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Tuesday, May 31, 2005


More Wisdom from the Airforce

We have a saying here: If you've got nothing to do, for God sakes don't do it here.

That was today's dismissal, it was quite humourous. Carly, I replied to your comment in my previous blog on what my proper appellation is.

On corruption and the common good. It seems I can no longer corrupt anyone, Carol is my crowning achievement. Well if I had to have a crowning achievement, I'm glad it was such a pretty one. (Side note:looking fwd to the skirt).

Last night was an interesting one, I started running again. I'm not entirely over my cold though, so the run left me feeling very weak and out of sorts. I decided to go to bed early (yes I Jayson Gordy went to bed early), after taking some Nyquil for my cough.

Dead Asleep, I dream of a ringing, I wake up to realize that it is infact my phone rining. Reaching my phone, which was all the way at the end of the bed, felt like swimming through water. Everything seemed heavy and out of sorts. After picking up the phone, I orignally thought it was an angel (Mushy Alert). I wondered for a moment if I had died, I hadn't remembered dying, so I discounted it quickly. My mind cleared enough for me to realize it was, infact, Carol on the phone. When she asked me if she woke me I wanted to say "Nah, I had to get the phone, someone was calling me", but being very tired I think I mumbled yes.

The reason why I mentioned this is for the first time in as far as I can remember I went to bed early, and Carol stayed up. That never happens, it seems we are bad influences on eachother. Of course there was an hour difference between her and I, hmmm.

Episode III was buggery, he should have had someone else write the script, my word. He can be executive producer or something, but he just can not write.

For all those involved in the plot, ensure that you don't schedule me for a Saturday event (unless later in the evening, say 9:30-10:00, as I will be at my parents). I've been trying to contact as many people as possible, but if you think of someone I havn't told I'm coming for a visit, please do.

Monday, May 30, 2005


I done been promoted!

Sweet Crack-pipe jesus, I have seen the light!

I have a thick bar instead of a thin bar, I am infinately awesome. I feel relieved, happy, giddy, excited, and most of all GREEDY. That's right ladies and ghents, BLING BLING. the money truck is a backin' up a thisa way and I couldn't be more happy to guide it in.

How you may ask? how on earth Did our little Happy Cog get promoted? Well I shall tell you! He enlisted the aid of a Major, more Specifically Maj Mike. In the morning, whilst I was purchasing coffee and he was purchasing a doughnut(glazed I believe), he non-chalantly asks me "hey Gordy, you been promoted yet?". To which I replied "no sir, they have to send it back to 17 wing, why do you ask?". He seemed pensive foir a moment and quickly disappeared. About 10 minutes later, I get a paged to go up to A1 trg (you might remember them from our previous story). There was Mike, commanding the peons to tremble before his might, and in the process promote me. So, clearly terrified, they scurried about, printing and faxing and calling. They begged forgiveness with their fear-stricken eyes, and got me my documentation. He then drove me to 17 wing OR, and got them to fill my paperwork and thus promote me. We went to supply and he got some 2Lt slip-ons and we went back home.

I was promoted in the atrium by a Colonel Thuen(One rank below a general), and was welcomed to the 1 CAD family. I am a Double Plus Happy Cog now, and feel very special. It is sunny out for the first time I have been here, the day has simply gone smashingly.

On another front, the RMC folk are here! YAY, more people. Thankfully I know some of them, and that's nice. I went to PFT with one, and he's from Winnipeg, so I know have (what we in the military call) the "hook up".

I would attempt to flash a gang sign, but apparently this city is filled with gangs, wouldn't want to be showing the wrong colours dawg.

As well, I have seen the Episode three. I went, by myself, to watch the last of the Starwars movies (by Lucas at least, or so he says). I wasn't disappointed, in that I had NO expectations coming into this movie. I had no hype, and I feared it would be wall to wall gugans, figuratively and literally speaking (spelling). Thankfully there was only one. He should have died, even so. The love story was TOO sappy, and Anakin's character was contrived and infinatile. There were two scenes, when all the Jedi were killed, that was a well thought out plot device. Lucas showed some of his old stuff when he wrote this in, I enjoyed it. Also the line "so this is how liberty dies, with thunderous applause". The line, however, is SO good its no doubt a quote. If its not a quote, point Lucas. The rest of the movie? The Victory Star Destroyers weren't bad, and the battle scenes weren't awful, but the rest was pretty shitty. And that is all I have to say about that.

Did I mention I was promoted, in case I didn't, I was promoted! WEEEE, I won't see any of my back pay till mid-june at the earliest BUT it's only a matter of time.

Oh and apparently I'm, being plotted against, which is always fun.
Be sure to involve Carol in your plans, she has an agenda as well, be sure they don't conflict. I'm a lot of things, but I am not two people. I will be a delightfully easy-going victim, I look forward to it.

On corrupting the Innocent Masses. more and more people I went to Basic with are showing up, I think we are up to 4 now. And just because they know me, will not mean they enjoy my presence. I will work tirelessly to worm my way into their inner circle as I did with Safewalk. In a few months I was easily the Slave of Safewalk, and conversely Safewalk was my staunchest Ally! So will it be with CFB Winnipeg...hmm...probably not, but I will make an attempt.

If only I had an Alter Ego, it would make this so much easier.

oh and Bobbi, you are wonderful just the way you are, don't worry yourself over who is more special than whom.

Sunday, May 29, 2005


Where have all the bloggers gone?

I havn't posted for almost 2 days and no one has blogged? I feel CHEATED. How else am I to stay current on all the latest gossip if, my dearest friends, do not tell me?

As much as I would like to have an extensive spy camera network set up, I just don't have the funds to create such an endevour. The cost of the closed cirquit T.V's alone would be astronomical!

I've been under the weather lately and have no been able to go to the gym since Thursday! I had gotten so used to going, that I am in withdrawl. I'm starting to think I get addicted to anything I take even a remote interest in. So for future reference, do not let me snort any coke, or shoot any heroin, unless told otherwise. I have all this extra engery and I can't spend it, I want to go running, but I cough when I go faster than a walk.

Just when I got Protected against all the colds and sniffles of Edmonton, Winnipeg hits me with its own special blend of viral and bacterial infections.

