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Saturday, March 31, 2007


So Close

Its a Saturday Morning, and I don't feel so great. This is pretty standard around here, but sadly, I am not hungover.

I've been sick for the three days, but it seems the antibiotics they gave are working! I slept through most of the night, which I thought was a thing of the past. This cold is like Brannigan's love: hard and fast.

So I've been sitting at home, watching TV. A lot of quality TV can be watched when there is literally no way you want to get up from your chair. The Daily Show/Colbert Report is good stuff, kept me much amused. Dennis Miller was on the Daily Show, that guy is way too smart. I had to look up 4 or 5 words after his speech, though in the rages of my cold, I do not recall which words those are. Kinda odd to think about it, Smart Americans, you'd figure they'd have all died out by now. Alas, those two Shows give me hope...hope that the Yanks will one day unfuck themselves.

Speaking of Unfucking. I passed my 4th flight test. I had Captain Hirt (aka the Hurt Locker) for this test. I also had him for my first flight test, the IIT. They were both the same sorta test, doing the same sorta things, so I knew he could see directly improvement on my part. This Test involved flying to Swift Current. Which is pretty cool, cause this test was actually useful. I can now go from point A to point B. Its pretty cool, having a clue what you are doing on the Radio. Instead of Air Traffic Control, being this horrible machine, they are just another instrument. Something the pilot must use and listen to if the flight is to go according to plan.

The flight went great, coupla silly mistakes, but it was a pass. I have 9 flights to go. As soon as i get better, I can finish this freaking course off.

9 flights for a mortal man, destined to fly
7 form trips needing an IP with stoney resolve
2 Xs for the student under a sunless sky
In the land of Moose Jaw where pilots toil
100 events in all, 1 Aves to fly them,
1 course to test them all and in its completion bind them
In the land of Moose Jaw where pilots toil

YOU NERD! God I love you.
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