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Sunday, August 28, 2005


I owe IKEA 900+

One "full" Mattress, one "full" bedframe, One dresser, One Night stand, One Tv table (also glass, to fit in with roomies decoré).

I still need, a stand up clothes rack thingy, but the ones at IKEA not stable enough to suit my purposes.

Wait...that sounds dirty...hmm...no we'll leave it as is.

Well off to Amazing Concert, but first, Sandwhichs.

Thursday, August 25, 2005


Gonna go huntin'

gonna kill somethin', don't care what it is.
Maybe a gopher,
Maybe a rabbit,
Maybe the neighbours kid!

Oh I love that little ditty. some 17 year old kid wants to be an Infantry Officer. It would be irresponsible to ask him "what in God's name is wrong with you boy? You got rocks on your head?", so I go through my spiel and send him on his way.

I doubt his marks are going to be high enough, apparently people think we're willing to give 80,000 dollar scholarships to people with c+ averages. I wonder if they go to universities and ask the same question. Probably, the world is filled with lower intelligent people...sad.

So I get to move into my new place this sunday. So I have HAVE to buy my bed this weekend. I simply must, and a nice little dresser, maybe an end table. I was thinking battleship grey, or a matte metallic colour, you know, mix it up a bit.

I can't wait to put my desk together, 48 inchs on a side, its glorious! I'm turning into little suzie homemaker, but I've always wanted a nice desk to go with my nice chair (or as I like to call it: The Command Chair, the high back reminds me of a Captians chair).

So the House warming party is Next Friday, the 2nd. You know We always through a good party, so show up. I will give directions to anyone who wants them, and as such will know if you're interested in our little shin dig.

We do have three bedrooms, so if anyone wants to be hired on as a live in maid/cook, please enquire within.

Monday, August 22, 2005



The condition or quality of being pure or chaste.

Virtuous character.

For some reason people think its a strippers name. I'm sure if she could, and you told her her name was meant for a pole dancer, Im sure she'd just smile and wink, perhaps even a little wiggle.

Good news, since I have an amazing pit crew on retainer (I owe you guys diner, seriously, pick any McDonalds, kidding) my baby doesn't have a massive dent anymore. Now she has a cute little dimple, which suits me just fine. I've been overjoyed at the fact I didn't have to go those greedy bastards any of my money, and I can now lavish my friends with wine and song (more wine, a whole lot less song).

Speaking of Song, my fabulous girlfriend (aka the other woman in my life) got me tickets to see Garbage! Can you freaking believe it, I had no idea there were tickets left. Its at Reds which means NO smoking (of anykind, hopefully) and a band that I have been in love with since grade school. Have I mentioned how awesome she is? She also took me out to diner the other night, to a very fancy place, and paid oodles for it. I like being wined and dined, but I hope she doesnt think she can ply me with presents and fancy meals to take advantage of me.

Im not that kinda boy, its diner AND a movie. ;)

Since the concert is this sunday, I will not be able to make it to the swat retreat. I promise to go to other safewalk events, but I will be able to make it to this one.

I'm moving into my new place soon, so I have to get a bed and stuff...so eventually I'll have to go to IKEA and actually buy something...or something. Where does one get stuff that isn't IKEA...there are other furniture stores right?

Thursday, August 18, 2005


Vive Le Revolution!

That's right, everywhere people are flocking to IKEA. The Sweedish Weapons Cartel has been sneaking in weapons hidden amongst all the fashionably affordable furniture for years. They have been distributing not only weapons but propaganda. Tales of a better life, a Sweedish life! They claim that with cheap breakfast and furniture ( Some assembly required), all your ails will be cured! Their target audience: impressionable educated young adults.

That's right, university students. IKEA, having armed students with left-wing utopian ideals, cheap furniture, assult weapons, and a full tummy, they have acquired themselves a militant army!

If only I had seen it sooner! I could have stopped these bastards! I suspect the Sweedish Invasion Army to be here any day, and they will have local support.

Oh yes, very local.

Monday, August 15, 2005


Its a Secret!

I'm not sure if Kim actually wasn't telling me something, or if she was just messing with my head.

Either way, she said "shhh don't tell him", and then buttoned up, the little skamp.

Waterpark was fun, and I met a few new people, and got to see some people in bathingsuits for the first time. Contrary to what Carly thinks, she looks just fine in one.

I felt best I have ever felt going to the waterpark. I can see results in my gym hitting, I am encouraged to continue. I am a happy cog.

Ditched on Poker and no doubt saved myself 20 dollars! Had to visit my own personal Hottie, who is far easier on the eyes than Chris/steve/kevin/ or Jorge.

