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Thursday, March 31, 2005


Yay Writing

I wrote some more of my paper, and I will prolly send it to Carly when the time comes.

IE tomorrow sometime. Gosh knows the little girl doesnt have enough to do on her own, but she wants to help me. She's a saint I tell you, a demon on the road, but a Saint none the less.

Currently whoring out my assingment to anyone and everyone who will take it. I want confirmation on all my results and explainations. I need to do well in 418, I want to make my last semester great.

You guys made it great as well, I heartily enjoy coffee and all the fall-out there in. I will do my best to continue to make it to all the coffee's of april for in May I am gone.

There is a party at my place, from the 28th to the 31st. Its 4 days and three nights.
We are setting our sights high, but I have hope for a glorious party yet.

You all are naturally invited. If you plan on staying, please bring own bedding and toliettries (including towel, I have but two)

its late and I should have been in bed ages ago.

Tuesday, March 29, 2005


On Acrobatics, Hurting Yourself, and the Familial Connection

Most of you have heard that my father got a trip to the hospital, on the sunday, that would be easter sunday.

Why? Because he fainted, twice, the day before, but didn't think it would be prudent to go to the hospital then.

He thought it go away on its own, because secretly my dad got his Medical Doctorate without telling the rest of the family.

Anyway, I get a phone call on the sunday morning, Im to drive dad to the hospital, he can't stand up without feeling faint. So we drive him to the hospital.

He explains that he's faint and that his chest hurts. I've never seen nurses and doctors swarm so fast. I think I counted 2 doctors and 4 nurses, moving about him like angry bees.

I, at this point, feel useless and go off to read the paper. Apparently when you walk into an emergancy feeling faint for over a day and chest pains, they think its something serious.

He had an irregular heartbeat, he was running well over 150, for over 12 hours mind you, and thats why he kept getting faint, his body couldn't handle the strain. They hit him with the paddles and it fixed itself. This is the time when all the nurses started yelling at him for not coming in the day before, they needn't have bothered, I had already scolded him.

So there we were, father and son, just having a father and son chat, in an emergancy room...with IVs (three) and Electrodes (2) and paddle pads (2) and all manner of devices flowing from his body to a beepy little machine.

It was quality time.

Atleast I got him to go to the hospital, I don't think I could handle the alternative, not so soon after my granddad passed on.

So that's my story, he's good now

Thursday, March 24, 2005


Blink 182

I'm on my own and there's something wrong, and I know its very late and its yesterday.

guess what!? I'm dispatching Again, ACTUALLY, its hours before my next shift, but I live on Campus.

My Own Bed?Computer?

I Need them not! I will be home this weekend, hopefully! I have LOTS of homework to get a boogy on. I printed off the wrong article to read (thank god I only read about 6 pages out of 22 of it) but now I have the right one and all is right with the world :)

thanks for reading my Blog, I know you care! We are SO on for the 6th, its gonna be GREAT, gonna study a bunch and read and eat...um...doughnuts? Coffee?

Do we eat coffee? no we drink it, thats right.

Quick Questions, for my Creative Essay in 418. How long till a home pregnancy test can be taken to show positive results? is it 2 weeks along? a month? I want to keep the facts straight for the AWESOME power that will be my Essay. Does anyone know anything about docctors without borders? Like how do you get in, and how long do the "shifts" last, oh and do they happen in the Congo?

I'm sure I'll have more questions as I go along!


Actually a good idea would be to post updates to my story as I go along, that way you all can be a part of the creative process, well you won't see the heavy bribing involved but I assure you I will keep you up to date as much as possible.

got my Essay back for history, I did really well on it, so I finally did well on an Arts Essay. Its the first time in university, and let me tell you, it cost a BUNDLE. Seriously though, apparently I can write acedemia papers now. I thought Genet408 was a blip that the teacher marked me easy or something...maybe I can write? Maybe I'm a real boy after all!

well enough blogging for now.

Sunday, March 20, 2005



i know I know

I never blog, its not my fault, really!

You love me anyway. Its sunday night on a slower than normal dispatch shift and I'm here to talk to you today about


No really, just kidding.

but if you have seen the movie "toys" its a good one, I think robin williams is in it...or maybe someone who acts like him. Its about a toy Factory...or something.

Moving on, I should be reading up on my Article that's due for tomorrow or perhaps one of the 25 pages of paper's I have to write, but alas, I am lathargic. I do not wish to complete any homework for tonight. Even if it is due tomorrow.

Carly's Blog tells me to blog and so I shall. Hmm What's new? I'm leaving on the 3rd of may, and that sucks. I have a wonderful girlfriend whom I am leaving and I don't know what to do about it.

Listening to Savage Garden isn't helping either. Hmm what else, I like coffee, its good times. Oh I don't mind Red Heads either, infact my Dad is an Orange-red kinda Red Head and hes not too bad, a bit of a bastard, but so am I.
I like cheese, and crackers, and pickles while we are at it.

It was fun not talking on friday, but I don't think I want to do it again anytime soon, twas hard. Carly I didn't mean to call you a slave or anything like that, I was joking, Honest!

I'm out, cya tomorrow

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