I was talking to Carol about this, how good it feels after a run. You just get this tingly sensation, and euphoria. your legs feel like jelly sometimes, but you grin while you wobble. A floormate of mine, one Ryan Lawerance, has ran a marathon, and whats do it again in August sometime. I would never been foolish enough to think I could run a marathon by august, but you enter in half marathons or just 10 or 5k's. I've never been in a footrace before, and it might be interesting to try.

I was thinking about my rampant paranoia about a certain Girlfrien of mine's Father whom I am Terrified of, and I wondered if that was why I like CSI so much. Perhaps I just create these crazy senerios in my head involving plots against my life, and CSI is a breeding ground for my morbid imagination.

I saw a later episode CSI and apparently Sarah Sidal (sui-cidal, her name is too punny if you ask me) and Gil have some romantic interlude...I am quite curious to see those episodes, as I've often thought of Lead CSI man as more an Asexual creature.

Speaking of sex, I realized how dirty I truly am the other day. They find a body, with whip marks down her back, some old some fresh. They speculate that its from "being tortured before death" where as I immediately thought " Oh I bet she's just kinky". Sure enough, the victim was a Domme in a Fetish Club establishment. It was a fun episode.

I'm starting to realize that my humour is entirely out of place among my fellow officers. Everytime I make a half lewd comment, they look at me with disdain. For example, there's a bar in Winnipeg called "Tia-wana-s"[sic], and it has a rep for letting in underage girls.
So when I asked "whats a good bar to go to",
they said, "don't go to 'tia-wana-s', unless you want to date a 16 year old"
To which I immediately replied "Why not, get'em young enough and you can train them",
The girl sitting across form me says "I can't believe you just said that, you're single arn't you".

I said something about "it just being a joke", but they remained unconvinced. Stating "you still said it". I thought it was funny, and they immediately thought I was a pedophile or something.
I half wanted to mention that I dated a teenager just this winter or teenagers make the best dates. You know, live down to their expectations, but I fear they wouldn't find that funny either.

you guys spoiled me into thinking that my pervie thoughts were not only acceptable but funny as well. It will be tough going to censor myself. Maybe I can bring them around? Have some sort of an Intervention or something?

Any ideas on how I can corrupt my peers? Corrupting one person is hard enough, but over a dozen? It is a daunting task indeed.

Friday, May 27, 2005


Frogive me father for I have sinned.

Are you comfortable?

This might take a while...

Kidding, I'm not going to tally off my Sins and transgressions, I don't have time or the inclination.

Another day of rain, but today I had my flight jacket, so I wasn't frozen and wet when I got to work today, yay!

I met another girl I knew at basic, only I can't remember a thing about her. I know she was in my platoon, I vaguely recall she had a soft drill voice, the rest is blank. How can you completely forget someone after 4 years? I guess when you're as old as I am, stuff that happened in your youth get clouded.

Where's my cane? Damn Teenagers.

Found out something interesting, every Friday the Nav kids have a Texas Hold'em poker night. They had a full table tonight, but I'm going to ask if I can be on the next one. The buy in is only 10 dollars, so that's good for my wallet. Being NAv's however mean they have a lot of spare time on their hands, so maybe they practice alot...Im not sure.

Erin and myself love Badmington, so I want to play when I get in town. Erin tells me she's gotten a few games together already, which sounds fantastic. I know Carol likes hitting the ole' shuttlecock, I'm not sure about the rest of you though, any takers? You wouldn't think its much of a workout, but if you are very bad at it, you run around a lot, and then it becomes Quite the workout.

Sunday I was thinking of a Last night dinner thing again, maybe BPs again, or we could go someone new. We could go to Fiores, they serve excellent meals and it doesn't charge a whole lot (which is nice).

Hopefully the weather is nice and we can have a picnic, I would REALLY love a picnic. I had to bail on the last one, and it would be super neat to make up for it. I couldn't cook anything mind you, but I could purchase beverages.

Thursday, May 26, 2005


Another Day another Blog

Less than two weeks now and I'm gonna be home!

I have to tell you another funny military story. This is a story about A little Officer Cadet's promotion.

One day Officer Cadet(Ocdt) found out that he was graduating, and would be promoted when he graduated. Officer Cadet(Ocdt) was very happy. So Ocdt graduated and moved off to a far and distant land, for simplicity sake, we'll call it Winnipeg. All of Ocdt's paperwork, however, stayed in Edmonton (the names have been changed to protect the not so innocent). Ocdt wasn't upset he believed in the system, so he waited, and waited, and waited. Two weeks pass. He checked and documents had arrived! YAY, he could get promoted now.

But no, Ocdt COULDN'T get promoted. His paperwork was being shipped all across the base, back and forth, he could not find it. First he checked with 17 wing Orderly Room (17 wg OR) and said they had sent it to 1 CAD OR, so he went there. then he checked with 1 CAD OR and they said they didn't have it, A1 training had it, so he went there. At A1 trg, they said Yes they did have it. YAAAY, finally he had found his Documents and he could be promoted. They added quickly, they had the documents "unoffically". Ocdt was confused, but listened and tried to understand. Ocdt, while recently graduated from a good university, wasn't quite smart enough to understand military paperwork.

But no, Ocdt still Couldn't be promoted. A1 trg was going to send Ocdt's documents BACK to 17 wg OR (where he started) and then 17 wg OR would stamp the documents and send it back to A1 trg. THEN after it was stamped and sent back to A1 trg and then Ocdt could get a "FAN number" and THEN, ONLY THEN, could Ocdt be promoted. Ocdt wondered why 17 wg didn't stamp the documents when they had them the first time, or why A1 trg couldn't just stamp it themselves? Ocdt knew, instinctively, that these questions were not only foolish, but probably bordered on herecy.

So Ocdt, being a good and productive Cog, went back to work. He was sad he could not be promoted, but A1 trg told him it wouldn't be long now. Ocdt feared asking if "not too long" was in days, months, or years, he figured he was better off not asking.

I hope you enjoyed the story, Did I mention that 17 wg OR is in ANOTHER building, on the other side of the base? That's what makes this story fun, the walking in the rain for no damned reason. Didn't I mention it was raining? hmm, I guess I just figured you'd assume it was raining, as its ALWAYS raining here or cloudy or windy or hailing. We got hail today, thankfully I was inside at the time.

