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Monday, September 04, 2006


AA is for Quitters!

Good Morning everyone,

I woke up early today. I decided to be "responsible" and try not to sleep in past noon. Every part of my body wanted to sleep in, but NAY, I fell gracefully out of bed (bouncing my head only slightly off my nightstand) promptly at 0700hr (that's 7am for you civilian types). There was no REAL reason for me to get up early today, but tomorrow I have to be AT WORK AND READY TO GO at 0615. One would think I was in the freaking army! This is the Airforce, where everything is free motels and casual Fridays. That's what I signed up for, luxury and speed (the aircraft are fast too, not just the women), not this early morning brief stuff. Wednesday is worse, brief is at 5:40.

The upshot is, these briefs are for the simulator. I'm gonna play around in the multimillion dollar sim, wee! The sims are going to teach me the "white pages". The routine, every day, checks that you need to fly this thing. So that's what I've been doing this weekend. Trying to memorize the steps, and what they mean. A good start-up takes 5 minutes I'm told, I'm averaging 17+minutes...to read through the checklist. Thankfully I won't have an instructor behind me screaming to finish my checks faster, that's next week. 6 more sleeps 'til I can slip myself into the Mighty Harvard.

To prepare us students for this week, and next, we had three exams and one practical egress test. So on Friday, we were all smiling and VERY glad to be done. The last exam I completely screwed up, but I didn't care, I was DONE for the week. I figured that was enough, that I wasn't going to drink that Friday. Oh how naive I was. It started up innocently enough, drinking my Pepsi, a coursemate asked I wanted a little hooch in it. I agreed, you don't turn down free booze, its just rude. One drink isn't bad, in fact they recommend some alcohol now and again. Who is they? I'm not entirely sure, but I think they wouldn't have enjoyed how many drinks I had AFTER that first one. I would have been fine had I just gone home, it was maybe 8 or 9 at this time. Instead we went to the mess, aka Cheap Booze Palace.

I didn't get home 'til after 2, and didn't go to bed 'til 5 (I'm not sure why I thought it was necessary to chat totally blitzed on "Dr. Peppers"). We got kicked out of mess...not because we were rowdy (though we did start singing traditional singaporian folk songs at the top of our lungs, and saying Cheers in mandarin) but because it was last call. Did we despair? NAY! Did we stop drinking? Nay! Did we steal bikes to ride around the base...yes. Turns out no one locks up their bikes here, so 5 of us were peddling around looking for house parties to crash. Turns out the only crashing was done by our Fighter Pilot Capitan, I managed to keep my balance (one hand on handle bars and one hand holding beer). After the Capt crashed a second time, we decided to replace our stolen merchandise. It was at this point I figured it was time to pack it in. Maybe I was starting to sober up and realized I was in company with some HEAVY drinkers, maybe I just had to go to the bathroom, I don't totally remember.

I came to a few conclusions when I woke up...that day. I am apparently very susceptible to peer pressure, and I kinda like the taste of beer now. Having realized these two points, the Mess on a Friday might not be the best place for me.

I think further study is required though.

In all seriousness, I am staying sane and staying a head of the curse( er I mean course...right). I will see you all on beach.

Yay for peer pressure - let them twist that rubber arm. 5:40 wake up calls deserve a fair reward at the end of the week. I am at home drinking and sitting in the hot tub. Although today I got dragged out for "culture". Culture smulture, just gimme more liquor.

Hope Harvard is nice to you, enjoy my tax dollars in your sim.
Awwwww!!! I am so happy for you on so very many levels. I think I'm entitled to say I know better than most (well... better than many at least)just how long you've wanted this. So congrats and enjoy every second of it, goddamnit.
As for the partying... holy christ child, maybe I should have ducked out of your life sooner :( Sounds like I held you back from being one hell of a guy and having one hell of a time. I don't think I'd even recognize you anymore, and I know how proud you are of that, so again, congrats. You deserve this :)
Yay! Beer! Glad your having fun. Sure wish I was. Life it seems is not fun... Oh Well. I'll survive.
One day, three to go!
The instructor said I was pretty good. I screwed up a few things, but overall no major issues (No Death=good flight).

Tomorrow is a 6am brief, yay 20 minutes extra of sleep! Im not sure they have Culture in MooseJaw, and if they do, no ones made mention of it. I do enjoy your tax dollars, I have the pontential to break something that costs more than I will make in years! Good thing my wage is entirely TAXED INCOME (YaaaY).

Its a happy, if tired, time. You just have stay focused...focused on that bottle of beer for friday. Oh Golly will I enjoy it, and its only Tuesday! I swear Im not an alcoholic, I can quit anytime I want!

Don't worry, you have to wait for this kind of fun. It seems you have to do some pretty ridiculous stuff to get to where you need to be. You too can reach your dreams, BEEFCAKE! BEEFCAKE!
Is just me who I think it is??
Oo? what's it matter?
Just curious
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