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Sunday, November 05, 2006


67 Flights left!

Weekly update: Still alive.

In other news...Carol wants me to talk about the 2nd annual mustache competition. It was horrifying. It was like stepping into WW2 fighter training. Everyone was sporting a mustache, and they were all dirty. I sadly, didn't get offically jugded, the winner, however, deserved it.

He was hungarian and his mustache could not have looked more redneck, think Joe Dirt, and you might be close. The dirtiest went to a red headed guy with the thickest mustache this side of Moscow. Few more weeks and he could have waxed that baby enough to scare even Dudley Doright. His mustache would have put 70's porn stars to shame.

Carol is coming to visit me this week, Im very excited. I even cleaned up a bit! Not too much though, don't want to lose that 'lived in feeling', do I?

Sam is coming with her, who should have a lot of fun as well. There is the Spa and the...ah...the Spa...er...and the Mess on Friday! Everyone likes the mess on fridays, even the non-drinkers! The new course had their welcome party, and some of them were heavily heavily intoxicated. One of them was a non-drinker, so they gave him a prairie fire without the tequila (they did mix it with water, lucky for him). He tried to understand why on earth anyone would CHOOSE to drink that. How does one explain rite-of-passage? Im just not sure.

They are still flying me a lot, 5 flights again last week, Im offically 'on schedule' for flight training. Some of the guys on my course are minus 8 and 9, so I should be really thankful. Doesn't give me a whole lotta time to study up, since Im in the part of the course now where I am learning something new everyflight. On top of that Groundschool has gotten a little tricky with Insturment Flight Procedures. To sum up said procedures in a word it would be: convoluted. Im sure they all make sense in the end, but right now all I see is gibber gabber.

Im getting through though, still passing everything and that's all that matters.
My third solo is scheduled for tomorrow at 4:15, thats about 3:15 your time, wish me luck.

Wishing you luck... Hope it went well. I wish I was coming this weekend but I couldn't afford to miss all the practicum hours... Boo! Have a drink for me.
Hope flight went well. Hope you and Carol and Sam have fun this weekend. You really do have to come visit sometime soon tho!
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