I got my CMTT stuff develired to my Barrack building, I have a jacket now. Murphey's law dictates that it will be sunny now, thank goodness. I didn't find my Gloves though, they are important because when you go flying, even its 40 degrees outside, you have to wear your gloves. Oh well, when I get promoted, which I figure will happen sometime in coming months, I will be able to afford a new pair of issued gloves.

I got another fun task today, this was the task
He gave me a copy of a document that was also on word. He told me they weren't the same. He said that I had to "meld" them together and make them the same. Like some manner of Super document, better than either of the documents were originally. Nietzschean overtones (or should I say Ubertones?) aside, it was a daunting prospect. Turns out one document had Annex's that were just "examples of what an annex would look like", Things were added as just "filler until it was figured out what should go there". While I am a happy cog, eager to help the cause for greater good, when it comes to SAR mission planning you know as much as I do. I had no way of figuring out which was the good stuff and which was the bad stuff. In the end I highlighted everything I changed and prayed that knowing how to pilot straight and level didn't have anything to do with Rescue planning (it didn't).

When I signed up, I wanted to fly a plane, now I fly a desk.

Oh and Erin has informed me she can pick me up at 5:30 on Tuesday the 7th. She also invited anyone who would like to come along and welcome the returning hero.

If I'm promoted by then (unlikely but you never know) I will be a 2nd lieutenant, or you can call me a "too-Elle-Tee" or just "Left-tenant".

You can also call me "Sir", which I enjoy most of all.

Wednesday, May 25, 2005


On Paperwork and Porn

I knew that would get your attention.
I have good news, I am getting really good at shifting through the Shittastic search engine thats on the DIN (military internet).

I have found the forms that will let me fly, and can pay me back like $5000, can you say bling bling?
I have my degree completion form, in hand, and I got tomorrow morning off, I can finally get my supply stuff.

Its all coming together.

I read I think 7 daily newspapers today, I had a highly uneventful morning. I realized across the country, people talk about the same dumb things. I was highly bored after the 3rd or 4th paper, but I kept reading, I had time.

I bought new fancy badges! I am now a member of 1 CAD/CANR HQ( one Canadian Air Division/ Canadian Norad Region Headquaters) Doesn't that sound fancy? I have a name tag that lets me "buzz" in. I feel so entirely special, I am a Happy cog indeed.

My Shop boss, one Lcol Goodman, is starting to task me with things. Event type things, like a golf outing. I know nothing of golf. I spent some time getting some contact numbers of people who know golf, I was happy. My tasking is a going away shin-dig for the three people in our Shop who are retiring(1),transfering(1) and being posted elsewhere (1). It'l have to be done for sometime in June (around the 17th or the 24th, don't worry I will be Indisposed on the 10th). Its exciting and annoying at the sametime. I like paperwork, its better than talking to people. I can do spreadsheets/data entry/research/compling, but organizing an event? I wasn't on the grad comittee for a reason, and that reason remains.

Good news, I am going on a Trip in October, doesn't that sound exciting? Its for St Jean, for 8 weeks. Im doing "officer development courses", which is code for "people with a high rank have useless degree in these areas and now you have to suffer what they learned".

I will be learning Military History (not so bad), Canadian History (boring as toast), and Politics and Military interactions (something like that, I fear it). There's also a Law and something else in there too. Basically imagine school, instead of 12 weeks, we do it in 8, weeee. this is what I'm trained to do right? Process useless knowledge and make it coherent for one shining morning (or afternoon depending on when the exam is) and then TOTAL MEMORY WIPE.

Cram and Flush, you like, I like, its a good system.

BUT, good news is, one Lcol Goodman wants me to go on other trips. Trips on military aircraft, all over the place. That might be fun, infact it will be. SAR is actually really interesting and challenging, Im just at the paperwork side of it. You know in cop shows when they complain about "how much paperwork they have to do". that's what we do, minus shooting the bad guys. Its the worst of both worlds.

Joke around the office: "If a judge ever offers you a choice between the military and jail, choose jail, more career oportunities". I always chuckle when I hear it.

So no Takers yet on the offering to drive my but back up to Edmonton? Well that's okay, I'll sweet talk someone into it. Oh that reminds me, during my conversation with Carol last night she mentioned "planned activities".

What do you guys have in mind? Try a 5 day party instead of a 4 day one? I'm up for it if you are!

Tuesday, May 24, 2005


Home James, er...J?

Yes that's right, I'm coming back to Edmonton, you should all be cheering.

here is my itinerary

Tue 07Jun05 flt 773 WINNIPEG 4:30pm EDMONTON 5:30pm

Mon 13Jun05 flt 696 EDMONTON 6:30am WINNIPEG 9:18am

Thats right, I am staying till Monday, even though Im technically not really allowed to. I asked Captain Tom (no, he's not a major, though it would be funny), and he said it was okay for me to show up late on monday.

Weee, it wasn't too expensive either, 388 so Im happy. WEEEE. Im coming home.

On the CSI front, just watched an episode with Catherine kissing Eddie. My only comment: Tisk Tisk.

On the Work out front, I ran 3 miles, weee. First week, I ran one, 2nd I ran 2, now Im at three. It may not seem like a lot, but for a tubby post-undergrad student like myself, it was quite the achievement. I weighed myself, even though I didn't want to, I'm 80kgs (or just shy of 80), that means Im over 175 pounds. I knew I was overweight, I had no idea I was THAT overweight. Oh well, running will continue till tummy disappears.

On the Home front, Im coming home, any who would like to pick me up at the airport at 5:30 On tuesday would be my bestestest friend, atleast for the car ride home. I could regail with my non-adventure and the exciting adventures of sifting through SARSUMs to correct mistakes made by officers 3 or 4 pay grades above me! (yay!)

On the Misc Front: I still have a phone, I have even been called on said phone, how exciting. Some kid got lit on fire here in Winnipeg, apparently this is a rough city, a boring and rough city, I had no idea the two could go together. Apparentl "We's all be ghetto and shit yo", atleast I think thats what the old lady was saying, I was too busy running away from her as she was waving around a "milli9".
(beginning=true, End=false, for all those paying attention)

I saw Miss Camm yesterday, and I looked her in the eye, she looked displeased, but she was with a guy, Im sure she was cheered up in short order.

um... I love lamp, and I will see you all on tuesday 7th.

Sunday, May 22, 2005


I now have a cell phone

you wanna know my number? It would be super if you guys called, I have it set to vibrate.

