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Thursday, June 30, 2005



So I was gone for a while but the internet was down. I was not with Claire as Carol suggests, everyone knows claire is still in Edmonton.

Um I bought my plane ticket for the 23rd of august and I will be staying until September the 5th. 13 days in total and 13 nights...I think, somewhere around there. No matter.

I will be buying a BRAND NEW CAR at edmonton, which is exciting, so I will be able to drive to and fro and fro and to. I will require no longer a ride from anyone. Its is an EXCITING idea.

I put in my request (I say again REQUEST) for transfer to Edmonton Recruitment Centre. It would be an Office job and I would ACTUALLY have to do work, go around to places and wave the flag a bit. I would be horrible, but atleast I would be home.

I miss home, I miss everyone, and I hate it here. I have been spending lots of money doing stuff so I can forget I'm at a town that exists soley as a nexus for rail lines.

Ther is NO lazer tag, it shut down, boarded up courtney, what kind of people let a lazer tag business go bankrupt. Heathens all.

I read all your blogs, including Alex's Thesis. I feel kind of up to date EXCEPT what/who Bobbis been up to. I guess Kim gets back soon, so I hope her a fun rest of trip.

So if anyone was/is planning on visiting between 23rd august-5th September, please just stay in E town

Wednesday, June 15, 2005


Today is Adeventure Wednesday

What does that mean? It means a bunch of us get together and do SOMETHING. ANYTHING that's fun for all those involved. We wanted to go Lazer Tagging (paintballing would have been more like Mud balling at this point, the sun is out(Finally) but everything is still soupy) but Winnipeg HAS NO LAZER TAG. NOT ONE. Can you Imagine? The insanity of this place grows with each passing day. If it weren't for ADVENTURE WEDNESDAYS I honestly believe I would go mad.

We are going instead Go-Carting, or in this particular instance "NAS-Carting". You need to be 18+ to drive them, so they should be sufficiently fast (read also: suicidal).

We have been playing a lot of Texas Hold'em, and after my one win, I've been cleaned out twice in a row. Thankfully they have only been for 5 dollars, so Im really only at -5 dollars over all, which is nice. Floor Three Annex of Building 63, where I hang my hat, is DETERMINED not to be bored in Winnipeg, it is trully a daunting task. I've long since run out of Novels to read, so I am stuck with T.V or ADVENTURE WEDNESDAYs ( and "sketchy Saturdays", Fun fact: they last longer than 24 hours).

So While The events surrounding my military life suck, the people I'm associating myself with are highly motivated to have fun. We even have an OIC Go-Cart, one Ocdt Banks, so far she's done the research but has yet to appoint a 2ic (2nd in command). I am doing her evaulation for this exercise, and if she fails she will be doomed to remedial fun. I'm not sure what all that entails, but having to pay for the copious amounts of beer we drink is an option.

Also good news, the Hot Water is back on. After having my Cold Cold shower, I am ever more glad I am Airforce and not Army. Army showers in the cold water all the time, they like the rain. They also like charging at Machine Gun Nests, which baffles me to no end. Thank god for Army though, because it means I can be home by diner, and they get home in other ways.

Tuesday, June 14, 2005



I talked to Cpl Wallis, and she won't help me. Its not that she doesn't want to help me, I'm sure I am annoying her a lot, she just can't. Apparently my information was improperly added into the Computer.

And they can't fix it till monday! That means No pay for Jay. I get 1/5 of what I should be getting, isn't life fun? I will just get my money 15 days later, but I wanted it now. I deserve it now, hell I deserved it three paycheques ago.

More Bad news, I got my Moose Jaw Posting Date. 30 Oct 06. 16 months away, WEEEEE. I will be here FOREVER. I found this out last night, I was annoyed. I went and played poker and lost it all on pocket 2's, thankfully it was only a 5 dollar buy in.

There's more this morning; no hot water. I'm not talking empty water heaters, I am talking no Hot water in the building period. Ever taken a Cold Water Pipe only shower? It isn't pleasent. Ever Shaved with Cold water? I don't recommend it.

So this morning I had no money(gambled or otherwise), no posting, no hot water,and to put the cherry on the top, it was raining. It hasn't stopped raining since I've got back.

Apparently the gods be angry at me. Thankfully the RMC kids are about for my ritual sacrifices, otherwise, I might have been in trouble.

Monday, June 13, 2005


No Pay for Jay

(Alternate Title: A day in the Life of an (almost) comissioned Officer)

I'm out $8,734 Cdn. Hopefully I have your interest.

Before I get into my story you'll be happy to note that it is Raining here too. I guess I've become a kind of a Rain God, Bad weather following me where ever I go. You don't have to worship me, burnt offerings or the occasional virgin sacrfice is more than sufficient.

Moving on.

I got my Pay statement today. It said I was getting an Extra 3734 dollars. That's a lot right. I mean come on! Even after I pay off All my (gambling and Credit Card) debts, I still would have 2000. I had visions of a big sweaty wad of 20's. Who here doesn't want to own a big sweaty wad of money. It would be me and the drug dealers, but atleast my money is (semi-)honestly procured.

BUT! (there's always a but)

I had been charged 3734, exactly the amount the were giving me in back pay and my additional pay for being promoted, for something called "re-classification".