See you all tomorrow, but don't tell anyone.

Friday, August 12, 2005


Hee Yaaw, I was in younder Back Country

You know the schools remote when you have to go on three different dirt roads to get there. Nice enough school, looks brandy new, the teachers look highly motivated.

They were mostly 14 and 15, some older councellors were there, and we talked to them a little. Not really much in the way of a success, but I'm starting to realize this was a slapped together event. The Sgt responisble for the NW portion of Alberta, just got back from "30 day break", so the WO probably was hedging his bets on whether Sgt Eady was going to make it back or not.

If any of that made sense, you're no doubt in the military already.

Mostly uneventful and I should make about 60 dollars more for having gone, not too bad considering all I had to do was stand about in a flightsuit. The children there were taking all the free stuff they could carry, we had to remind them that its "one per person, even if you give that first 'LED light keychain/whistle' to your 'friend' (lying little bastards)". Mostly good kids, it was a youth camp, kinda like a christian youth group for First Nation's people.

It was interesting to see them do morning prayer, I think it was in Cree, that was neat. They also talked about how "non-native" peoples tried to take away their traditions, which really is true. Ofcourse I felt really stand outish, what with not only being very white, but also being very Government. A lot of the camp was about Drugs and Alcohol abuse prevention, and sexual health, and maintaining healthy relationships with people.

One very retund man did a lip-sync of B.E.Ps "where's the love", I couldn't stop laughing, but the message was very clear. The kids there wanted to change their lives for the better, and that makes me happy. Society gives First Nation's people benefits sure, but what about respect? We don't respect them, and they often don't have respect for themselves. Is one causative of the other? I don't know, but I had a lot of hope for these kids. One had won an award for school, and was attending grade 11 after having honours 7-10. He had written a little speech, and this is a snippet from it.

"I do well in school because I want to achieve great things. I stay away from drugs and alcohol, because I know what it does to our people. I see them hitchiking back from the bar on a sunday morning, after having spent all their money in the bar"

Powerful words for a 16 year old. I'll never understand whats its like to be him, or having people who've never met me, loathe me and my entire culture. I wish them all the best, and hope First Nation peoples can acquire to the respect and prominence they deserve.

Wednesday, August 10, 2005


Yvan Eht Nioj!

Wow, I'm starting to realize I have a lot to learn about recruiting. There are some crazy people here, and I'm having trouble dealing with it. I could just tell them to Fuck Off, but you can't do that. You have to listen, and actually feign like you care/will do something about it. Blaine pointed out that I don't necessarily deal well with new information. Is it hard to fake sincerity? So I have lots of learn, and I have over a year to do it!


Happy 20th Birthday Caroline! I'm not sure you read this, but I figure I would remind everyone its her Bday.

Well we're getting ready to leave so off I go, sleep awaits.

Monday, August 08, 2005


I wonder if my Licence Plate will Survive

Some of you may not know this, but my brandy new car was violated. They took the licence plate right off her, defiled by their dirty little hands. I held her for a long while, soothing her pain, I let her know I was there for her. We got her a new licence plate, and I'm going to try and get special plastic bolts that are much more difficult to take off. I havn't named her yet, I'm sure she and I will come to some mutually agreed appellation.

I'm pretty close to 600 klicks right now, I am getting to know the city a lot better. Oh and Moxies is across from Superstore, not by it. The sign is obscured by BPs when travelling down on the left side of Calgary Trail, so four quick lanes of traffic later, I now will never forget where that particular establishment is.

Went to see Crash. I enjoyed the movie at all the wrong spots apparently. Its supposed to be an emotional rollercoaster, highlighting the obvious racist undertones that breed in America, and more specifically their sprawling megacities. I had to laugh though, mostly because everything was so belivable. Sure it was hyperbolized for dramatic effect, but by how much? Minority profiling is huge, both in affirmative action and the opposite: wide eyed racism. As a recruiter, I know how VITAL it is to make sure we have more minorities, more Aboriginals, and more women. Thankfully, unlike some of the US gov't systems, we will not sacrifice quality for minority. Right now about 1 in 8 military folk are women, according my Boss Boss (Chief of Defence Staff) that is much too low. Thankfully I do not make policy, and thus do not have to worry about such things. I follow the party line and remain, as ever, a happy cog.

We're currently looking for CF doctors, so if you have your BSc, you can sign up with us. I think you need uncoditional acceptance into a Med School before we give you money though. We also pay for residence...or something. The doctor stuff you have to do before you are a Doctor doctor.