204-996-2352. There, now you know.

so if you are ever in Winnipeg and find yourself at the Front gates and you are desperately asking for "J, you know, the pilot, the one who flies" you can instead, just phone me.

I could mee you somewhere, so...polo park, I know where that is. I am vaguely aware that I'm next to the Winnipeg airport, I could no doubt find a map as well.

Hmmm so I have watch approximately 23+3 CSI epsisodes in that last two weeks. I has been Glorious, I have much enjoyed it. The three are 2 miami and 1 New York, both of which are quite sucky.

They have some pretty weird plots I will tell you, they had a mom kill her own daughter last night. why you might ask? because "that little slut" was trying to steal her boyfriend...can you imagine. The funny part was, I almost believed it could happen, there are so big ol' loons out there, and I am one of them. I find myself at the Chapters again and I like it. I enjoy being in a place filled with books. I love being able to read again, its fanatastic. I'm not reading classics or anything purely pulp sci fi, but its GOOD pulp and that's what counts.

Oh that reminds me, its really cheesy how often Grissom quotes Shakespere. One of the characters is named Worrick (spelling?) so one episode Grissom goes

"alas poor worrick" A play on words from Hamlet, the skull scene. I guess they try to give Gil a sense of being educated and smart, I just think its Cheesy. Its good cheese though, and that makes all the difference.

hmmm after my first meeting with the large gentlemen with arms the size of my head, I have no seen him again. Perhaps I just imagined him? Perhaps he is in the bussiness of hunting down small children now for his supper? I can only speculate. But today is Sunday, and it is my day of rest, and it is good. I enjoy having a day to just sit around and do nothing...it differs only slightly from every other day, subtle but there is a difference, I swear.
"If you're already doing nothing, how do you know you're taking a break?" I love the Kit kat commercials. I wish I could be that zen, but I'm pretty sure getting there involves a few substances that havn't been decrimilized yet.

So I will have to achieve Zen in other ways, how I'm not sure, but there must be other ways. I could start "ohmmmmmm"ing, but I fear it might annoy my fellow Barrack block residents into a muderous rage to which they would drag me, bodily, from my room and beat me to death with the wet end of my own arms.

Perhaps I have been watching CSI too much? Or maybe not enough?
time will tell.

Now that I have my phone I have named it Bruce. Why I have named it bruce could only make sense to my friend who read too many comics, I will let you speculate.

and and bobbi, I don't know the anagram for Axl Rose. I guess sex RoAl

Friday, May 20, 2005


A Civi Guide to Military speak

you may not know it but we military folk have a special subtle way of talking.
We are, by law, not allowed to do a great many things.

BUT, you can get around it. Think of South park when the hunters say "its coming right for us" when hes hunting, you say one thing but are doing another.

Major Zimmer (no Im not making that up) comes up to me around 11:30 today and says
"Hey Jayson do you have anything to do today"
My response "yes, I have some admin"
His response "well you better go do that"
He and I both knew I had a stack of folders to process and file. Infact I had just handed him about a foot of papers stacked that was his area of expertise (CH 149- our NEW NEW (like two years old Search and Rescue Choppers), I had hours of work left to do. Some of it with him directly involved
When I handed him that stack he said "That looks like a great tuesday job". When he said Tuesday, this automatically means he has released me for the rest of the day.

Did he ask me what Admin I had to do?No
Does it take an entire afternoon to do Admin of any kind? Not usually.
Did I once say "hey can I have the afternoon off"? no

I have not once been told at my new place that I was released from duty, it's always implied. That way, if I get in trouble for leaving early, my Boss(s) can't be held responible. Its CYA (cover your ass) and the airforce excels at it.

Another little trick the airforce has is called "Min Manning". Meaning only esential personal need stick around. Essential usually means people will die if you are not doing your job (aka the SAR boys on 30 minute standby, if they arn't at work on time, people die). I'm a paper pusher, infact Im a paper pusher's lacky. There isn't anything that gets done, that I do, that's remotely "essential". Min manning is a General's code for "damn boys, it sure is a nice day for golf, I'm leaving, so you can to"

It is a nice day btw, and there were lots of white hairs out playing Golf when I left the office at 11:45.

On the other hand, I have never EVER left my "post" without consent. I can't just leave, I have to be told (in the ever so subtle way I get told to leave, one time Major Mike waved at me, it meant I could leave). that's why I wasn't home yesterday till after 4:30, we had stuff to do and it needed getting done that day.

So sometime you have 3 hour days and others you have 10 hour days (or 16 or 18 or 20, if things are bad enough) it all evens out at the end.

Another good line is "have you done your PT yet today?" - Orders say every CF member must exercise for an hour (includes travel and shower times) every day. If it just so happens that you "excerise" at 3:30 every day, well that's just a conincidence.

Its a good system, a fun system, it ususally means I have an easy time of it. they are teaching me more Staff work stuff, which is scary. The more Staff work you do, the better you are it, the more work they assign you. Sadly if you screw it up, especially if you do it on purpose, you get...reprimanded in rather unpleasent ways. Its amazing how much you can punish someone and still be well within the Geneva Convention.

Its the long weekend, but I will try to get on at Chapters if I can. The working out goes okay, even though I wake up So freaking sore in the morning. don't expect any dramatic changes when I get back, the first two weeks has mostly been getting back into excersing. The belly remains, for now! It's days, happily, are numbered!

Wednesday, May 18, 2005


The Tome

So I finished off that Damned SAR manual this morning. I felt good. Sadly though, Lcol Goodman (he's a good man not like Good, Good's bad) gave me a stack of papers and folders two feet high.

I am tasked to "figure out what's there", about as vague as you can get. I can pile them in any way that makes sense and ask Major Mike about anything I don't understand. Naturally Mike had left for a Doctor's appointment. You see my quandry. In 2 hours I got through about 40% of the stack. There was an unopened letter addressed to one Mr Smith in there. I didn't open it, as you know, its a federal offense.

Wouldn't want to upset the feds.

The base is crawling in Foreigners we have a contingent of Kiwis (New Zealanders)and Aussies (Asutrialians). They hate eachother, but no Mess Brawls yet. Apparently the Kiwis say the Aussies are the Yank's (americans) Lap dog, so the Kiwi airforce doesn't play with the Aussie one as much anyone.