I walked into the pay office, wondering where all my money had gone (my pay statement said I was to clear 285.81). So a Corporal (Cpl) and I sit down and we look at my online bank statement. Upon finding this "re-classification" line she proudly stated.

"Oh look, you were just charged this reclassification money, that's where all your money went". When I enquired what the hell that was, she gave me a blank stare. She apparently thought repeating what the computer was telling her would mollify me and make me go away. This is akin to your boss telling you that your last pay cheque was stolen by Gnomes, you can't help but ask what coloured hats they were wearing. After about 30 minutes of my little Cpl Wallis phoning and frantically trying to find out where in God's name my money was, she told me this: Call me tomorrow. I was inspired by her detective abilities. Obviously these computer gnomes were devious. Unlike the misguided underwear gnomes, the Computer Gnomes had succefully stolen 3,700 dollars from me. Apparently gnome cost-of-living is on the rise. Next election Spankys platform should be on curbing this situation.
My Boss(es) tell me that on the 15th if I don't have my money, they can "cut me a cheque". Which would be really cool, cause depositing that much money would allow me to obtain the aforementioned big sweaty wad of money(TM).

To my knowledge no one on this base knows what a "re-classification" is, or why it costs 3734 dollars. So tomorrow we will see if this Gnome/reclass theory of mine pans out. Either way, I'm getting my money or the Gnome gets it.

What about the other 5000 dollars? Well it seems that flying program I told you about? Yah, they canceled it in Nov 04. Which means I'm SOL. I was annoyed, the military parks me at a desk and expects me to maintain my current flying level...with paperwork? Oh well, I', pretty much completely disillusioned with anything Administrative right now.

Perhaps CSI will soothe me, I miss you guys already, be back tomorrow with more Pay Updates.

Monday, June 06, 2005


Coming Home

That's right I am coming home, do da do da.

My doctor told me to drink plenty of fluids since I am not feeling well. Since Beer is a liquid, it takes the shape of its container. I felt I was justified in drinking said amber liquid.

Somehow I don't think beer is what Doctor Young had in mind.

I made money at the casnio! it was smoke free as well!

I am now making money off the RMC kids via Texas hold em. Only 10 dollars so far, hopefully more as time goes on.

Have to go pack and such. Love you all, see you soon.

Friday, June 03, 2005


Je suis The Sick (mal)

Yup its that time again. Its the end of May and its time for me to get the flu. That's why I didn't blog yesterday, yes yes shame on me. Not that a lot of blogging is to be had, fewer and fewer updates of home do I get.

I guess I will just have to fly home and see Edmonton for myself, yes that is exactly what I shall do.

I don't really do anything, not even running as I am bed ridden most of the time. I have, ofcourse, been watching crazy amounts of CSI. It passes the time admirably though some of the subject matter is VERY MATURE. A Rapist in an Insane Asylum has a homosexual affair with another inmate so his mother, whom he's also sleeping with, gets jealous and kills her son's homosexual partner.

What an interesting world CSI lives in, ghastly indeed, though not entirely unbelievable.

Wanted to actually go out and mingle this weekend, but I will no doubt just be in my room, moping about watching the Idiot Box. So I charge you all to go forth and enjoy your weekends, for me. I want you all to tell me exciting tales of mad-cap weekends of the highest order!

go forth my minions, and enjoy your youth!

Wednesday, June 01, 2005


On product retooling

Confucius followers have noticed they are not getting as many new members as they used to. So they decided to change their brand image, make their religion more accessible.

So now, instead of it being called Confucius, it will now be know as: I Can't believe Its Not Buddha.

I don't know why, but I find that ever so humourous at the moment. I no doubt read it online somewhere, but I am giving it to you, in hopes of causing a chuckle.

Getting Closer to my time of flying and I must admit, I am getting a little excited. Not "so-excited-I-just-peed" excited, but excited none the less. After talking with Carol last night, she has alloted herself Friday, so that leave Thursday for Badminton. I don't know if this is good for anyone else, but I would love to do Badminton on the 9th. Since its my convocation, if you don't like it, go to Russia! (I love Homer). Oh, and speaking of TV, yesterdays Final Jeopardy was a beatles question, and I got it right! I'm sure Carol is so proud.

I avoided this subject with Carol last night, but I figure I'll give you guys an update. My dad has been out of the hospital since about the 10th (11th?) of May, he's still not better though. While they have, correctly, diagnosed him with Celiacs, I fear there may be a bigger problem. He's still sick all the time, something is causing him to be emetic. Since he was little (a boy on a farm) he has had to work hard to make ends meet. Working is all he knows, and without work he doesn't feel whole. So his sitting around makes him depressed, and when he tries to work, him gets more sick. There is no sign of him getting better, and I fear there won't be. He's putting on a brave face, but I know pain when I hear it. I could be over-reacting, I don't know, but the more I think about it the more worried I become. That's why I try not to think about it, if that makes me a bad son, I'm not sure. He is turning 59 this September, and after 40+ years of working 12 hour days, I fear his body couldn't take the strain. As well, without work, or putting in enough hours, he can't make any money. Without money he again, doesn't feel useful. I'm worried about him. He knows he's worth a lot of money dead (he has an excellent life insurance policy, after he fell two stories onto a sidewalk he made sure mom and I would be provided for if he died) and I fear he might draw the conclusion that he'd be more useful dead than alive.

What I'm doing about it? Calling him alot and telling I love him and telling him to get better, I don't know what else to do.

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