I am trying to learn how to cook. I'm baffling my mom and Carol alike. Both in my interest and my complete ignorance in the Awesome World of the culinary arts. You know me, I love the arts, oh boy do I ever. So the weekends of August will be spent trying to aquire some basic knowledge in some key food prep areas. Making hamburger type meals, cooking a ham, maybe cutlets and what not. If I learn how to make Creamed Chicken, I could make "ku-lash-a" (note:phonetic spelling as its a ukrainian word and our alphabet is simply not up to the task of dealing with the Cryillic one) which is simply awesome. I doubt I will ever be a good cook, or even a fair cook, I will endevour to be a sustainable cook. I hate feeling unable to do something, so Cooking will be my next task to learn. This and learning to clean my car.

Friday, August 05, 2005


Sweet Zombie Jesus

It's Friday. So far the office has been quiet, which is exactly what I need. I went to a movie yesterday, Stealth. Its horrible, but the good kind of horrible. One of those campy, silly, predict the ending before it happens, goofy movie. As long as you can make snide comments throughout, its a fun time. Its not $14 dollars fun, but fun none the less. Mike, Steve, Caroline and I all went down to SEC, with Mike and Caroline differing on where I should turn. Considering I'm never that far south (unless Im driving to the airport and I take 91st, like the other sane people) I had to make a choice. As Mike drives more, I defaulted to his version of the truth. I'm not saying he was wrong, and I'm not saying he was right, but we did make it there. My parking skills still need work, but I'm stubborn enough to keep trying. They asked me if I had tested out my governor, I said I hadn't. A very good friend of mine, who will be teaching me how to clean my car, told me not to for the first little bit. Or was that something about Gas Milage...hmmm...oh goodness I've gotten myself confused again.

Its Summer time folks! Enjoy it! walk around, get out, work out, hangout. Do stuff! Have BBQs and what not. The next get together is the 16th right? its not a secert anymore, incase anyone is wondering. He already knows, heck he knew before I did. Mike and I are moving in at the start of the month, maybe we could have a little house warming party? A little alcohol, a little music, a little dancing, might be fun. I havn't discussed this with roomie yet, as he no doubt just assumed. there will be lots of room to walk around and mingle. Hell we might even have enough room to establish a Twister area. I'm not saying the house is big, but I'm not saying it isn't either. Anyway, an End of Summer party should occur regardless of where. Did I mention we have enough space for 4 vehicles? well we do, and that's not including the front street (though thats a residents only pass area...so park there at own risk)

The less I talk about tick contraceptives the better. My only question is, how do they make the pill so small for the tick to eat it? Does it come in different flavours? like Dog and Cat hair? I enjoy your lingo "Tara of the Gallins", its sounds like her homeland. I am Jayson of the Recruiters! too funny.

I can't take today off anyway, as I must stay in the office to watch the fort. So far, as stated above, its been quiet. Hopefully everyone who has time off will sleep and not come join the army. Well I wouldn't mind talking to a highly motivated individual, but 3 times out of 4 its usually just some stoned guy looking for a place to trip out in. I'm guessing its the fact our building is Big and Pink, I bet it attracts the stoners like moths to a flame.

"Dude...is that building is pink, or am I totally high?"
"Sweet, that was awesome stuff, it's pink for me too"
"Dude we have to go there...we have to go there and explore it"
"most definately, after you hit me again, and we get some munchies"
"holy shit that building is pink!"

Thursday, August 04, 2005


Compact Disks

AKa Cd's, I require some. As I am tooling around the greater metropolis of Edmonton, I like listening to Music. Not just any music mind you, good music. I am, however, leery of using mix CDs. I enjoy listening to albums more so than mix CDs. While I am not opposed to listening to these Mix Cds, I would rather find those albums that can atand alone. You know the ones where you can listen to the whole thing, and not have to skip any track, all songs passing judgement.

These are Rare mind you. I got my 500$ Graduate Refund so I am not as strapped for cash as I was about 24 hours ago. I want to put 400 on my Credit card, and the rest for spending money over the next two weeks. I would like to invest in a Cd of aforementioned status. That or direct burn CD, whichever is more available, or cheaper. Something about owning the actual CD gives me the warm fuzzies.

Doing more work stuff. Finally starting to imput things into the computer, and I am now OIC email response. That means my desk is at the public Gpnet computer, which means I can check my blog on Company time.

These are your Tax Dollars at Work :)

Wednesday, August 03, 2005


Le Gas

I filled up at Esso, hopefully this is the gas place Carly wanted me to go to. I could only remember that she wasn't keen on me getting PetroCan. It's not that I don't listen anymore, its just I don't have to remember anything anymore. I go about life forgeting one day after the next. Its kinda nice, not having to think. I fully look forward to letting my mind sink down into a pit of medicority. I've gazed out from the Zenith of Intellect long enough, its time to slum with the unwashed masses.