Why do you care? You don't, I just think female readers would like to know that there are over a 12 single Aussie and Kiwis, who are just waiting to be oogled due to their "Sexy accent". Nice fellows too, all of them are Navigators (Winnipeg is the Nav school for Canada and apparently the commonwealth), but I wouldn't hold it against'em.

Hopefully this is more incentive for you guys to come down and take a gander at the local wildlife (that's a military term for attractive members of your perfered gender, arn't we clever?)

Bah I have to go, not that I have much more to say, but I hate feeling rushed, it disrupts good digestion (mental or physcial). I keep getting asked what on earth a Genetics Degree will give me, I tell them "nothing, its a degree, you do a little reading and they give you a degree".

Those who have taken my Degree know, just how much "a little is".

Tuesday, May 17, 2005


Miami: The Suck

After watching my CSI for two hours, I watched an episode of Miami.
After discussing with Erin certain lacking atributes to the case, I have reached the conclusion that Horatio is a faery.

Not a poofter mind you, but a god damned faery. He flits about with seemingly omniscient knowledge, he is no grissom.
Not even by a long shot, I bet Gil has like 40 pounds on that guy.

I also worked out at the gym last night, as the insects are descending upon the "metropolis" of Winnipeg. The only problem is, theres a 6'6" (atleast) 400 pound behemoth there. His arms are bigger than my head. He scares me, I can only imagine how much that guy can curl...its daunting. He didn't snicker when I chose my barbell weight, though he might not have been able to see me, what being so far away (the weights are aligned on the wall, small weights one end, larger weights on the other end).
With him being so tall, I could not even run away if he did decide to eat me. My only hope? Him Choking on one of my longer bones, say my femur. That would show him.

I'm starting to do spreadsheet work, AKA bitch work Major Mike is tasked to do by his superiors that he gives to me. One time Lcol Goodman was in the process of handing him an email and he just handed it to me. "this is yours". I didn't feel it was a good idea to tell him it was Clearly address to one Maj M.C Atkins, so I went to my desk and did it up. I created an excel program and finished in 5 minutes, I was quite proud of myself. Until Major mike thought Central was -6 instead of -5, he didn't(couldnt?) believe I had done it right, and would only take Capt Mulholland's words as good.

Maj mike is okay though, he's actually really awesome, he teaches me everything nice and so and has yet to even remotely raise his voice with me.

Ofcourse this scares the beejeebees out of me, for when I do get him upset, it will be astronomical. Officers are like that, fear the quiet ones more than the loud ones.

OhThe conservatives are down one MP and liberals are up One, my area was literally ABUZZ. Its kinda neat since we all come from different areas of the country we all have different opinions.

None of this states said opinions, so I'm still okay.

It's getting to be 1630 so I have to go, ta ta

Monday, May 16, 2005


Pretty Please With Alcoholic Cherries On Top?

PLEEEEASE? I'll totally let you leer at all pilots wondering about. there's 100's of em here I would imagine. Kiwis and Aussies too, and who doesn't like an Accent?
Come on, I wanna get drunk off Cake. Really, who can say they got smammered off of pastry?

Moving on. I have NO idea that men's underclothes cost so much. Whem Kim and co take me underwear shopping, its always like 3 for 15. I didn't even got ONE for 15. I guess I should wait for the deals to happen, that or start shopping at La Senza.

I picture Carol now putting her head in her hands and wondering where she went wrong. It's okay sweetie, I'm not gay, honest.

So I couldn't find at CSI last night so I was forced to watch CSI: Miami. I liken it to being addicted to smoking. When you are addicted you develop a love for a particular brand. If you, however, run out of your favorite source of nicotine, you invariably go elsewhere. Sure the other tobacca tastes like Bull dukey but you still smoke it because you have a habit.

this is why I watched CSI: Miami all the way through. What a HORRIBLE show, its over-acted and the plot is extra thin. I don't know why I like Original so much better but I think That Horatio guy is the start to it. Its like 35 degrees outside and he's in a black suit, I don't think so, especially since he's a red head. it was a cheap fix but atleast today I get my two CSI episodes back to back, I'll be tweaking it up OLD SCHOOL.

I'm starting to wonder if I have a highly addictable personality, if only I could get addicted to winning the lottery, that would be keen.

So I've met a few people from my 2nd summer in St Jean. Only I havn't really talked to them, mostly because I was Fucking Insane that 2nd summer. They see me as I acted, a real nut job. I lashed out at the French teacher, brooded, yelled at everyone, didn't talk for over 24 hours (even when the teachers asked me a direct question). I did all sorts of crazy things. Now that I'm better, I guess Im a little hesitant to start talking to them again. The only thing I hate more than when people judge me, its when they have a good reason to judge me. There are quite a few people who think Im a friggin' loon in this here airforce, and maybe they're right, I don't know.

the one girl Miss Whitney Camm, her Daddy's a major, Im not sure where, but he had to be influential(Sic). That girl got special privledges all the time. You ever see "the General's Daughter"? If you havn't, the Daughter in question a total slut. I'm not saying Miss little angel herself would drop at the site of a motorbike, but let's just say she has scrapes on her knees shall we?

I'm judging, I guess its a two-way street.

I'll prolly strike up a conversation with her tomorrow at lunch, see who she's been up to.

Didn't get out of the office (hehehe, the office who the hell am I kidding?) till after 3:00, so still no jacket. Good news, its actually not too bad out. No where near what you would call warm, but its getting better. Operation: Find the Sun, has met with some success.

Sunday, May 15, 2005


On Being Cold.

Let us set the record straight. I will never ever know how it is Carol is cold ALL THE TIME.

I am talking about 6 degree weather with a big wind, sometimes there is also rain (which actually makes it warmer...believe it or not).

Regardless, 5 minutes inside a building and I am fine again. Its a good thing. I can only imagine carol falling over, half way, literally frozen solid. We could put her in a musuem and sell tickets. We wouldn't even have keep the temperture down, shes cold even at 20 degrees.

Okay, Im done poking fun.

Off to other things that are not weather. I've started running again, and golly gee am I sore. I can hardly walk. Marathon runned around the world will tell you that if you can walk though...you can run! So I will keep trying to get myself in shape even though it feels like my legs are on fire. This happens everytime I start getting back in shape though, my mind remembers being able to run far, and thus will try to go far. Damn atrophy, damn it to hell!

