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Saturday, August 19, 2006


Yay Solid Foods

I survived! You can all breathe easily.

It was a gong show, but we were allowed to quit at anytime. Ofcourse, you look like a pussy if you quit, but you are allowed to. Forever more known as the guy who drinks like a little girl.

I didn't quit, Leah(the girl in 0607) didn't quit, the two Singapore kids (maybe half my weight...maybe) didnt quit, but Kevin did. Kevin is 6 foot three, and pretty built. He quit after the second game, so disappointing. I don't think he was even drunk by the end of the night...

Moving on. Basically the course before mine 0606 bought a lot of beer and hard stuff for us to drink. We started off with prairie fires, at that point I knew we were gonna get it. We donned our diapers having an egg in the front, and a unwrapped chocolate bar in the back. That's right, we had diapers during the festivities.

Anything we did wrong, or too slow, or too fast, or really well, we had to drink. Some drinks were good, creme de bananae, cacao, mango, etc. Other times it was tequila, pretty good tequilla, but harsh none the less.

First game was a "boat race", invovling two cans of beer each. You line up in two teams. The first man drinks one beer, after hes done the 2nd man drink, and so forth. The ancor, last man, has to drink both, and it goes back up the line. My team won handily. So now Im at a few shots of Tequila, three beers, and a few shots of girly drinks from Shooter Girl O (Officer). The losing team got the chair.

The chair spins, and you have to keep your head down as they spin, during the spinning you have to do an emergency. Fire on the ground, or engine malfunction, etc. The longer it takes you to say it, the longer they spin you.

Have I mentioned we havn't been required to memorize the emergencies yet? Some of my coursemates were on the chair a while until they said "eject eject eject", which means they gave up. Once you complete your emergency or eject, you funnel a beer. So your head is spinning, you cant see straight, and they give you a tube to suck on. Great Fun.

Next Game was the Three-legged wheelbarrow race with half-way shot and chug station. My team lost as our wheelbarrow, "Charles" one of the singaporeans , couldnt go straight if he tried. No matter my team got the chair. Thankfully my emergency was an easy one that I knew, and I was funneling the beer in no time. Ofcourse in my zeal to funnel said beer I slammed it in my mouth, cutting my lips on my own teeth. As this point I was half-cut anyway, so I didnt feel it.

Which brought us to the individual challenge. Think bobbing for apples, only it was a wading pool filled with water, chocolate pudding, and oatmeal, and it was filled with 8 tangerines. Everyone got a little wet, but I got REALLY wet, I was pushed. I was told that I looked like a beached whale, hopefully the camera/video guy got it. Thats right boys and girls, there is video evidence of all these events, Im sure the blackmail will arrive soon after.

Turns out the tangerine game had no winners or losers, we each got another beer to drink and we had to walk around the building. So we drink, dripped, and walked to the opposite side. This was the final event, the slip and slide.

Palmolive and water all the way to that damn kiddy pool with pudding and oatmeal.
After we completed our "crash landing" we got the Moose Jaw Badge for our flightsuit. It has a big two on it with the saying "best in the west" on it.

After the formal ceremony of the slip'n'slide we were allowed to go wash off so we could go to the mess and get to drinking. At the mess we drank some more, and then to mix it up, even more. Sometime during the night, I tried to drink upside down, with marginal success. I did manage to hang myself upside down and turn my head to the right and drink. It was a rum and coke, normally I dislike run, last night, I couldnt taste it. Im not sure why I must climb things when I drink, but this was the first time my feet were above my head. Im glad I didnt slip and hurt myself.

We all ended up at a house of one of the older students, whereupon I called it quits, and stumbled home.

I was very drunk, and got very sick that night, but it was worth it.

Im told that the flight welcoming parties are much worse. All I can say is: Bring it.

Wow! That's impressive... reminds me of some of the things that we did to the grade tens in high school iniation. We weren't very nice. The only big difference is the lack of alcohol.
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