Oh and Carly, I got a recipt and I recorded my trip time. I thik it was 32.112 litres for 371.2 Km, give or take. I dont have the numbers with me, but I promise to keep a dilligent log.

Last night was the big 10 month, how exciting yes? Carol made me a Chicken "Quesadilla". I enquired how it was different from a Wrap, she said "its nothing like a wrap, its flat". (paraphrasing). So basically I figure Quesadilla means flat in spanish. In an effort to make things easier to spell, I will now call Quesadillas Flats. It was a good flat she made, with just the right amount of seasoning. I'm glad I have her in my life, and I feel lucky to have been the guy to get her heart amongst all other contenders.

I'm actually at work right now, working really hard I might add. Yup its busy here...atleast...two people come in this morning alone. Mondays and Fridays are usually busiest here. Everyone is out to save the world on a monday, and Fridays are people scrambling to get things before the weekend. The other three days are much more relaxed. So relaxed my boss went to golf. Thats right for the rest of the day its just three goon's in a suit (i.e 2LTs, Hopf,Harris, and Me). I love my job, hell I got 3 hours off in the morning to do Admin. I actually did do admin for two of those hours, so really I was only being 33% lazy, which is slimming.

After taking two weeks off from working out I worked out last night and on Monday. I am sore...all over. The problem with taking time off from weight training is that you pretty much have to start at the beginning again, highly annoying. With Car now purchased, and apartment aquired (104 and 125 st, I have a hedge...or have I mentioned that already...its weird to have a hedge...isnt it?) I will gleefully settle down into a nice routine. Its the military in me that loves the status quo. When you young'ins get back to school it'l be even easier, what with all that learnin' you have to do. I ain'ts gotsta learn no mo letters and mesa gowin be very 'appy 'bout that I reckon. So while you are working up a mental sweat, hopefully I will be working up an actual sweat. Isn't it funny how the universe balances these things out?

Well I better get back to work...not that I have anything to do...nope sure don't.

Monday, August 01, 2005


Civic Nation

Well I have my car, and its a monday. I'm driving my dad to the airport (at 6:25 mind you), BUT I will see how my little baby handles on the highway. I've already scared my mom and carol, that's in chronological order.

oh and FYI, they are changing all the parking signs around Campus to say "resident parking pass only". My guess is that we will have to create a subversive underground group that illegimately creates said passes. We could have an acronym like name, and perhaps serve coffee and cake on wednesdays. Just a thought, I'm just an honest guy looking for ways to scam the system. The next person who likes Campus parking services will be the first one.

What else, I've been booting around emonton, visiting my friends who live all the way on the north end. actually three times...and once more with parents truck, but that doesn't count. I've driven over 160k at this point and I am enjoying it, and I've been honked at twice already, for the same incident though.

Also went to see Yuk Yuk's, Edward Derek (Yes Carol this name drop was for you to be able to remember ;) ) was on and I was crying by the end. literally crying from laughter. Two weeks from now there will be Mike McDonald, he's just about the funniest stand-up comic on the cirquit right now, so I want to go see him. Tickets were 17 dollars for about 2 hours of fun fun fun. Some of you may not be able to afford an entire 17 dollars for fun and laughter, and I'm sorry to hear that. I'm sure you could afford that much money to see me though, right? The returning serviceman from the distant land of Winnipeg?



Okay, but please give me a call at 903-7433, if you are interested. If you are interesting to talk to, please call as well.

Also finally made it to New City, and I enjoyed myself. The music was fun, the people were gothy, and the atmosphere was "I just don't give a fuck what anyone thinks", and that's a nice feeling. We danced till two, and got one of the shyest (shiest? Most Shy? Shyii?) so ask not one, but three girls to dance and/or numbers. Funny thing was though, the first girl was married, he wasn't impressed with me. He informs me that he will "kill me with his bare hands", but thanked me for making his night fun in the same breathe. Shy people are interesting, and according to Carol, I am shy. I guess that means I'm interesting. You should call me, interesting people, and we could have a lovely chat.

Going on a picnic today, not sure where, but I intend to enjoy myself with my honey. That's Carol for all those not keeping track. Further,I deny all knowledge of this "Claire" person and no, I was not see with her at a seedy tarvern last week and no I do not have her name tattoo'd accross my posterior. I hope this "clarifies" the situation. (Oh I do love my puns).

Well, I must be off, food stuffs await.

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