What else, oh! CSI, like 4 hours on fridays, it was awesome. I am so addicted to this show, it's insane. On a similar note, I caught Grisham (spelling?) in a mistake! I felt like such a proud nerd. Apparently he is supposed to be an entamologist, a study of Insects. Something near and dear to my heart (why everyone HATES flies now-a-days I will never know, but I digress). This punk kid has this "spider bite" and he shows Mr CSI himself and do you know what Grimsham says?
"Son that is no insect bite"-I was SHOCKED, surely even a pimply faced grad student knows that Spiders ARE NOT insects. Insects have 6 legs where spiders have 8, my word can you imagine my suprize.

Im starting to think CSI isn't as real as they'd like to make us believe. Next they will tell me there wasn't a civil war a long time ago and in a Galaxy far far away. My reality is crumbling about my ears.

Hmm so running and CSI, I kid you not that is currently my Entire Life. Its glorious, I sit around all day and sometimes I decide to hurt myself by running.

My neighbour down the hall is getting married in July, he met his Honey at Basic 2 and they've been dating ever since. Its a sweet deal when you marry inside the military. I could go into details but needless to say; CHA-CHING. Its a wonder we have money to buy any toys, I'm sure it cost a fortune to payroll all these extra costs. Look at me they have to spend 14,000 (soon to be 30,000+) just so I can hang around, look pretty. Models make a lot more to look pretty, true, but they are also naturally a lot prettier than I. Its a sliding scale.

Saw a Harvard II (the next airframe I am going to fly) parked on the Apron (kinda like an Airplane parking lot) and I breathed a heavy sigh. I reminded myself that I would get to fly her, eventually. I waved to her and told her it would be okay, I would be there in a bit and that I would make everything better. You gotta smooth talk your aircraft, you gotta look after her. If you look after your airframe, she will look after you. I curses my truck everyday, but I would never EVER speak an ill word to my A/c.

Like on Southpark when Chef is explaining how to play football.

I'm at a Chapters, which means the internet place on base is closed the entire weekend. Just like clothing stores is closed at 1pm on a Friday, that's right boys and girls, I still do not have my jacket. Its becoming a bit of a run on joke, with yours truly as the ever-present punchline.

Hmm my little "time remaining" thingy stopped running, how unfortunate for the nameless corporation wishing to seperate me from my money. I am now a Time Pirate, traveling about the 'Net in search of Ill-gotten booty.


Friday, May 13, 2005


Hi Ho Its Half day off again I go

That's right ladies and Ghents, I got the afternoon off again. Ah tis a sweet thing to have a completely usefull function waiting for something ENTIRELY useful to do.

I like being a pilot, I hate not flying. Same way with a bird I guess, you clip its wings and it gets very sad. Well Im not sad, just annoyed. If they didn't want me to fly why in GODs name did they take me on? It wasn't my paperwork abilities, or my penmenship.

Maybe they just like torturing the new guys, makin'em sweat a bit before letting them go on FUN FUN So Stressful you wish you'd become a baker courses!

I can't wait. GOOD NEWS THOUGH, they might have to put me on a french course. That means I would get instruction here OR theyd ship me to ST JEAN Quebec and I stay there for a year.
If you've never been to St Jean, imagine a hell, imagine a hell with nothing but people who speak french. I shudder to think about going back there, I don't wanna.
I sure as hell don't want to move MORE east, I'm east enough as it is. Sure the winter's suck here, but that's okay. Major Mike told me I should look into my options, cause they could send me on the French course AFTER I pass moosejaw. That's kinda like being shot by the Queen after she gave you the Victoria Cross. St Jean is not a Reward! St Jean is where you tell your kid you'll send him to if he isn't good. So annoyed, but there is HOPE. I can stay here and do French training classes...there seem to be Dozens of french speaking officers here...I have no idea. Here is hoping.

Hmmm what else. Father mine is good and doing better and wants to buy me a cellphone, which is nice. I don't know how he can afford it, but its nice. He figures he can get a deal or something, I doubt it, but lord knows I've been wrong before (Can anyone say reproductive colon?).

Today hopefully I will get my jacket from CMTT, that or I can get something from supply...or something. Its never nice here, its always windy, or wet, or cold. Sometimes all of the above. Everyone I talk to tells me they would take a pay cut to leave this place. It makes me happy I got stationed here...yup that's exactly the word for it, happy.

Carol told me I rant a lot on here, and maybe I do. I will therefore cut this one short. Have a good weekend, I don't know if this place is open on weekends, so you might hear from me and you might not.


Thursday, May 12, 2005


If I'm on Base where's the Acid?

I know
I'm a big geek, I do however have a PO box!

You can mail me at

Gordy JW
Suite 91

I have The razors and what not, so no need to send me that. At my work they have coffee...lots and lots of Coffee. Im a base filled with Coffee Junkies, staff Officers who will struggle and writhe whilst they type away on their useless (and endless reports). If I ever get stationed for a Staff job in Winnipeg...well hopefully I will be OLD OLD by then (say like 39 or something) as opposed to just OLD like I am now.

What I need now is something to do. I am currently Reading a TOME. Its the Manual on SAR...its a big manual...wait have I already talked about this? No I don't think so, I didn't blog yesterday.

Anyway, there's this HUGE book. My Boss Major Mike says for me to read it. I implore if there's any particular section he would like for me to read. His reply, "all of it." Im on Chapter 6 of ten after about 14 hours of reading. I skipped half of Chapter 3, but he said I wouldn't be quized, thank goodness. thankfully the book is starting to repeat itself, so it doesn't read like Martian as often anymore. If you guys ever drown though, SAR will only help you if the Feds say it's okay. Now you know.

Moving on, I've actually met a few faces I recognise. A nice gentlemen who isn't a pilot and is currently doing ACTUAL work, instead of reading a mindless paperpusher wetdream epic. He tells me he even fixes thing, that would be fun, I am no good at fixing things but at this point I would do anything instead of Reading that God Forsaken book.

They tell me, perhaps to keep my morale up, that I can go places. Not just like Across town or anything but ACTUAL places. That Germany, London, Or Eureka. Eureka is actually the safest bet, and don't worry I would go in August (its daylight all day and all night) there would even be grass and living things about, I hear its nice. As well I can also go on SAR exercises, which means I could be a casuality or some other untrained position (like Ballast, a fancy word for weight in the aircraft).

