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Sunday, January 21, 2007


Playing Catch Up

Im not even sure how to begin. Traditionally, one starts at the beginning, so naturally I will start with the end.

I passed my ICHT! (Initial ClearHood Test) Don't let the name fool you, I won't be doing clearhood again until I fly Choppers. It is test number 2 of 5, I have completed 62 of 100 flying events. New Math says thats 38 to go! I began this this course as a snowflake, now as I tumble down the snow laden roads, Im a dirty giant snowman...wait...where am I going with this...Ive forgotten.

About the Flight Test, I literally squeaked over the line. Imagine a pint of beer, about half full. I like this analogy already! Moving on, imagine the heavenly amber liquid is failing the test (cause face it, you drink before a flight test, you ain't passing) and the empty part of the glass is passing. I was literally the meniscus, for the chemistry impaired, I was the foam. I could not have done one more thing (no matter how small) wrong and still passed. In the end though, P is for Pass, and P is for Pilot! The tester said, and I quote, "any other day, any other snapper, it would not have been a pass". It was as if God himself gave me a stay of execution, I was so relieved to have finished that damned flight.

It was the end of a two week marathon of flights. I had monday the 8th off, and that was it. I flew every other day, atleast once. After my two weeks off with turkey and bon bons (so much chocolate....sooooo much chocolate) I was starting to get drained. Last night, to celebrate my success (however marginal), I played poker and consumed the Devil's Brew. Work hard, play hard right?

What else happened? Oh ya, I GLOCd. Thats when you don't get enough blood to your brain and you take a wee nap in the plane. No big deal, I was flying less than 24 hours later (this was...tuesday, the 16th), but it was an interesting experiance. Anyday you get a free ride in the ambulance is a good day! That is unless you were actually hurt, which I was not so GO ambulance ride! I had to have my blood taken, to test for illegal/unusually substances, and pee infront of the med tech (paramedic/nurses aid). You ever try to pee infront of someone, while they are WATCHING? I don't want to ever GLOC again, if only for that reason.

GLOC (gravity induced loss of consciousness). What does it feel like? The best I can explain it is with yet another analogy. You ever have a dream where you show up to work/school/in-laws completely naked? Then you wake up in a flash and say to yourself "golly Im glad that was just a dream!" Well it was like that, only my dream was flying the aircraft, and when I woke up, I WAS ACUTALLY FLYING THE AIRCRAFT! Actually the instructor was flying the aircraft by then, so no big deal. I was pretty freaked out for a few moments after coming to (I was only out for a few seconds). Once I realized what had happened, I mostly felt foolish. Only guy on course to GLOC and I put myself into it (only at 4.5 G too, embarassing!)

My instructor, bless his soul, was trying to settle me down when we were flying back. My instructor has all the personality/charisma of a Vending Machine, but I appreciated the effort. Lucky for him, I wasn't freaked out, just completely annoyed.

So in Recap: I passed my test, passed out, and didn't pass on the beer last night. I hope this helps.

Oh, now I understand why Carol said you were going to give her a heart attack. I have something to say to you:


Ok, the maternal scolding is over. Glad you passed your flight exam - sounds a lot like Biochem 203, actually. I believe I passed by 1%.
I will whole heartedly agree with Kimmy... I'm just glad that that instructor was there. Super Glad that you passed. Your little motto reminds me of my own... C's and D's get degrees! congrats hun.
Yeah... I GLOC all the time... just the other day I was rounding the corner in the supermarket and BAM! GLOC! Who doesn't GLOC, it's such a common thing to do... I mean, honestly... no big deal.


No more sleeping in the plane... I'd like you to be around at least until we get married.
Which in the grand scheme of things isn't that far off...
Update, dammit!!!
I wholeheartedly agree!
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