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Sunday, September 24, 2006


Birds, Weather, Virus, back to Weather

That is in chronological order of why I couldn't fly the last two weeks. Of the ten flying days, I got one. That's right, one. Not that I'm not greatful for that one flight, but at this rate, I'll be here till Doomsday.

Thankfully, I am over my cold, and the weather looks A LOT better. Speaking of weather, I have a Meterology exam tomorrow, I'm pretty sure I'll have had harder eye exams. Met is silly easy, foolishly easy, and we like it that way. The other class we take is Instrument Flight (IF). You remember back in Junior High when you learned how to do math in your head? Well thats IF. Sadly, there are usually two equally right answers depending on which way you're pointing. If you can do the math (Calculate true airspeed(TAS)=Indicated airspeed*4*times your height in 1000's, then Calculate max drift=windspeed/(TAS/60), then calculate actual drift=Your heading minus wind direction when its 0-15degrees use a 1/4 of max drift,15-30=1/2,etc, apply actual drift) and you actually GET the right answer to calculating "actual drift" you have to pick left or right. This is the easy example, we're not even trying to arc around a radius (which causes the wind to shift in relation to you every few minutes) or go point to point (which, as defined my insturctor, is a Black Art).

Im not worried though, Im good at math, or I will quickly find out to the contrary.

IF is a big part of this course, a full third of all my flights (plus a lot of Simulator rides) is IF. All of a sudden being able to do mental math is a bonus. I have to write Mr Donally a thankyou letter.

The new course came in a few weeks ago, so we (my course) welcomed them. We bought 144 beer, 4 26's of HARD alcohol (no less than 33%), and some eggs. No, they did not eat the eggs, they had to carry them. whenever they dropped them, they took a shot. Now they didn't just run about, they had obstacles. I was at the crawling station. You had to crawl under a table, many people dropped their egg. My 26 was Hot One Hundred, a lot of people prefered it over the So Co earlier in the course. So we started at about 5:20, finished about 6:20, and not one of them was sober. They wore their waffle white long underwear (just like we did) and we got them all wet on the slip and slide (no pudding this time), and everyone had a good time. They got changed into dry clothes with enough time to go to hungarian night. It wasn't that fancy, but the food was good. They brought in some Hungarian Dancers, who stayed, much to the delight of about 70 drunken single guys. Normally the ratio is about 10:1, this time it was maybe 4-5:1.

I spent the most I ever have at the mess, about 12 dollars. I got a little buzzed, but not too bad. We snuck in mickey of Hot 100 so that helped with cost.

Next Week? Cobra welcome party. I've been told to not making any plans for saturday, my liver hurts already.

Have lots of fun dear... and drink water you'll liver will thank you!
You're a crazy crazy boy. Glad you're having fun. All I do is work :(
are you dead? why don't you update? or tell me you're in town!
Bad Jayson. Bad.
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