I miss you all dearly, I want to go home. Winnipeg isn't home and it never will be. Had I left at the end of Third year, I wouldn't have been hurting as much. I REALLY enjoyed my 4th year though, I almost wanted to stay in school. Almost. Like I said my convocation should be a sure thing and if not I do have Major Mike's phonenumber so I can use Kim as a weapon, if need be.

In Case of Emergency, Break Glass and remove Kim.

I'm becoming addicted to CSI, it gobbles up two hours of my life every day. I love it, I love how spike has it on back to back. I also enjoy the discontinuity from the two episodes. One episode, Full Beard, and next CLEAN SHAVEN.

Its amazing. Do you have ANY idea how awesome it is to do nothing. Sure I read a mindless manual but in the long run.
No essays
No tests
and Two hours of CSI. Naturally, I could have been doing this at Edmonton, then my life would have been perfect. Good friend and an easy job. Word on the street says the DCO of 408 (the helicopter squadron in edmonton) didn't want any Untrained Pilots polluting his "pure" squadron, that we would only "dilute" the "strength" of his morally superior pilots.

I'm trying to connect the DCO to being Hitler. I'm doing this because I'm bitter. I wanna be home.

oh yes, the mall. I went to Polo Park. It was actually a Biggish mall after all. A Bay, Sears, and a Zellers. It even had one of them fancy water massuase thingers. Im not sure why they called it Polo Park, I doubt anyone in Winnipeg plays polo, and it certainly wasn't a park.

Oh and as a point of funniness, had I gone West instead of East on Sunday night, I would have been home within minutes. Turns out theres a max 2 blocks west of the base, oh how I feel foolish. Naturally though, whenever I am faced between A left and a right, I choose Left. I choose left because I am an unrescued mutant phenotype, and by God I am proud of it.

Oh and since I get up at 6:30 every morning and my boss doesnt care if I get in a bit late (as in after 8:00) I have been reading the paper. What an interesting set of events out on parilment hill. Ofcourse I have no offical comment, but I think Mr. Martin knows where he can go and exactly how to get there. Sadly though IF an election were to be called, I'm not sure it would go the way I unoffically want it to.

I have to be too vague on this subject, not that there's anychance the Gov't will ever read this...blah for following the rules like a good puppy.

On a different note I had the most interesting dream, no wait, you don't want to hear that either.

Hmmm seems I've written myself into a corner, try the veal, it's breathe taking.

Tuesday, May 10, 2005


Its 2a.m. to do you know where your Jumbo Jet is?

Did you know things sound louder at night? Did you also know that planes land in Winnipeg around the clock. I do now.

Its another really really cold day, and I have yet to aquire my Jacket. The boys and CMTT (think FedEx only in Green)tell me around Friday, I suspect I shan't need a jacket by then.

My hovel, as Kim so eloquently put it, is 128 dollars a month. That's fine, anyone could afford that. I think I pay about 2 dollars a square foot, not bad at all really. My food bill a month: $447. My jaw nearly hit the floor. After having eaten twice at the O mess, I can MOST assuredly tell you that food is not worth 447 a month.

My last blog got cut off, but I can't remember what all I put in there, so if I repeat myself, try to give me some slack. I have a NEW boss! Yesterday's boss was merely a transient boss, this new one is a keeper. His name is Major Atkins, guess what his first name is? That's right: Mike. So not only is my new boss have a higher rank, his name is the same as half the people I know back home. Funny enough, its the not the same half of people who like Capt'n Jack, but I think you already knew that. Anyway, I am to work in SAR, that means Search and Air Rescue. Sadly this means that I will be doing paperwork with SAR related things, I will never EVER leave the confines of 1 CAD (Canadian Air Division, aka Glass Palace). I suspect that when my promotion to 2lt goes through (the paperwork is currently lost somewhere between Borden and Edmonton, appoximately 2000 miles) that my responsibilities will also increase. I think I will no longer be OIC Xerox, but shall from henceforth be known as OIC gopher. You see the Glass palace isn't actually a palace but a warren. There are 100's of cubicles (none at right angles, as the buildding is more a V then a square) and as such to get anywhere you must already know where you are going. Think milwood for a beuracratic instituation. At the centre of this warren lay the Generals, or the Queen bees if you will, and as you radiate outwards, you achieve lower and lower ranks. because my boss's boss is a Lcol, we are pretty close to the centre. Its all very exciting.

Every other base, except Winnipeg mind you, has a general store. There is no general store here. There isn't a general store within a mile of this location either. I have to take a bus to get to what the lady called "a biggish mall", what that means in Manitoban has yet to be determined. Along the same lines, you Can Not use a dispoble razor twice. I have about 10 little cuts to prove this theory. I will have to take the bus to this mall, it was pouring rain yesterday and as such didn't go. Today is it cold and windy ( A marked improvement) so I shall, as they say, Sally Forth.

I have met, but not as yet talked to really, the other officer cadets/2lts on base, it was at the breakfast table. They are all fluent in french, upon finding that I was an english speaker, they switched to french immediately. I'm not really in the mood to make many friends right now anyway, I've just left a boat load of you back home. I'm still upset I had to go. I miss you all dearly, especially you.

My new boss, Mike, says that my going to convocation shouldnt be a problem. As he wasn't expecting me for a month anyway (the RMC folk are still marching about till the end of the month). So as long as I put in my leave form and aquire the funds to travel to and from Edmonton, weit should be right as rain. I'm sure you are all cheering for your "victorious" "hero" to return to from "the front", I know I am as well.

My pay is offically going to be 3012, but I suspect about 1/6 of that will be taken off because the gov't likes to tax its own money to it can have more. That means I should be getting about 2500 (though Capt'n Jack said I may be getting "a little bit more", he did not tell me if he was talking about money or the run around). This is good news, that would solve all my money problems. My paperwork is lost though, this is not good news. My credit card, I suspect, will be taking the brunt of my Traveling expendiatures, which I don't mind in the slightest. I know I will be getting the money (retroactive from the 2 may 05) so I don't have to hold my breathe till my face turns blue. On a side note, if you do passout, you won't die, you will continue breathing normally. No wait...I must spread disinformation...um...if you passout from holding your own breathe you will,um, no longer be able to perform your martial actions with anyone ever again, yes thats it.

