epic). We are to arrive at exactly 1857, and we've been told there are "drinking penalties" for being late, early, and most likely even on time. There is to be at least one bucket for our course, or perhaps one bucket per man (details are fuzzy at this point, no doubt they will remain fuzzy after the fact too). During the course of the evening we will no doubt run about doing "games" for the more senior courses. The whole reason behind this event is "comraderie", atleast that's what we tell the brass. We infact its because We are the new fish, and "they is gonna go til they's breaks one/all of us"(and by break, I mean use the bucket).

After this night is done, I have a "flight welcoming party as well" in about threeish weeks. I will be in Cobra Flight, details to follow in the coming days.

So you can see, its not all studying, there is a fair amount of copious imbing of alcohol too. There are those who, having recently passed the Harvard Course,loudly proclaim they only way they did pass was to "get wrecked every friday". Don't worry though, that's not for me. I'm more of the "light at the end of the tunnel" kinda guy. I just think to myself, only 166 training days to go, thats not so bad, a little further than next tuesday.

In other news, I got a slight speeding ticket in Medicine Hat (only lights on the transcanada for 500klicks I swear to god). I was doing 22 over, which really was quite slow for the trip, all considered. It'l work out to about 130 dollars. Chastity has her first road trip ticket, my little girl is growing up SO fast!

Miss you guys bunchs, but they keep me pretty busy here. If I get done my homework before 9, Im a happy camper. The Aerodynamics(ADY) guy is good for pseudo homework. He assigns homework everynight, but you don't have to do it, he explains everything so well in class. He has like 15+ years experiance as a fighter pilot, and he manages to keep things interesting, he has since retired many moons ago. Making ADY interesting is like making marget thatcher win the beauty pagent. Infact, this is maybe the 4th or 5th? time Ive taking ADY and its actually fun. Learning should never be fun.

Turns out Im the only glider pilot, which lets him pick me for all the glide slope formula/explaination thingys. Theres also a Mech Eng in our class, so he gets everything else *laughs*, poor poor 'gear.

Another fun fact: Im not the oldest. Infact, Im not even the 2nd oldest! Its nice to be middle of the pack. No one, to my knowledge is under 22 years of age, which is completely awesome. No more of this University crowd for me, with your "music" and your "dancing". Nope its all cane waving and muttering about the weather in my PJs for me, its the life.

I think Ive rambled enough.

As much as I'm sure you'll hate me for asking, any cute guys in said training class?

I can think of some very good uses for a feather :D. "Insert scene from 40 days and 40 nights here....... although that was a flower"

I'm glad you're having fun, and you must give details, even fuzzy ones, after the party.

Hey flightless boy! Glad to hear that it won't all be books and planes. All work and no play makes Jay a dull boy. Although after 4 years of university with you, I'm sure you'll be starting up a study group in no time.

Out of curiousity - how long does ground school last b4 you get to play in the air?

*Missing my genetics buddy*
I think that I would have to agree with Sam on this one, any hot men? I'm decidedly throught with boys. No more boys for me, only men.

Hope everything keeps going great. Don't do anything I wouldn't do.

Much love.
"Don't do anything I wouldn't do" says BOBBI... that's not good advice! Don't do anything Carol would be mad at you for. That's better advice! :) Have fun at the party!
It's freaking great advise! There's lots I wont do.. Like eat brussle sprouts. Nasty things.
Did you actually show up in long underwear? I've often wondered - is there any part of your wardrobe that isn't issued? I mean, do you get to wear your own underwear, or do you have regulation tighty whities?
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