As you may or may not know, my father is in the hospital. He went in for one thing, but he is staying in because of what happened Easter Sunday, happened on Mother's day. His heart likes to start beating at 190+ beats a minute, fun. I have not talked to my mom since sunday night, but I plan on calling when I get to "the biggish mall". He was doing fine when I left on Sunday, so I will assume it is Status Quo till otherwise informed.

I will be here for a year, that's right, I am stuck in Limbo for a year before Moose Jaw. At first I heard Moose Jaw was backed up, this is not the case. The courses AFTER moose jaw are backed up, and as such, moose jaw is taking about half as many people as it normally does. So I will be OIC Gopher for some time. This gives me time to reflect and enjoy Winnipeg, with my lack of car or funds to get said car. I could pace to and fro, or if I feel adventerous fro and to. I have already finished one book I brought, and am plowing through the second. I have one book after that and then I can watch TV! I have many channels, no remote, but many channels. I watched Jeopardy last night, I hate TV.

My project it would seem, will not be talking about my degree. When I tell them I have a degree in Molecular Genetics, they blink twice. It's rather amusing. True my degree has nothing to do with the field of Piloting, but then again Neither does Aeronautical Engineering. I would understand WHY I can fly, but I figure it wouldn't help me ACTUALLY fly the plane. I still maintain "magical wing faeries" is a perfectly acceptable reason for why aircraft can fly.

My new boss wishes I had a Computing Degree though, he wants me to do Data Entry, which I guess requires more training than a Mol Genet degree gives you.

That's enough for now, tomorrow, I get a Security Tag, with Picture ID and everything. I will be a happy and productive cog soon.

Monday, May 09, 2005



For the third time I am in this lovely province, when I arrive, it rains.

I do not know why it must rain (and be generally crappy out, no summer rain for this flyboy) but atleast I have a home. This home is building 63 room 335, oh yes its a quaint little apartment. I'm not sure it meets all the rules set out by the geneva convention, but Im sure it meets most of them.

I even have a lamp, its nice. To be fair they gave me towels, and the communal showers have concrete dividers, no soap on a rope for in this man's army. No sir. I'm not sure what I'm paying for my little piece of paradise, but I stayed in the "nice" place last night, it had its own bathroom (heretofore known as: The goode Olde Day)and it was significantly more expensive. I am still, nominally, an Officer Cadet, and as such, am poor. When I get promoted I may stay in my little mouse hole to save on money, I don't need much space, and I don't plan on staying at my dresser in the makeshift-closest place often.

When I woke up this morning, I didn't have any clue what to do, or where to go. I know a little more than what I knew then, I even have a meal card. They tell me that if the computer likes me alot I will get to eat supper. I feel empowered.

I work under one Captian Jacques. He has a french last name, but I enjoy calling him Captian Jack as much as anyone who enjoys Johnny Depp (as Im sure half of my readers do, thus my Boss will always been refered to as Capt Jack). Hes a friendly man, he gave me the afternoon off. That's military code for they havn't a clue what I could do. He mumbled something about a project, I see scissors and paste in my future.

I only wish I were joking.

It turns out my place of "work" is right next to the airport, infact I walk under the flightpath of the major runway that is the thriving metroplis of Weatherpeg, its nice. I walk to work and get to see 1000's of tonnes of steal hurtle towards me, no this is not sarcasm, I enjoy things that defy gravity. Extend that axiom as far as you like, I want you to.

Infact all of the base is cuddled around the airport, that means we all get to HEAR the planes landing all the time (even at nigh

Thursday, May 05, 2005


Happenings: Goings On

I leave on Sunday. It sounds so terrifyingly final, absolute, awful and wonderful mixed in for good measure.

My father is currently in the hospital again, for 5-10 days. They won't operate on him unless he is in the "life threatening stage", isn't that wonderful?

I keep telling myself he will be okay, but this is the third time he's been in the hospital in as many months. This is when knowledge is both a good thing and a bad thing. I know whats wrong with my dad, I can rationally think out the formation of a clot, and the breaking off of an old clot that could cause problems. I understand what celiacs disease is and what anemia is, and how heparin and warfarin work, respectively. I also know that there is no cure, only treatment of the disease.
I also know that celiacs is thought to have locus heterogenity and how losing your micro villi would cause mal absorption of gluton. All this useful knowledge gives me nothing, no sense of security.

Thus, I am filled with usefull useless knowledge and fear. I didn't want to admit to myself, but Im afraid.
My mom called my place last night but I was out. She called Chad's place looking for me. Chad relayed the message to me. Only she called after 9 at night, my mom is never up that late, let alone calling.

I had this ball of worry in the pit of my stomach when he said my mom called, I was afraid she would be giving me another someone's dead phone call.

when I found out my grand dad had passed on, via a lovely late night phone call...it took a lot out of me. If I were to get a phone call about my dad? I don't even want to think about it, and yet I can't stop.

My dad has been a lot of things, strict, demanding, but always loving. He made sure I would grow up strong and self reliant. He took me working with him as much as possible. He made sure I knew exactly what was in store for me if I didn't do well in school. He's always wanted to make sure I wasn't like him, he wanted me to achieve whatever my heart's desired.

Sure we argued, hell we still do, but there isn't a thing in this world he wouldn't give mem and has given me, and not think twice about it. That bastard had better smarten up and get healthy or so help me god I'll...

I keep telling myself he's too stubborn to die.

Tuesday, May 03, 2005


Feelings on the Front Line

Dearest Susanah,
The damn yankees are hitting us hard now that spring is upon us at the Dixie line. I do not know when I shall be back, but by God I will be back. As long as ol' Stonewall shows them bastards what for, I should be home before the harvest.

yours always

Seriously though, I am going on the sunday. We are supposed to be doing a sing thing tomorrow at the SMOKE FREE plant, so that's exciting. I don't know when I will be doing what, but I will try to check my messages twice a day. I'm having more landlady problems and its getting rather ridiculous, the lady was obviously dropped as a child.

Anywho I have a headcold and I'm gonna lay down. I will try to maintain my blog and tell you of all the crazy Winnipeg things that happen...

I may also talk about cheese and ham, so I can write more than once a month.
Carly is there anyway we can get emails about people updating? I know its annoying on the bigger forums/blogs but it would be handy for us once-in-a-while bloggers.

Sleep time.

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